Sentences with phrase «frequent presence»

Women started to become a more frequent presence in the legal workplace (as attorneys, rather than secretaries), opening up opportunities, but also creating areas of frisson and conflict.
Born in Fayetteville, GA (a suburb of Atlanta), actor Gary Anthony Williams attended Clayton State College and went on to establish himself as one of the most - sought after character players of the 2000s, maintaining his most frequent presence on television.
David Buda, a Springs resident and frequent presence at town board meetings, said that current fence regulations and the proposed revisions create a walled - in, urban look.
Trump's frequent presence on television and online may help to explain why the reality - TV star and business magnate has spent so little per vote.
NATO subs were a frequent presence around Norway in 2017, with more than 40 trips requiring permission to enter and exit the country's coastal waters, often to exchange crew members or take on new supplies or equipment.
Previously, she was a frequent presence on air and online as a CNBC contributor, reporting out of Vancouver, Canada.
The frequent presence of a «value vacuum» (Frankl) in the personality and relationship problems brought to counselors emphasizes Erich Fromm's conviction that every human being needs a «system of thought and action shared by a group which gives the individual a frame of orientation and an object of devotion.»
Devastated that I — who was a frequent presence in his office and home — would call him a racist, my advisor, a grave and staid English gentleman, had no capacity for understanding black rage.
Nuestro Queso is committed to supporting the Hispanic community and aims to connect with Hispanic customers in innovative and meaningful ways by being a frequent presence in their community.
In fact, his frequent presence backstage at shows, along with the names of his chocolates and his psychedelic - influenced packaging — designed by Shepherd himself — have earned Shepherd the nickname, «Rock - and - Roll Chocolatier.»
Though church members have not been told reasons for the frequent presence of BNI operatives at the church, everything points to the fact that the former Chief Executive Officer of the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA), Mr. Sylvester Mensah aka (Sly), is being trailed by the BNI.
Steve Pigeon, his aide de camp, has been a frequent presence in Albany in recent weeks, and said Monday that Mr. Golisano felt betrayed by Mr. Smith because the Democratic leader had not delivered the overhaul of Senate rules he had promised upon taking power.
While Howe — a lobbyist now at the center of a federal investigation — was never paid by the campaign, two people who worked on that campaign described him as a frequent presence in the office, acting as a «troubleshooter» and completing tasks that Percoco, a longtime Cuomo operative and confidant, would not have entrusted to anyone else.
Mahoney has been a frequent presence on Cuomo commissions, and hosted a fund - raiser for him after he took office.
Elia has been a frequent presence in New York City.
But Bharara remains in the spotlight, hosting a popular podcast about law, justice and politics, and maintaining a frequent presence on cable news.
«We detected the frequent presence of hazardous elements, such as bromine, cadmium, mercury and lead, in very high concentrations in some cases,» says Dr. Andrew Turner, co-author of the study, based at the University of Plymouth, UK.
The «supermoms» have become a frequent presence in Washington, D.C., in large part thanks to the efforts of the group's co-founder and senior director, Dominique Browning.
One reason is the frequent presence of Danny's father, Bill, owner of a carpeting business.
Supermodel - cum - Hollywood actress Amber Valletta hit the runway in her late teens, and, though a frequent presence in fashion ads for several years prior, first made national headlines in July 1993.
It was a particularly challenging project because of the scale involved, in addition to the frequent presence of water — long a computer graphics headache.
In Pompeii, the Roman Empire functions as the latest in a long line of sinister military - industrial corporations, which are a frequent presence in the director's work.
The school established structures, such as the frequent presence of school staff in bathrooms and hallways, to help students become accountable for their actions.
The frequent presence of a principal or vice principal in classrooms can help improve the level of instruction.
I am at that age where death has a frequent presence in my life so I was apprehensive, yet curious, about how the author would handle the subject.
«Hi Paul, You'd think, what with emerging markets being all the rage right now and with your letter being so highly ranked and with your frequent presence on CNBC, that a lot more people would be trying to learn a little something about what they are doing.
Simmons has a frequent presence at state, regional, and national meetings with booths to advertise our listed practices.
These types of cancers are often very painful and swollen, and may present as a surgical emergency because of the frequent presence of pus and ulceration.
Stephanie Lindquist, Wave Hill's Arts Programming Fellow, is a frequent presence in the Sunroom, where Robyn Love has set up her workspace and invites visitors to drop by twice a week.
Spiders appeared in her drawings and prints beginning in the 1940s and, by the 1990s, had become a frequent presence across all of her work — including as monumental sculptures that might make arachnophobes quake.
Lou Gold, an American expatriate living in Brazil's portion of the Amazon River basin who is a frequent presence on Dot Earth, is keeping track of efforts to change the country's Forest Code and has posted a helpful update on his blog, excerpted here with permission:
In a guest contribution below, Ellis, a frequent presence on Dot Earth, expands on the points in his Op - Ed piece hoping to clarify potential misperceptions and defend his main thesis:
You will hear more about this in a comment below from Xarissa Holdaway, a frequent presence on Dot Earth who works for the wildlife group's campus arm.
Lee Schipper, a specialist on cities, transportation and pollution diving time between Stanford and Berkeley, is a frequent presence on Dot Earth and a source for me when pondering how the world heads toward nine billion mainly - urban humans with the fewest traffic jams and smog alerts.
Update, 10:10 p.m. Adrian O., a frequent presence in the comments here, is fluent in Italian and sent some more translated excerpts:
She also quotes the Drexel University sociologist Robert Brulle, once a frequent presence here, describing a forthcoming study he's done on the huge cash flow from industry and conservative tycoons in the money wars over climate and similar politicized issues.
Since it can take well over 6 to 8 touches to generate a viable sales lead, especially in real estate, much of using social media to generate business means being a frequent presence in the lives of people within your community.
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