Sentences with phrase «free elections»

And then, amazingly, it held free elections almost immediately, launched a quite honorable government, and got Polish democracy off to a good start.
In 1965 the country declared its independence with the first free elections held in 1979.
Government leaders are chosen for their skill sets to perform the needed scientific analysis, rather than by free election.
It has now had nearly two decades of free elections.
None of them believes that there will be any more free elections after he returns and takes over the world, right?
With the army now in control of the country — and promising free elections — it remains to be seen how events will ultimately unfold.
Laura Poitras's film My Country, My Country (2006) documents the life of Riyadh al - Adhadh, a medical doctor who stood for the first free elections in Iraq in 2005.
on Urgent Action Needed Now to Stop SB280: More than Half of Alabama Counties will Lose the Right to Free Elections for Superintendents of Education
«To run on an obscure ballot line and win in a landslide restores my faith in tour nation's free election process
It was not enough, Calvin believed, to focus on free election, as Melanchthon and Bullinger urged him to do.
The National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), with support from the United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), has interacted with political parties» youth activists at Bimbilla in the Nanumba North District of the Northern Region, towards ensuring peaceful and violent free elections in December.
President John Mahama has promised to provide adequate security to ensure a violence free election, as Ghanaians go to the polls on November 7.
In Walker's later career, he turned his attention to Africa, working in the Anti-Apartheid Movement and helping to bring about free elections in South Africa.
A flawed democracy is a country with free elections but weighed down by weak governance, an underdeveloped political culture and low levels of political participation, according to the EIU.
Last spring, 550 million Indian voters went to the polls in the largest free election in history, and handed him and his BJP party — the longtime opposition party — the country's first majority government in 30 years.
Just like Americans, they want free elections and a chance to determine their future.
After inspiring Ivory Coast to qualify for the World Cup 2006, Drogba seized the microphone in front of the TV camera, knelt down with his team - mates in supplication and begged the warlords to lay down their arms and organize free election.
When communism fell and countries that were previously part of the Soviet Union were able to hold free elections again, they found many nationalist candidates putting themselves forward.
Security operatives have been moving around in their patrol vans while some have been found manning strategic locations to ensure a hitch - free election exercise.
By June 1978 the Shah had offered major concessions toward the moderate clergy including free elections in the following year; a move Mubarak has obviously taken from Pahlavi's playbook.
The Times reported that these leaders believe «New York, which they call a symbol of institutionalized corruption, could become a national model for the effort to free elections from the grip of big money.»
Hitler came to power through free elections and political maneuvering.
Exiled and expatriate Iraqis living in Britain go to the polls today to vote in Iraq's first - ever free election.
There are doubts whether Labour's candidates will even be able to make the first of the two free election mailings — that's how late our selection process runs.
It should be noted that use of the word Democracy as meaning merely the popular type of government — that is, featuring genuinely free elections by the people periodically — is not helpful in discussing the difference between alternative and dissimilar forms of a popular government: a Democracy versus a Republic.
On November 29, the West African nation of 17 million held its first free elections in almost three decades.
b: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections
The Anne Frank House organised a full - day programme for school students on the theme of free elections.
My worry is not about Nana Akufo - Addo's call for a violent free election, I am worried because of his records when it comes to violence.
President John Mahama has promised to provide adequate security to ensure a violence free election, as Ghanaians go to the polls on December 7.
We tried to give Iraq the first free elections in their history, and our efforts overwhelmed by the ongoing civil war and distrust between tribes, including many of the newly established politicians.
«When you say in your opinion, millions of illegal votes — that is something that is extremely fundamental to our functioning democracy, a fair and free election
Years of declining trust in public institutions well before President Donald Trump took power led the EIU to demote the U.S. from a full democracy to a flawed democracy — a nation it defines as having free elections but weighed down by weak governance — for the first time in 2016.
The first line of defense against tyranny is free elections and a free press, not Saturday night specials.
Your existence is without God you have condemned yourself to this existence by your free election for what ever reason you come up with.
It's hard to overstate how significant the results are in a country where the military ruled for decades, and free elections were essentially unheard of.
For example, business leaders in the aftermath of the popular protests that challenged U.S. involvement in Vietnam complained about too much democracy in the United States.6 In a similar way, free elections are held up by U.S. leaders as essential for democracy unless political parties opposed to U.S. interests win.
Among them are life, liberty, security of person, freedom from slavery and from torture and inhumane treatment; equality before the law; the right to judicial remedies for wrongs; freedom from arbitrary arrest and detention; fair trials and due process of law, including the presumption of innocence; privacy; freedom of movement; equal rights in marriage; freedoms of speech, press, assembly and association; and free elections.
The great sociologist Seymour Martin Lipset once referred to free elections in democracies as the playing out of the democratic class struggle.
For Holmes, the ruling majority based its claim to rule not on any principle affirming the rightness of ruling human beings with their consent and free elections; rather, the majority found its sufficient claim to rule in the brute fact that the majority, by force of numbers, could overpower the minority.
The signing of the accord which took place at the Creek Motel in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State capital, had the candidates expressed their commitment to allow for a hitch - free election.
, who would have turned 80 this month, would not have served his presidential term in gaol, and ultimately lost his life, for winning a free election.
More than the need for freedom, democracy and free elections, dignity is fundamental to human existence.
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