Sentences with phrase «fresh wind»

You may think you're being helpful, but you're actually just pouring salt on a very fresh wound.
«And so, when we have validation like this, it just puts fresh wind in our sails to keep up the good work.»
The vines can break tree limbs, creating fresh wounds for attack by pathogens or insects.
Midway through the 1986 model year, though, a 124 - mph gust of fresh wind blew into dealers — a hopped - up engine made the Scirocco 16V the fastest and most powerful Volkswagen ever.
Fresh Wind Communications offers a wide range of social media marketing including company profile design, content management, and ad management.
«Rabies [post-exposure prophylaxis] is recommended when an individual is bitten, scratched, or has mucous membrane or fresh wound contact with the saliva or nervous tissue of a laboratory - confirmed rabid animal, or a suspected rabid animal that is not available for testing.»
The son of famous American painter, Julian Schnabel, is well - connected in the international art world / scene and should / is expected to bring / blow fresh wind into the Swiss art scene.
Gordon Brown has re-opened fresh wounds by declaring his support for an English bid for the 2018 World Cup.
It highligted your beautiful legs and added fresh wind to the whole look!
Sitting up there, we could be a million miles from anywhere, beautiful blue sky, fresh wind whipping off from the coast and dappled sunlight through that old tree...
Given how fresh the wounds of Fitbit's acquisition of Pebble still are, this Cronologics assimilation might ruffle feathers as well, though to a smaller effect.
Formerly known as O2 Graphic Design, we expanded our product and service offerings and changed our name to Fresh Wind Communications.
Fresh wind blows from the river plied by pleasure - boats, creating a unique charm.There are many restaurants and cafes along the river.
Rabies PEP is recommended when an individual is bitten, scratched, or has mucous membrane or fresh wound contact with the saliva or nervous tissue of a laboratory - confirmed rabid animal, or a suspected rabid animal that is not available for testing.
The bestselling author of Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire, he lives in New York City with his wife, Carol Cymbala, who directs the Grammy Award - winning Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir.
And others on my side couldn't understand why you were going back into the old ways, when God was moving as a fresh wind, beyond boundaries and walls.
I still like the fresh wind in my hair.
Because of its openness to fresh winds and currents, it has had a stormy history, experiencing in intensified form the passions and hopes that have flowed through liberal Protestantism generally.
But when it comes to transfers there are still a lot of fresh wounds.
So right after the birth or the first couple of days after the birth, it's going to be bright red, as you would expect, from you know, having a fresh wound.
Little support for that, as the fresh wounds remain.
One commission member, Cyrus R. Vance, the former Secretary of State, said that because of the commission's public hearings and reports, mostly on campaign finance abuses, «fresh winds are beginning to blow.»
The Republican loss was a major embarrassment for the president and a fresh wound for the nation's already divided GOP.
It was a major embarrassment for the president and a fresh wound for the nation's already divided Republican Party.
«Because fibrin is present in fresh wounds and then degrades, the theory that Ötzi died some days after he had been injured by the arrow, as had once been mooted, can no longer be upheld,» explains Albert Zink.
But, of course, it's a fresh wound.
Be sure to avoid brushing over fresh wounds, burns and cuts.
Herpes can also be transmitted in a number of ways: sexual intercourse, oral sex, skin - to - skin contact (open or fresh wounds), dirty toilets, bath tubs or towels.
The fresh wound of having been dumped for a 24 year old babe.
It's a quiet drama, full of unspoken hurt and free of histrionics, but it's as raw and painful as a fresh wound.
It should kill Ned Stark and Optimus Prime and Bambi's mommy, then look us in the eye after each fresh wound and say, «Sorry, love.
My thought: Either cauterizing a fresh wound works, or it doesn't.
The road movie becomes a detective story that opens up a fresh wound even as it closes another.
poster certainly received ample attention when it was released back in May, with its simple rendering of Lawrence appearing somewhat angelic, as she offers up the bloodied heart that was clearly torn from the fresh wound in her chest.
There is also evidence on her arms of old scars and the glimpse of a fresh wound that spells out a sexual expletive.)
When Lucy comes to, she realizes that she has a bandage around her abdomen to cover a fresh wound.
Starting with the trades, Variety's Justin Chang calls the film «well - wrought,» singling out Harrelson by offering that the actor «is excellent as a cynical, trigger - happy officer oblivious to the fresh winds of change and accountability sweeping through his embattled department.»
It can also be transmitted through a scratch or when infected saliva makes contact with an open, fresh wound.
Sometimes, on the way home, my human Mom may even open the windows in the car so I can feel the fresh wind on my face.
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