Sentences with phrase «free hydrogen and oxygen»

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There are basically two types of lines, those produced by collisions between the atoms or ions and the electrons in the surrounding gas, which are called collision lines, and which are very bright for elements such as oxygen, nitrogen and neon, and lines which are produced when ions capture free electrons, which are called recombination lines, and which are bright only for those gases with the highest abundances in the interstellar medium: hydrogen and helium.
At high heat, the cladding interacts with the surrounding water vapor, binding tightly to the oxygen and freeing the hydrogen, which escapes as a gas.
He said the free electrons on the leaf's surface then interact with water, catalyzing its split into oxygen on the leaf's light side and hydrogen on the dark side.
By looking at the chemistry of rocks deposited during that time period, specifically coupled carbon and sulfur isotope data, a research team led by University of California, Riverside biogeochemists reports that oxygen - free and hydrogen sulfide - rich waters extended across roughly five percent of the global ocean during this major climatic perturbation — far more than the modern ocean's 0.1 percent but much less than previous estimates for this event.
However, hydrogen sulphide in the atmosphere and sulphurous gold complexes in river water are stable only in the absence of free oxygen.
In particular, a charged molecule called hydronium, which has three hydrogen atoms and one oxygen ion, can transform into water (plus an independent hydrogen atom) if it captures a free - floating electron.
The hydroxyl radical consisting of one hydrogen and one oxygen atom, is one of the most common free radicals in the air and is therefore often referred as the detergent of the atmosphere.
By combining two simple, inexpensive, metal - free catalysts, they sped the cell's slower reaction, taking protons and electrons derived from the hydrogen fuel and combining them with oxygen to pump out water, a reaction known as the oxygen reduction reaction.
The results quantify the nature of gas molecules containing carbon, hydrogen, and sulfur in the earliest atmosphere, but they shed no light on the much later rise of free oxygen in the air.
Developing Novel Platinum Group Metal - Free Catalysts for Alkaline Hydrogen and Oxygen Evolution Reactions, Sanjeev Mukerjee and Serge Pann, Northeastern University
While there are many types of free radicals that can be formed, the most common in aerobic (oxygen breathing) organisms are oxygen free radicals, often referred to as Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), which include superoxides, hydroxyl anions, hydrogen peroxide and singlet oxygen.&oxygen breathing) organisms are oxygen free radicals, often referred to as Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), which include superoxides, hydroxyl anions, hydrogen peroxide and singlet oxygen.&oxygen free radicals, often referred to as Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), which include superoxides, hydroxyl anions, hydrogen peroxide and singlet oxygen.&Oxygen Species (ROS), which include superoxides, hydroxyl anions, hydrogen peroxide and singlet oxygen.&oxygen
Generation of reactive oxygen species, or free radicals such as superoxide and hydrogen peroxide, is a normal byproduct of metabolism, but can damage cellular machinery when excessive and impair the production of cellular energy, which becomes a vicious cycle as energy - intensive repair processes become untenable (25, 26).
These free charges split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen.
Through the process of photosynthesis, green plants harness solar energy to split molecules of water into oxygen, hydrogen ions (protons) and free electrons.
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