Sentences with phrase «freedom of belief»

The case that opponents of the amendment entirely contradict themselves on the principle of freedom of belief has been made powerfully by Iain McLean in an open letter to the Bishop of Winchester and by Stuart White.
Mrs Williams also said: «If the tribunal is suggesting that there are places in which an individual does not enjoy the fundamental right to freedom of religious expression, this is a cause for concern and could have a chilling effect on freedom of belief and expression.»
Another point made by the government is its adherence to Article 18 of the UN Declaration, which guarantees freedom of belief, freedom of conscience, the right to manifest our belief in public, etc..
«How can the Egyptian government claim to protect its citizens» rights to freedom of belief when anyone who attempts to change their faith is refused official recognition and subsequently prosecuted and tortured?
The Hindu might say: «Please name one faith that preaches absolute freedom of belief and worship, where the concepts of heresy, blasphemy, and apostasy are completely nonexistent.»
But it surely can not be done on upholding freedom of belief grounds.
Learn some of the common experiences around religion in colonial culture that shaped the United States» balance among national law, local practice, and individual freedom of belief.
The other part is to help citizens understand the role of our existing human rights regime when it comes to dealing with freedom of belief, and possibly to understand the system's shortcomings and how it might be improved.
Has ever been a case anywhere, where an accused person of infringing «good customes» or «moral behaviors» succesfully appealed the case by stating his freedom of religion or freedom of belief rights were being violated?
sorry, not me at all with the cross thing, but I support their freedom of belief.
The report, released this week, is called Total Denial: Violations of Freedom of Religion or Belief in North Korea and details how the freedom of belief almost doesn't exist in the country under Kim Jong - Un's dictator regime.
Scottish MSPs in the Freedom of Belief group have called for Asia Bibi's hearing to go ahead soon.
And thus all Americans — religious and non-religious alike — should have their freedom of belief and action protected.
Nobody has the right to pass judgement for his beliefs, religion is suppose to be freedom of belief to freely follow God by your choice.
«Christians have freedom of belief and practice,» said Safwat al - Baiady, president of the Protestant Churches of Egypt and a member of the constitutional committee.
For this reason it behoves Christians above all to respect not only the freedom of belief but freedom in itself.
It is to protect that freedom of belief (which of course includes the freedom not to believe) that the church - state battlelines are drawn today.
Freedom of belief and speech are of the highest of human rights.
Claims for religious autonomy (or indeed for religious authority over the whole society) can be made in terms of fundamental truth, but at present in Britain they are mostly put in terms of respect for freedom of belief.
Nobody has yet explained how the principle of freedom of belief and conscience could possibly be used to argue against the proposed amendment, since that is the core principle which it seeks to uphold.
Just as much as you subscribe to your freedom of belief that defines you, that much this gentleman whose thinking you this much strongly object to exercises his freedom of speech.
«Freedom of belief for humanists, atheists and other non-religious people is as important as freedom of belief for the religious, but it is too often neglected by western governments who focus too narrowly on the rights of Christians abroad,» Andrew Copson chief executive of the British Humanist Association said.
We all agree on the familiar basic rights - freedom of belief and expression, freedom of association, the right to a fair trial and to fair legal procedures generally.
We are united in being against compelled speech and the abrogation of freedom of belief and conscience.
Article 18 (2) of the ICCPR provides an important protection to the freedom of belief, in prohibiting coercion from impairing the freedoms to have the religion or belief of one's choice.
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