Sentences with phrase «frequent meals»

Try eating more frequent meals throughout the day but also smaller.
Take some nutritious snacks with you everywhere you go, and eat small frequent meals throughout the day.
And by snack, we mean you should eat smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day.
If the dog can keep food down, feed smaller, more frequent meals of the bland diet until the dog is back to normal.
Smaller meals are easier to digest for the puppy and energy levels don't peak and fall so much with frequent meals.
The larger and less frequent meals will be harder to eat for most of trainees.
Babies eat in small servings but require frequent meals.
When you are on a diet regime you should have small, frequent meals during the day.
Fortunately, for all those there is a simple solution: eat small, frequent meals instead of three big meals in a day.
Older dogs do better on smaller, more frequent meals so breaking their food intake into three meals versus two is a healthier choice for them.
Smaller, more frequent meals also mean that your puppy's energy levels will remain constant throughout the day.
It helps to get used to smaller portions and more frequent meals which is much healthier than three large ones.
I'm currently still able to eat fairly large portions, but smaller more frequent meals just feel better... and I'm certain will feel even better the more she grows!
However, there is no doubt that eating frequent meals provides many psychological benefits that will help you solve your problem.
Eating more frequent meals does not allow our body to turn to our fat stores for fuel.
It's better to feed your dog frequent meals consisting of simple and complex carbohydrates, such as boiled white rice, potatoes and vegetables.
Personally I prefer to eat smaller, more frequent meals because it helps with my hunger.
Eating small, frequent meals promotes more efficient muscle growth because it helps to regulate insulin levels.
But regardless, the babies stay close, and along with proximity comes frequent meals.
The debate is out on whether frequent meals are better for boosting your metabolism.
Small, frequent meals full of fiber, lean protein, and complex carbohydrates are the key, along with exercise!
As a new teacher, I've been finding it so difficult to eat small, frequent meals everyday.
I mix it up and eat a variety of other things as well, but these are some pretty frequent meals that I use to stay super lean, but maintain muscle.
Providing small, frequent meals increases metabolism by causing a spike in calorie burning energy.
Its a fact in case you didn't realize by now that eating small frequent meals, preferably 5 - 6 times a day is the best way to lose fat permanently.
Now that I know eating slightly larger, but less frequent meals is an option, I'm going to give it a shot.
After 12 hours, feed your dog small, frequent meals instead of one large meal.
Typically cats eat smaller, more frequent meals so one before bed (and even overnight using an automated feeder) is OK.
Many owners aren't available to give their little dogs frequent meals throughout the day.
Eating small, frequent meals also promotes muscle growth because it helps to prevent the breakdown of muscle tissue associated with long periods without food.
Small, frequent meals of a moderate to low fat food are recommended as is keeping your pet at its ideal weight.
Eating frequent meals is a great way to fight food cravings.
While little pups need more frequent meals than larger ones, the amount should be proportional to the dog.
Consumption of solid food should be guided by appetite in adults; small, but more frequent meals for children.
Consume frequent meals throughout the day in order to keep your blood sugar balanced and steady throughout the day so your adrenal glands don't have to get involved.
Your little baby has a very small tummy and a fluctuating appetite, so The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends small, frequent meals over fewer larger ones.
You can deal with this by offering frequent meals and snacks at regular intervals, such as every 3 to 4 hours, which will allow your athletes plenty of opportunity to eat without becoming overly full and meanwhile get the calories and nutrients they need.
Avoid distending your stomach by eating small, frequent meals rather than three large ones.
Healthful foods, eaten in frequent meals, can provide the nutrition you need to combat the baby blues and give you the energy you need to handle your new role.
Eat small, frequent meals Keep your metabolism stoked by eating five or six small meals for a total of 1,600 calories every day.
Recommendations — To reach these recommended protein intake totals, whether total grams or a percentage of total calories, eat small, frequent meals containing lean proteins, supplement with protein shakes.
Once ketone production increases and the body is fat adapted, hunger and the need for frequent meals typically decreases.
Eating excessively frequent meals might actually inhibit fat loss because it's easier to inadvertently eat more calories, usually because a person might eat if they're not actually hungry and / or they'll resort to more calorie dense snack food that's convenient, since most people aren't willing to cook several times a day.
The problem with small but frequent meals daily is your life tends to center around your diet.
Eating lighter, more frequent meals prevents insulin spikes that can lead to bodyfat storage.
Another recent study throws a wrench in the typically held bodybuilder idea that simply maintaining continuous levels of amino acids with frequent meal feeding is optimal.
Short but frequent exercises clubbed with small but frequent meals seem to be her ultimate health and fitness secret.

Phrases with «frequent meals»

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