Sentences with phrase «free market advocates»

QE for people, or some version of it, has been advocated by a range of economists, including the famously free market advocate Milton Friedman.
It's called Free Market Advocates Should Be Ashamed of Stock Crashes.
One would expect this argument to resonate with free market advocates, a category that supposedly includes all Virginia Republicans and a lot of the Democrats.
At a hearing last spring, lawmakers heard supportive testimony on the bill from worker advocates, including SEIU 775 President David Rolf; Amazon founder and venture capitalist, Nick Hanauer; experts from left - leaning think tanks; a free market advocate; and academics studying the future of work.
He writes through the lens of a futurist, free market advocate, and fiscal conservative.
Arkadiusz is a free market advocate who believes in the power of peaceful and voluntary cooperation of people.
A staunch right winger and free market advocate, she became a bitter opponent of the labour movement and Livingstone.
Tax credits command support from a larger coalition of conservatives, free market advocates, and private schools than do vouchers, in large part for the same reason they are more legally viable: they are not government funds and pose less danger to the autonomy of private schools that accept them.
He writes through the lens of a futurist, free market advocate, and fiscal conservative.
Free market advocates and conservative Republicans say green subsidies are wasteful and political.
In our nearly 250 years, this country has been the home of intense debate between the left and the right — between Federalists and Republicans, free market advocates and those who promote more government oversight, international interventionists and isolationists... and so many more.
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