Sentences with phrase «free enterprise capitalism»

Free enterprise capitalism depends on actual competition or at least the real potential for it.
The question is, does responsible, free enterprise capitalism provide sufficient equality of opportunity?
Thus the competition and the «efficiencies of the marketplace» that are often thought of as intrinsic to capitalism are in fact present only in free enterprise capitalism and not in elite capitalism.
Three come to mind at once: (1) the company's immediate self - interest, (2) the logic of free enterprise capitalism, and (3) the bias of technological reason towards efficiency.
(i) Elite vs. free enterprise capitalism: this first dichotomy has to do with whether the system actually functions as an open competitive marketplace.
This claim is well presented by Louis and Patricia Kelso in Democracy and Economic Power, 4 in which the Kelsos argue that because of the disparities in capital ownership we do not now have the equality of opportunity necessary for free enterprise capitalism, or economic (in addition to political) democracy.
What prevails on television is a «gospel» that affirms free enterprise capitalism and its material rewards.
The three dichotomies are: (i) elite vs. free enterprise capitalism; (ii) democratic vs. despotic capitalism; and (iii) responsible vs. irresponsible capitalism.
Free enterprise capitalism is the most powerful system for social cooperation and human progress ever conceived.
My personal belief is that democratic, free enterprise capitalism can provide a higher standard of living and more freedom than the socialist alternatives and can still be responsible in providing for those who are unable to provide for themselves.
The second type in this first dichotomy is free enterprise capitalism.
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