Sentences with phrase «free rodent control»

As working cats, these cats can live comfortably in a barn, stable, warehouse, or workshop while providing companionship, and potentially expert, free rodent control.
I'm an animal lover with two cats of my own, so I always enjoy seeing the neighborhood cats and like the person in your post said, free rodent control!

Not exact matches

Buoyed by imaginative gadgets and disguises, and accompanied by his assistant and confidante, Dr. David Q. Dawson, Basil uncovers a villainous plot spearheaded by a slimy, contemptible sewer rat, Dr. Ratigan, to replace Moustoria, Queen of the Mice, with a look - alike robot that will leave him free to take control of the entire rodent population of London.
Our spayed / neutered and vaccinated «working cats» are adopted for free for organic rodent control.
Barn cats make for great poison - free rodent and pest control!
The organization contacted Willis offering a natural solution: free, organic rodent control by way of starting a controlled feral cat colony.
Cats will be free to barn and business owner's looking for a natural rodent control.
The removal of rodents and feral cats will allow these precious animals and other native species, such as the Floreana Mockingbird and the Vermilion Flycatcher, to be reintroduced to their historical home island where they can roam free, while species currently present, like the Galapagos Petrel, will be able to thrive without the need for annual control of rats and cats in their nesting area.
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