Sentences with phrase «friend of public education»

The ones who I would count as friends of public education are usually pretty rare.
In 2009, he received the Outstanding Friend of Public Education from the Horace Mann League and the Outstanding Achievement Award from the John Dewey Society.
We encourage fellow friends of public education to join us in voting Hawkins / Jones!
The Horace Mann League presents its Outstanding Friend of Public Education Award to Jack Jennings, founder and CEO of the Washington - based Center for Education Policy, at its annual awards luncheon and officer installation on Friday in Houston.
Nate and I have been online friends for a while, and I met Delana and John at the first Midwest Friends of Public Education meeting in Fort Wayne in February.
«We promised to mobilize our forces — school board members, state associations, and other friends of public education — to launch a more assertive effort to advocate on behalf of public education.»
The Northeast Indiana Friends of Public Education (NEIFPE) «was founded in 2011 after a small group of friends, teachers, and retired teachers traveled to Washington D.C. for the Save Our Schools March.»
«Those who earn endorsements are friends of public education and labor,» NYSUT President Karen Magee said.
In one, dated Oct. 8 2015 stated «HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton] hasn't fought for teachers on privatization or funding,» adding in another June 2, 2016 tweet «HRC is no friend of public education
We might even discover that the «friends of public education» constitutes a circle that is both larger and more diverse than some may have once imagined.
Five days before the primary election, the local teachers union sent out a mailing to likely primary voters describing me as «no friend of public education,» though I was endorsed by the union in four prior legislative campaigns.
Friends of public education will be watching.
Her education track record in Michigan has proved that she's no friend of public education.
Dr. Ana Helvia Quintero of the University of Puerto Rico prepared this report for Flamboyan Foundation and the Friends of Public Education in January 2011.
In 2007, Flamboyan Foundation and the Friends of Public Education commissioned an assessment of the Puerto Rico Department of Education's level of compliance with the Elementary and Second Education Act.
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