Sentences with phrase «free exclusive material»

Each week Nook owners can take their Nooks to any Barnes and Noble retail store, connect to B&N's free WiFi, and download the free exclusive material.

Not exact matches

The strategy, which is popular in the US, means that all cinema - goers in the first week of the film's release will receive a unique code with their cinema ticket, which, when entered on the film's website, entitles them to a free download of the film plus exclusive bonus material.
Libraries that sign up by tonight will receive a free package of exclusive promotional materials including posters, postcards, digital promotion assets and more.
From 2005, PaperOfRecord had been supported as a free site under a financing agreement with Google, even as it continued to digitize new material under an exclusive licence from the Canadian Library Association: Bert Hill, «Google expected to take over Ottawa data firm,» Ottawa Citizen, November 14, 2008 (Westlaw).
For example, if you require sellers to sign an exclusive listing agreement with you before they'll be entitled to a «free» home warranty, you must disclose that condition in your ads or in promotional materials that mention the offer.
In addition to your online training materials (including video modules, pdf module notes, and audio files), you will also receive a number of templates and tools at no additional charge — all included in your fees, plus free access to all webinars, free digital download products, continuing education training discounts and offers, and exclusive vendor programs and offers!
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