Sentences with phrase «freshwater snail»

One kiddie pool aquarium + one very dedicated scientist + a couple decades of work = one freshwater snail species that otherwise would probably be extinct.
The method was used to measure the breakdown of amino acids within shells of a freshwater snail found at the site (Nature, vol 438, p 1008).
Capsaspora was originally discovered living inside a freshwater snail and has been used by Ruiz - Trillo's group to learn more about animal evolution.
Timeframes are identified through radiocarbon dating of freshwater snail shells and other organic soil matter.
In a study involving multiple generations of a freshwater snail in New Zealand, researchers at the University of Iowa found that polyploidy appears to be neither an asset nor a drawback for females bearing offspring without the help of a male.
«The warming surface waters cause large parts of the lake's floor to lose oxygen, killing off bottom - dwelling animals such as freshwater snails,» Cohen said.
The diversity of flowering plants plummets, and entire populations of freshwater snails and clams vanish.
The fishhooks, all carved from shells, were found in Sakitari Cave, which was occupied seasonally by fishermen taking advantage of the downstream migrations of crabs and freshwater snails.
This project has reintroduced prawns near several villages to evaluate their efficacy in controlling freshwater snails.
This became obvious when the researchers noticed that the mounds were littered with the shells of dead freshwater snails.
Schistosomiasis is transmitted via flatworms shed by the freshwater snails that serve as the parasite's non-human host.
Neiman and others in her field have been studying the freshwater snails for years, in large part because some females can bear offspring without males.
In the paper, the authors stressed that understanding the genetic makeup of these molluscs is important because many «freshwater snails are intermediate hosts for flatworm parasites and transmit infectious diseases» to humans and other animals.
Jannifer Black is a 47 yo mama to 2 divine daughters, 3 bunnies, 3 freshwater snails and 1 husband!
Freshwater snails and water fleas, important to the aquatic food chain, are also at risk.
For the last several decades, the scientist from North Carolina has dedicated himself to saving the freshwater snails from extinction, and he's done so virtually single - handedly with the help of a kiddie - pool aquarium.

Not exact matches

Eating raw snails and raw freshwater shellfish is extremely unwise.
Maybe for the few freshwater shellfish that are dangerous or certain species of snail, that are very dangerous.
The pattern of mollusk loss — species disappearing, then diversifying, followed again by decline — tells him that the sea continued to transgress periodically during the Hell Creek time, altering drainages and other aspects of the landscape and making it impossible for freshwater clams and snails to thrive.
And wherever streams run for a sufficiently long time, freshwater clams and snails colonize in abundance.
Freshwater is now available all year round to the snails, whereas previously saltwater used to flow upriver during the dry season.
When Pfeiffer and his colleagues dug into the salt flats, they discovered organic material left by freshwater plants, snails and microorganisms.
(The taxonomic class Gastropoda encompasses all snails, be they freshwater, marine or land - based.)
After water goes through settling tanks in the basement, its travels through the various ecosystems of the house: clam beds fill the garage, the lawn becomes a wetland, and aerobic tanks on the ground floor are home to water hyacinth, snails, frogs, fish, bacteria and freshwater shrimp.
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