Sentences with phrase «free health clinic»

I've volunteered as an RN in free health clinics and I resent this article!
The New York Hotel and Motel Trades Council has championed a remarkable solution to the national challenge of paying for health care by opening its own free health clinics for members.
«We are busier than ever, particularly since the oil spill,» acknowledged the smiling, silver - haired nurse at a fundraiser this week for Biloxi's Bethel Free Health Clinic.
I was brought up in a white upper middle class family and now I have no job, no husband, no healthcare, and I line up with all the others at our local free health clinic that is open only once a month and not in the summer because they can't afford the air conditioning.
«We were continuing to assume that we were getting nothing,» said William Spoylar, director of the Schenectady Free Health Clinic, which offers free medical care to the poor.
I might not choose to sleep with the homeless, but I can donate to the local food bank, help out the storm victims, get to know the families living in the mobile home park down the road, and volunteer at Rhea County's free health clinic.
Cheryl, I thank you for volunteering in a free health clinic.
BUT would you want your family to have to rely on a free health clinic, if you were laid off and couldn't afford private health insurance?
Pretty sad that a group that normally goes to third world countries to set up free health clinics had to be called in to do one for uninsured people in Virginia USA, just a stone's throw from the nation's capital.
It tells me that your heart is the right lace And it is nice to hear that some free health clinics have excellent conditions.
Members volunteered at Dayton's free health clinic.
A free health clinic sees about 1,000 patients each Sunday, while a pharmacy offers free and discounted medicines.
She believed she had found the perfect solution: the church would open a free health clinic for the homeless.
That academic «conveyor belt,» as Canada calls it, is supplemented by social programs: family counseling, a free health clinic, after - school tutoring, and a drop - in arts center for teenagers.
Health Awareness Events Held in Norwood by David Greene More than 40 residents took part in a free health clinic held on Monday, March 12, outside of the Safe Medical Care center, located at 3099 Bainbridge Avenue in Norwood.
Have a huge emergency fund Buy land and finally have a small farm where I could have my horse, Start a free health clinic in my town.
There, he established a free health clinic and also joined the mafia, working as a money launderer, forger and street soldier.
Chavez invested Venezuela's oil wealth into social programs including state - run food markets, cash benefits for poor families, free health clinics and education programs.
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