Sentences with phrase «free church tradition»

In 1959 it was suggested that «there remain three principles of democratic procedure to which free church polity must give serious thought» — that is, free discussion, no exclusion from national office except on the basis of creed or ability, and legislation and policy - making executed in accord with methods of representative government (Authority and Power in the Free Church Tradition, by P. M. Harrison [Southern Illinois University Press, 1971], p. 162).
A definite advantage of the Free Church tradition is the possibility of selecting and adopting any of the post-Vatican II reforms.
In America, the Free Church tradition came to mean being free to order worship as one pleased, or, more accurately, as one felt it would work.
In this light, Volf is miffed that the World Council of Churches» widely circulated document Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry (1989) excluded the concerns and perspectives of the free church tradition.
While students of ecclesiology will recognize in these perspectives an unflagging congregationalism, Volf is sensitive to areas in which the free church tradition is especially vulnerable: the unity within the Christian communities; the bonds that connect one congregation to others; the accountability of congregations and clergy; and the ever - present threat to neglect or abandon the apostolic tradition.

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My background is Free Church and yet I find myself spending a great deal of time these days serving the Catholic and Anglican traditions.
To complicate the picture, we have to acknowledge that the Catholic Church today represents the largest single religious community in the United States, while American Catholics have absorbed the free - church traditions on the relation between the Church and politics, believing that a Church that is separate from the state better guarantees the moral foundation as a Church today represents the largest single religious community in the United States, while American Catholics have absorbed the free - church traditions on the relation between the Church and politics, believing that a Church that is separate from the state better guarantees the moral foundation as a church traditions on the relation between the Church and politics, believing that a Church that is separate from the state better guarantees the moral foundation as a Church and politics, believing that a Church that is separate from the state better guarantees the moral foundation as a Church that is separate from the state better guarantees the moral foundation as a whole.
Significant changes are also occurring on the liturgical left (Quakers, Pentecostals and, especially, the free - church tradition), but it is difficult to generalize about such disparate groups.
My present concern is the liturgical center: the Reformed churches, Presbyterians, United Methodists, United Church of Canada and portions of the free - church tradition (United Church of Christ and Christian Church [Disciples of Christ]Church of Canada and portions of the free - church tradition (United Church of Christ and Christian Church [Disciples of Christ]church tradition (United Church of Christ and Christian Church [Disciples of Christ]Church of Christ and Christian Church [Disciples of Christ]Church [Disciples of Christ]-RRB-.
It finds its appropriate organ not in a state, but in a Church, that is to say a society which is the embodiment of a purely spiritual tradition and which rests, not on material power, but on the free adhesion of the individual mind.
Indeed, the free - church tradition has, over the centuries, created the social space in which it is possible to be faithful while retaining intellectual integrity and socially engaged without...
The churches would continue in such a plan to have much diversity, but with freer passage back and forth for both ministers and members, a far higher consciousness of Christians representing traditions other than one's own, an arena for mutuality in mission.
Returning to the scene at First Church, Newton, we might note that the homily on suffering and hope is based on the lectionary and set in the flow of a classical liturgy with attendant paraments and garb, all departures from the informalities of First Church's free - church tradChurch, Newton, we might note that the homily on suffering and hope is based on the lectionary and set in the flow of a classical liturgy with attendant paraments and garb, all departures from the informalities of First Church's free - church tradChurch's free - church tradchurch tradition.
Otherwise, the churches of the Christian tradition will have nothing to say to religious seekers in a culture where people are free to believe anything they wish about God... and do.
Obviously, the Church is not free to disregard Scripture and tradition; and it retains divine guidance.
The document, whose main title reads «A Treasure in Earthen Vessels», asks about the tradition of faith through the times and within the koinonia, the fellowship of the churches — a question to be asked again and again facing ever - changing challenges.6 To speak about «earthen vessels» means, in a rather free but not unusual interpretation of II Cor 4:7.
Post-modern radicalism postulates that the individual, in order to exercise his right to choose, must be able to free himself from all normative frameworks — whether they be semantic (clear definitions), ontological (being, the given), political (sovereignty of the state), moral (transcendent norms), social (taboos, what is forbidden), cultural (traditions) or religious (dogma, doctrine of the Church).
While there are undoubtedly many Christians, especially those in the free - church tradition, who would implicitly agree with Locke's definition, the mainstream of the Christian tradition has viewed the Church as the covenant community of those who are called to belong to Jesus Christ, who is its savior andchurch tradition, who would implicitly agree with Locke's definition, the mainstream of the Christian tradition has viewed the Church as the covenant community of those who are called to belong to Jesus Christ, who is its savior andChurch as the covenant community of those who are called to belong to Jesus Christ, who is its savior and head.
In honor of the centenary of Leo XIII's encyclical, Pope John Paul II declared 1991 a Year of Church Social Teaching and issued a ground - breaking new encyclical, Centesimus Annus (The Hundredth Year), which represented a dramatic development in the encyclical tradition, promoting a just, fair and free economy.
Pope Benedict in his address to the English and Welsh bishops said recently, «It is the truth revealed through Scripture and Tradition and articulated by the Church's Magisterium that sets us free.
We do know that some in the early church were persuaded that Moses and the prophets should be left intact and Jesus added on, while others were equally adamant about cutting free from the tradition altogether.
11), free from pride and covetousness, discreet, responsible, trained in and loyal to the apostolic tradition, competent to teach, true officiants of the church's worship.
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