Sentences with phrase «free folks of»

And for many years there's been an effort to be able to free folks of the tyranny of the Microsoft Office license.

Not exact matches

Thus, especially if you operate in certain Instagram - y verticals like: travel, fitness, entertainment, food, consumer goods (etc.) you absolutely should be spending time connecting with folks here as there is plenty of «free» organic engagement to be had here.
We will continue to watch the battle unfold as the series progresses, a digital fight between the Free Folk and HBO's right to protect the contents of its $ 100 million production.
As a sole proprietor of a travel consulting service and as a free - lance writer, I can guess at some of the reasons for failure: Undercapitalization Undercapitalization Undercapitalizaton Oh yes, then there is the fact that lots of folks just don't have the entrepreneurial personality, that can come up smiling in the face of crushing defeats (ask any real estate agent).
Yes folks, step right up, sign on the dotted line, and give your family the gift of a mortgage - free home should you die before the last payment is due.
The good folks of BuzzStream had 20 spare Beta invites laying around, which means that I can offer access to the (still free) service to the first 20 people who leave a comment (or drop me an email).
What happened in Denmark was that the banks left the most highly leveraged folks alone (some of them even lived for free as «caretakers» of their «repossessed — but not quite cause then we'd have to book the loss» 2 - 15 MEUR mansions.
But folks, this idea that we should be afraid of free speech is just unAmerican.
Indeed, they do not, any more than religious folks, experience emptiness, lack of purpose, lack of pleasure or such negativity generally stereotyped to religion - free people.
I am happy that the writer had the choices that she did... She is also free to decide whether or not she is a Catholic... She however, took an available medication for a health problem... most Catholic facilities recognize such health problems and allow for that treatment... I am completly puzzled, though, that she would not want other Catholics to be able to choose differently than she did... for those people who wish to use contraceptive services and medication, options are open to them... I am not Catholic, did not grow up in a faith based family, and don't know whether a God exists or not... However, to leave a relgious group with no option but to contradict its own tenets is an attempt by those who don't believe in those tenents to mock them, certainly, but more to erode them... this seems the aim of many and when those folks operate from inside the government... that intrusion is an overreach of the govenrment...
1 63 million Second World War 20C (Christians et al and Communists / atheists vs. Christians et al, Nazi - Pagan and «Shintoists») 2 40 million Mao Zedong (mostly famine) 20C (Communism / atheists) 40 million Genghis Khan 13C (Shamanism or Tengriism) 4 27 million British India (mostly famine) 19C (Anglican) 5 25 million Fall of the Ming Dynasty 17C (Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Chinese folk religion) 6 20 million Taiping Rebellion 19C (Confucianism, Buddhism and Chinese folk religion vs. a form of Christianity) 20 million Joseph Stalin 20C 8 19 million Mideast Slave Trade 7C - 19C (Islam) 9 17 million Timur Lenk 14C - 15C 10 16 million Atlantic Slave Trade 15C - 19C (Christianity) 11 15 million First World War 20C (Christians vs. Christians) 15 million Conquest of the Americas 15C - 19C (Christians) 13 13 million Muslim Conquest of India 11C - 18C 14 10 million An Lushan Revolt 8C 10 million Xin Dynasty 1C 16 9 million Russian Civil War 20C (Christians vs Communists) 17 8 million Fall of Rome 5C (Pagans) 8 million Congo Free State 19C - 20C (Christians) 19 7 1/2 million Thirty Years War 17C (Christians vs Christians) 7 1/2 million Fall of the Yuan Dynasty 14C
we can have it all if we choose, sadly folks like you and me will never be free from «believers» chanting our damnation, the likes of Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church and other religious fanatics.
Weak minded folks following the insane, forsaking their better judgement and free will on the say so of some perceived alpha monkey.
This nation, the U.S.A. was born from religious folk in Europe wanting to be freed from the over taxations of both the Churches and their Governments.
1 63 million Second World War 20C (Christians et al and Communists vs. Christians et al, Nazi - Pagan and «Shintoists») 2 40 million Mao Zedong (mostly famine) 20C (Communism) 40 million Genghis Khan 13C (Shamanism or Tengriism) 4 27 million British India (mostly famine) 19C (Anglican) 5 25 million Fall of the Ming Dynasty 17C (Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Chinese folk religion) 6 20 million Taiping Rebellion 19C (Confucianism, Buddhism and Chinese folk religion vs. a form of Christianity) 20 million Joseph Stalin 20C (Communism vs. Christianity et al) 8 19 million Mideast Slave Trade 7C - 19C (Islam) 9 17 million Timur Lenk 14C - 15C 10 16 million Atlantic Slave Trade 15C - 19C (Christianity) 11 15 million First World War 20C (Christians vs. Christians) 15 million Conquest of the Americas 15C - 19C (Christians vs pagans) 13 13 million Muslim Conquest of India 11C - 18C 14 10 million An Lushan Revolt 8C 10 million Xin Dynasty 1C 16 9 million Russian Civil War 20C (Christians vs Communists) 17 8 million Fall of Rome 5C (Pagans vs Pagans) 8 million Congo Free State 19C - 20C 19 7 1/2 million Thirty Years War 17C (Christians vs Christians) 7 1/2 million Fall of the Yuan Dynasty 14C
There were three religion - free people staff in our clinic yesterday (of 12 folks), and we got to listen to many of the good Christian folks bash Caitlyn Jenner yesterday — slapping each other on the back.
There is also the question of whether a corporation — closely or distantly held — has the same free - exercise rights as the folks administering it.
I suppose what ended up being for me a rather free - for - all melee, instead of a real experience of communion with like - minded and ostensibly like - hearted folks, is sort of an object lesson that ended up characterizing most of the rest of my journey in Emerging church circles.
Major Jones, in The Color of God, asserts that black theology encourages black folk to be free «from their traditional fear of whites, so that they not only can articulate their feelings but also so that they will act upon them.»
Because God is communicating to mankind through the Scriptures in the Bible in a style that reeks with an obvious understood implication that the hearer / reader, mankind, has the inherent ability to accept / believe or reject His call / drawing, commands, instructions, promises and gifts (some folk briefly refer to it as man's free will), I let the concept of mankind having this inherent ability be the precedence.
Hey folks, Anthony Sullivan her for Oxy - demon, yes putting the amazing power of oxygen to work removing your demons and leaving your clothes and toasters possession free...
To lift the economic burdens which depress life and spoil opportunity, to liberate folk from the slavery of their diseases, to set men free by education from the Town of Stupidity, which, as Bunyan rightly says, is only four degrees north of the City of Destruction itself — all these endeavors to give persons a chance to be their best selves are crusades for human emancipation and happiness.
Until a far greater percentage of churchgoing Americans and Canadians have become more articulate about the faith, it is absurd to imagine that North American church folk could stand back from their sociological moorings far enough to detach what Christians profess from the mish - mash of modernism, secularism, pietism, and free - enterprise democracy with which Christianity in our context is so fantastically interwoven.
Black folks please read the evil words towards christians here by radical dems and come home to the party of lincoln who freed ur people from slaves, u can vote for herman cain, hes at the top of all polls now with repubs
It is sad how the poor folks are duped by the handout of small amounts of free food.
Their perspective of the Gospel and missions is a massive confusion, dried up and withered, compared to the clear, fresh streams of water the more Free Grace type folks can provide for them.
Because God is communicating to mankind through the Scriptures in the Bible in a style that reeks with an obvious understood implication that the hearer / reader, mankind, has the inherent ability to accept / believe or reject His call / drawing, commands, instructions, promises and gifts (some folk briefly refer to it as man's inherent - free - will capacity), I let the concept of mankind having this inherent ability be the precedence; and I interpret difficult passages that can possibly be interpreted to appear contradictory to that precedence (of mankind having inherent - free - will) in light of mankind having inherent - free - will capacity.
i don't mean being punished becuase i don't believe but because i take his name in vain all the time, i lie, i have stolen, gambled, cheated, i have done everything on the list of things not to do, all but kill... i am saving that for a rainy day... and as far as free will, i have heard you religious folks say that god has a plan for us all... ok so a divine plan AND free will... so we have the power to say yes or no but our overall destiny is set in stone?
1 63 million Second World War 20C (Christians et al and Communists vs. Christians et al, Nazi - Pagan and «Shintoists») 2 40 million Mao Zedong (mostly famine) 20C (Communism) 40 million Genghis Khan 13C (Shamanism or Tengriism) 4 27 million British India (mostly famine) 19C (Anglican) 5 25 million Fall of the Ming Dynasty 17C (Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Chinese folk religion) 6 20 million Taiping Rebellion 19C (Confucianism, Buddhism and Chinese folk religion vs. a form of Christianity) 20 million Joseph Stalin 20C 8 19 million Mideast Slave Trade 7C - 19C (Islam) 9 17 million Timur Lenk 14C - 15C 10 16 million Atlantic Slave Trade 15C - 19C (Christianity) 11 15 million First World War 20C (Christians vs. Christians) 15 million Conquest of the Americas 15C - 19C (Christians) 13 13 million Muslim Conquest of India 11C - 18C 14 10 million An Lushan Revolt 8C 10 million Xin Dynasty 1C 16 9 million Russian Civil War 20C (Christians vs Communists) 17 8 million Fall of Rome 5C (Pagans) 8 million Congo Free State 19C - 20C (Christians) 19 7 1/2 million Thirty Years War 17C (Christians vs Christians) 7 1/2 million Fall of the Yuan Dynasty 14C
You want folks with you I want to be free to express what I find to help such as practicing forgiveness with your affirmation given this is a positive approach to the issue of abuse that frequently is a theme here.
That's the beauty of business here and is why so many folks from different countries bring their business here... because they know they can do business and not get shut down because of their religious preferences and they can feel free to support the religious affiliations of their choice.
1 63 million Second World War 20C (Christians and Communists vs. Christians, Nazi - Pagans and «Shintoists») 2 40 million Mao Zedong (mostly famine) 20C (Communists / atheists) 40 million Genghis Khan 13C (Shamanism or Tengriism) 4 27 million British India (mostly famine) 19C (Anglican) 5 25 million Fall of the Ming Dynasty 17C (Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Chinese folk religion) 6 20 million Taiping Rebellion 19C (Confucianism, Buddhism and Chinese folk religion vs. a form of Christianity) 20 million Joseph Stalin 20C (Communists / atheists) 8 19 million Mideast Slave Trade 7C - 19C (Islam) 9 17 million Timur Lenk 14C - 15C 10 16 million Atlantic Slave Trade 15C - 19C (Christianity) 11 15 million First World War 20C (Christians vs. Christians) 15 million Conquest of the Americas 15C - 19C (Christians) 13 13 million Muslim Conquest of India 11C - 18C 14 10 million An Lushan Revolt 8C 10 million Xin Dynasty 1C 16 9 million Russian Civil War 20C (Christians vs Communists / atheists) 17 8 million Fall of Rome 5C (Pagans vs Pagans) 8 million Congo Free State 19C - 20C (Christians vs Pagans) 19 7 1/2 million Thirty Years War 17C (Christians vs Christians) 7 1/2 million Fall of the Yuan Dynasty 14C
Not sure about keeping free from the appearance of sin, I think it is a worry when folks think pastors don't sin, and if we have to pretend we don't then that feels like the first step towards madness.
Now let's see if he can convince the rest of the bishops and cardinals and lay folks... who only seem to want to talk about contraception and abortion... to turn their attention to helping families who are living in motels, sleeping in cars and waiting in line for free dental care.
According to John Locke, the only reliable tie of obedience the old folks will have on his kids in a free society is money — especially the uncertain prospect of inheritance.
This is America, folks — Home of the free!
Care for prisoners of war, relief for those threatened by starvation, and Near East Relief usually had at their head those who were motivated by their Christian faith and for the vast sums which maintained them depended chiefly on the free gifts of Christian folk.
We were out of town for the 4th so I couldn't make subs for us gluten - free folks (besides the fact that I ran out of flour and so did Better Batter).
Thanks for thinking of us gluten - free folks!
I advocate for doing that when folks go gluten - free, but certainly when you find something you like and want to stick with it, the food pantry will be the lucky recipient of your other mixes.
Paleo friends simply use in your fave almond (or nut butter of choice) in place of the PB and any of you folks with nut allergies you can easily make them nut free — sunbutter (or your fave nut free spread) would work perfectly here too!
I thought I would do a quick rundown of my experience to help out any other gluten free folk who are doing what I was, and frantically Googling what is safe to eat!
Well here it is folks: I felt adventurous and wanted to make a guilt free dessert without all of the fat and sugar that usually comes along with it!
At a recent work meeting, three of us gluten - free folks brought in our favorite GF crackers of the moment.
And if you ever need gluten free help, I strongly recommend all of the wonderful folks participating in the rally, everyone is so talented!
It might sound suspiciously like «educational fun,» something we learned in school to be wary of, but still: Chipotle manages to book enough eager bands that enough folks turn out hoping for free burritos and it works.
I get lots of questions from folks asking how to adjust gluten - free recipes for high altitude and my first answer is that you might not have to make an adjustment at all.
While most of the vendors there will be sharing their gluten - free products, I'm really looking forward to talking with folks about their health and taking care of themselves.
Some folks see all this cookie commotion as a sad time of year for those of us eating gluten free, as The Girl Scouts of the USA haven't historically produced any gluten - free varieties.
It gives the party more of a tailgate feel, plus it frees up valuable space in the refrigerator and keeps folks from congregating in the kitchen.
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