Sentences with phrase «fresh catnip»

The phrase "fresh catnip" refers to a type of herb that cats really like. It means that the catnip is new and hasn't been dried or processed yet. Cats often enjoy playing with or eating fresh catnip because it can make them feel happy and excited. Full definition
Cats don't like stale catnip, so these toys feature a velcro opening so you can refill the toy with fresh catnip, giving them a significantly longer life than other toys.
Cats love rolling on, nibbling, and rubbing against fresh catnip plants.
This herb in a toy will have the same effects on your cat as fresh catnip leaves.
Scratch it and it releases the fragrance of fresh catnip with every scratch.
Choose a great toy or make your own by adding fresh catnip..
The toy features a hook and loop closed bottom so fresh catnip can be added whenever it is needed and can be made using fabric scraps.
«Cats will respond more to a product containing fresh catnip, which results in improved customer satisfaction and encourages repeat sales,» she says.
Some cats will chew on fresh catnip and cat grass as safe alternatives to fabric.
When the catnip scent starts to fade, simply add more fresh catnip for another round of fun!
These soft and snuggly plush catnip toys have a reclosable pouch to hold fresh catnip securely in place.
If your cat reacts to catnip, and you'd like to encourage her to use a scratching post, rubbing some dried or fresh catnip leaves, some catnip oil, or using a spray on the scratching post usually does the trick.
«Catnip is most effective when it is pure and fresh, and a sign of fresh catnip is its color and smell,» says Hamilton.
The Velcro closure allows you to replace old catnip with fresh catnip, so the toy can be enjoyed by your pet for longer.
Our cats love fresh catnip and cat grass, so we were pretty sure this new complex would be a hit in our home.
In addition, «Our new Kitty Sprinkles cat roller allows the consumer to add fresh catnip to their toy while giving their pet a toy that is interactive and encourages play,» says Yellin.
They play very often with the mice and we haven't yet refilled them with fresh catnip.
Small quantities are freshly packed in airtight glass bottles to ensure the freshest catnip.
Fresh catnip is supposedly more attractive to cats when it is bruised, as in transplanting, rather than growing from seeds.
However, I have certainly seen many cats enjoy the leaves from a fresh catnip plant grown from seeds.
Fresh catnip or catnip oil may be applied to wounds, scratches and sores and the oil may also be used as a mosquito repellent and general insect repellent for dogs.
If you have a very nervous dog who hates going to the Vet or riding in the car, try putting some fresh catnip leaves in the drinking water or sprinkle some dry crushed leaves on his food.
When you put catnip in a toy for your cats, or if you place some on the floor, or if you keep a fresh catnip plant near the window, your cats are going to go nuts for it.
You can also get some fresh catnip, which is a real treat.
It could be something as simple as playing cat friendly music, interactive toys or even just giving out fresh catnip.
Of course, the Cheshire Cat team would not recommend presenting kitty with a giant box of chocolates, but perhaps a soft new bed to cuddle in or a fresh catnip mouse toy?
Fresh catnip is also the most surefire way to see if your feline is sensitive to the herb.
However, fresh catnip is also a trendy go - to product since the plant itself can be grown from home or bought in the store.
First on our list is the obvious: fresh catnip.
Give your feline invaders a distraction from your prized garden areas by providing them with something better: create a designated sandbox for them to use as a litter box, preferably accompanied by a patch of fresh catnip — an herb that cats naturally love.
If your catnip toys have lost their appeal, you can either refill them with fresh catnip, rub them with fresh catnip, or spritz the old toys with catnip spray.
You can also divert her attention away from your decorative foliage by giving her a little container of fresh catnip or wheat grass placed strategically near her water or food bowl.
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