Sentences with phrase «fresh voice»

Together, they bring fresh voices and a welcome silence, especially when the rooms are open.
The world needs fresh voices: people who understand that leadership is about service and that «We» leaders are those who can make a difference in the world.
Bold fresh voices have begun to make their presence felt by pushing boundaries, organizing alternative spaces to reach audiences, experimenting and influencing each other.
And because the comics page has limited space, these older strips are keeping fresh voices out.
After the September primary, De La Rosa said that district voters were desperate for fresh voices in the legislature.
«20th Century Women» — Another filmmaker with fresh voice who continues to offer insightful drama with decent entertainment value.
I'm in awe of the talent on display throughout all the sections,» says Film Conference and Festival Producer Janet Pierson, «We feel we've achieved a great balance that continues our tradition of screening films across all budget lines and styles, and we take particular pride in witnessing the evolution of SXSW alumni as well as the vitality of fresh voices
The 2013 International features only a handful of the usual art market and the museum circuit staples, and is by and large a selection bringing fresh voices into the institution, including two outsider artists.
SEGA have announced that Sonic and Tails are to be given life by fresh voice talent and that the majority of the recurring characters have also had their... [Read full story]
Her playwriting credits include Joy in Repetition, Hip - Hop Theater Festival (2002), Tell the Truth Lying, ROAR Theater Festival (2003) and Definitely, Real Theatre Works Fresh Voices Festival.
«We need to make sure that we're always having fresh ideas, fresh voices because New York is a big complex state with complex problems, and I think we need fresh ideas and new blood on a regular basis,» he said.
They built a new combat system, gave every Marvel character in the game new movesets, recorded fresh voice over and built eight exciting fighting stages.
Though quality of writing is the most important factor, she is particularly interested in fresh voices telling fresh stories we haven't heard before (including for YA audiences), and she is fond of immigrant stories and stories concerned with race, sexuality, specific cultural settings, cross-cultural themes, and notions of identity.
The Future Chronicles fresh voices and award - winning authors original speculative fiction short stories # 1 anthology on Amazon with every release Like the storied SF collections of the past, The Future Chronicles brings you themed anthologies on the topics you love: Robots, Telepaths, Aliens, Artificial Intelligence, Dragons, Zombies... and more on the way.
The festival is committed to exhibiting films that express fresh voices and differing global perspectives, with the hope that these programs will
The Wild Card series returns to the Lilian Baylis Studio with yet more fresh voices from a new generation of dance - makers curating their own night.
Sarah Hotchkiss's Market Street Poster Series adds fresh voices to the Summer of Love narrative with a focus on printed material published by the Black Panther Party and LGBTQ societies...
A generous 2017 Knight Arts Challenge grant reinforces our commitment to cover new territories and share fresh voices from around the world.
The Company strives to serve consumers with fresh voices and messages that are able to change the world.
This year, Larian Studios refreshed the venerable roleplaying game with a new and improved Enhanced Edition, adding dual wielding, tactician mode, improved visuals, and over 88,000 lines of fresh voice - over.
This includes works by fresh voices and standard - bearers, including well - known figures such as Rashid Johnson, Senga Nengudi, David Hammons and Tim Washington.
YesYes Books is a dynamic independent press that publishes poetry and prose collections from bold fresh voices.
This dark story follows Nguyen's double agent for a fresh voice amidst this crowded genre.
Fresh voices are as meaningful and relevant as established ones.
A major facet of the contributions of the medieval women mystics is their daring to lift up aspects of the being of God that are unabashedly characterized as more feminine than masculine in character, a direction that will be pursued heartily in the fresh voices of women theologians in the twentieth century and on into the twenty - first.
To win back the youth vote, the Republican Party will have to do much more than find a fresh voice to say the same thing.
A few years after the great reformation, a fresh voice was heard, proclaiming persistently in opposition to the soothing optimism of the lying prophets of the time that this was no true reform (Jer.
With a fresh voice and bold look currently missing from the burgeoning online food scene, Cocina, brings a cinematic experience to food through original videos, fresh recipes and intriguing stories that offer an unprecedented perspective on the Latin food culture.
The players need a fresh voice and Outlook they need to come to training and be edgy and on their toes, too comfortable for seasons now.
A writer and a truth - teller, Divya brings a fresh voice, compassion, and humor to her work with new families.
A fresh voice around here, at least.
«Matt Doheny's is a fresh voice, and his commitment to less government intrusion, reduced taxes, and more job opportunities is right in line with our party's priorities,» Indy Chairman Frank MacKay said in a press release.
She used her political Rolodex to make inroads with national donors, and other party leaders introduced her to GOP rainmakers in Manhattan, billing Stefanik as a fresh voice for the GOP nationally.
«Sixteen years is a balance between the need to retain an institutional memory while still ensuring change, new ideas and fresh voices
Nassau County Democratic Chairman Jay Jacobs said in a statement that «Ryan Cronin is the fresh voice for real change that we need to make Long Island more affordable for our families, to protect taxpayers from corrupt politicians, and to fight for quality education and jobs.»
We desperately need a fresh voice in Albany.»
I'll bring a fresh voice to the issues that matter for us all — taxes, education, economic development, employment opportunities and protection of the environment.
Cannon, 62, a longtime West Ender and ex-mayoral candidate with a background in municipal finance, tells voters he would be a «fresh voice» on the board and suggests slashing «bloated» administrative costs to help pay for school programs that budget cuts have phased out.
«With strong support like this we will go to Albany with a fresh voice and ideas to pass real ethics reforms, spur economic growth on Long Island and fight for the best interests of working families.»
He was already a fresh voice to talk to and an ally for what we want to do.»
Called a «fresh voice» by Yoga Journal, praised by mindfulness pioneer Jon Kabat - Zinn, described as a bridge between fitness and spiritual awareness by yoga teacher Elena Brower, and a «spiritual guide, thinker, humorist, and soul sister» by best - selling co-author of The Faith Club Priscilla Warner, this is the yoga book you've been waiting for.
The painterly strokes of these shams gives any room a fresh voice.
Writer - director Gérald Hustache - Mathieu sustains a fresh voice influenced by the Coen brothers and the infernal snow of «Fargo.»
Tipping is a fresh voice who has established a great sense of atmosphere, and more importantly, he's shown that he can tell stories about a more stereotypically black experience with nuance.
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