Sentences with phrase «free decision»

And, if every element of the universe has some ability to make free decisions, why couldn't cancer cells, properly persuaded, decide not to grow?
It is certainly not the case that teachers and administrators have been making evidence - free decisions for the past hundred years.
The job requires error - free decisions because one mistake could result in overdose or drug interactions.
Ogden mentions that the freedom of each creature «has definite limits ultimately grounded in God's own free decisions.
Man is unique among realities of the world, for he first exists and make free decisions before he can be defined.10
In our doctrine of God, even God's knowledge does not encompass all the specific aspects of future free decisions.
By couching choices in ambiguous, open - ended language and exploiting the fact that the spectator doesn't know what's coming — assuming they've never seen the trick before — the magician can gently control an apparently free decision from among numerous items.
To help you make a stress - free decision when shopping for your next car, we've included this 2018 Toyota Sequoia review right here on our site, making it a breeze to find the info you.
Moreover, a majority of the court criticized the USPTO's attempt to establish rules through Board decisions, namely the MasterImage and Idle Free decisions, rather than formal administrative rulemaking under the APA.
Such integrity can only be manifested in a temporal series of free decisions because we never confront the totality of those situations comprising our lives all at once.
What we make is not; it is the product of our free decision, and its destiny is ours to determine.
This was a free decision by an adult to give his life and take upon himself the consequence of sin to set you free.
It is not the result of the free will of creatures, as is normally the case with the begetting of a human person, but the result of God's own Will, His free decision to become one of us.
It is only because God utterly transcends history that his free decision to become a human being in time is also a decision of grace: «Far from implying a distance between the Word and the world, the Word's distinct manner of transcending the world implies a distinct manner of intimacy with the world.»
What was a possibility one moment becomes actual through the exercise of creative freedom, the free decision of a momentary experience as to how it constitutes itself.
Of such historical events we must also say that they ought not to have happened, but that they are nevertheless included in the history of salvation, and though we have to regard them also as free decisions, we can not positively imagine the alternative of what could, and ought to, have been but has not happened, namely the preservation of Christian unity combined with the necessary reform.
Socinus really believed in human freedom and argued that God can not know our free decisions eternally, for they are not eternally there to be known.
That God is the supremely and enduringly loving one is never in doubt; but that God's love is fulfilled and returned is, in some degree, dependent on the free decision of the creatures.
Perhaps the day before yesterday someone made a free decision, not settled in advance, which influenced yesterday in a manner different from the way it would have been influenced if the decision had not been made.
Yet God is the One who values and uses, because God incorporates into the divine life which is everlasting the good that takes place in the historical sequence; and God overrules or uses for good that which comes from the «vain imagination of foolish men» in their sin and defection — and, we may add, from anything else that is evil or wrong thanks to the free decisions made by the creatures in their divinely granted capacity to choose among relevant possibilities.
The first is impossible because creativity is a matter of grace, not of growth; the second is impossible because morality is a matter of free decision, and consequently not a matter of delivery and tradition.5
The revelation of the Word of God is a matter of the free decision of God, not a matter of bringing to the Bible the right kind of pre-understanding or the latest findings in form and redaction criticism.
Assumption of control by any one member of the group can have as a consequence the denial to others of the proper exercise of their capacity for free decision.
For if anybody had a sure knowledge of his future this very knowledge would either leave the space of his freedom still open and unknown, and would demand that he should take note of the situation of his freedom, or if the free decision were already included in the knowledge, this would be all the more a demand actually to make this decision.
They do this without the free decision of the individual, and thus this sphere of freedom does not remain empty, but contains a definite choice of objects from which man may choose in an always finite decision.
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