Sentences with phrase «friends as my husband»

I personally know many wives in a situation similar to mine, but I only know one other couple who lives openly amongst friends as my husband and I do.
I am so excited that this holiday, Tre and I can send out our Christmas cards to family & friends as husband and wife!
She will eventually return to her rural roots and fill a farm with as many furry friends as her husband will allow, but for now, she's enjoying life in Hawaii with Copper working as a freelance writer and writing for Wide Open Pets.
She will eventually return to her rural roots and fill a farm with as many furry friends as her husband will allow, but for now, she's enjoying life in Hawaii with her dogs and working as a freelance writer.

Not exact matches

In a video for AOL, Saujani said «My husband is just as busy as I am but we're each other's best friends.
Aaron Feis will be remembered in the hearts and minds of every life he touched in his years as a football player, football coach, security guard, bus driver, friend, brother, husband, and father.»
He did, I healed, I learned, I grew as a person, father, husband and friend.
As a young married Christian, I knew how happy I was with my husband as best frienAs a young married Christian, I knew how happy I was with my husband as best frienas best friend.
But the idea of husbands and wives as best friends and companions is essentially in conflict with this notion.
As the husband of the woman seated next to her rose and went forward to the podium, the wife turned to my friend and whispered, «He hits.»
As my friend Lindsey, married and in her thirties, recently remarked, «I'm sure glad I wasn't much of a Christian when I started dating my husband
I can picture Christmas supper and birthdays, friends around the real wood fireplace, new books written here, tinies on trampolines, a garden at long last for my patient husband, late nights and early mornings and creating comfort as ministry.
As a matter of fact, I just conversed with a sister, who's brother was married to my friend who cheated on her husband with her bf from HS.
On June 4, 2016, my husband and I were surrounded by our closest friends and family as we tied the knot.
A friend of mine went into a local Christian bookstore to find a book that might be helpful for him as a husband.
Recently at a summer bonfire, I overhead the tail end of a conversation between my husband and his friends as Joel evidently described our first date.
In the richest of human relations such as those of lover with beloved, husband and wife, child and understanding parent, friend and friend, fellowship on a high plane intensifies desire for the values mutually prized.
my husband and I are on the same page with this as are others we are friends with and it's not through a book we read or denominational position or sect leader's influence: I like to think we were all gradually influenced by the Holy Spirit... then I'm sure that's how you feel about your position too.
She knew her friend and her husband both believed that, but as she listened to the genuine, painful question — why — she wondered if the answer would be really satisfying.
I am the worst sinner ever i think... i lost my virginity since when i was 14 or more years... the first time i intercourse with the married woman (i do nt know she divorced or her husband died) and that was just once but kissed many times... then later i intercourse with another lady then after that with the another lady (girl friends)... then after that i have a long lasting relationship with another lady (nonchristian) we already intercourse for many times... and as years pases by..
As writing opened up opportunities for me to speak, my husband, my parents, my sister, my friends, my church, my mentors, my colleagues, other churches all agreed: self - selected or not, preaching and teaching were part of my calling.
So here I am, my father's daughter, as the light breaks through the forest, writing down the names of my children and my husband, my friends and even the needs of the world like our brothers and sisters in Iraq or Haiti or Burundi, and beside these scrawled names, I am writing out the words of Scripture.
These vocations have come through human voices and relationships, institutions and communities; they call to me as a husband, father, son, pastor, citizen, colleague, friend.
I have a good friend who was told by a pastor and an elder... who was there as a witness... that she was fat because she doesn't submit to her husband.
One friend who had suffered a similar loss told me she could never refer to her husband's death as suicide.
One husband described his wife of thirty years as his «friend, mistress and partner.»
i was now more confused and terrified because why would i feel the holy spirit convict me of sin and lead me to repent and also to be healed the way i was if i was unforgiven, yet the fears and terror of this have haunted me to this day... try as i might and i have my husband and some friends who are saved tell me i did not commit the sin i thought i had and that because i had repented and had been so seeking after him, that i am allowing the enemy to accuse me....
The new global language, however, tends to exclude words specifically belonging to the Judeo - Christian tradition, such as: truth, morality, conscience, reason, heart, virginity, chastity, spouse, husband, wife, father, mother, son, daughter, complementarity, service, help, authority, hierarchy, justice, law, commandment, dogma, faith, charity, hope, suffering, sin, friend, enemy, nature, representation...
She is not Black American - although slaves were brought over to the leeward islands during the trans - Atlantic Slave Trade - Her parents are Haitian Immigrants - She was brought up to admire Whites and their culture - She does not see herself as a American Black Woman - She claims that she is beyond that... Her husband is White and all of her friends are White - Please look up her bio - Google it!
However, as a Christian and as a pastor I can honestly say that making the decision to swallow my pride and accept the common grace God has provided through medicine has made me a better husband, father and friend
They were known as the Granite Mountain Hotshots, but to us they were sturdy, sweaty, smoke - stained neighbors, fathers, friends, husbands, sons and uncles.
And it's nothing to do with my friends family or husband, as they are all fabulous and I am so lucky in that regard, it's basically all to do with what I see online.
The third time I made this pasta, I had a small bowl of it for lunch and left the rest of it for my husband for dinner as I was going out with friends that night, and when I came home?
They were still the perfect moist chewy cookie the next evening when I had another one and passed off the rest of them to a friend who's husband functions as a dispose - all for most of my baking that I can not keep around the house for fear that I will eat it all:) Thanks for the recipe!
I made this dish for my husband and friends, but it is special because I chose it as the first food our 6.5 month old son could join us in eating!
It wasn't quite as sweet as I'd make it for friends who were used to traditional banana bread; if it were for them I'd have done the full 1/2 cup, but my husband and I loved it a little easier on the sugar!
we spend it with my husband's grandma who is 96 years old and her 10 children and their children and spouses and as many friends as possible.
One of my best friend's husbands has celiac disease, as well; it would be super fun to surprise them sometimes with a dinner of tacos with gluten - free flour tortillas!
We are huge Duck fans around here as is this sweet friend and her husband.
Made this cake last night for the first time to take to a friend's house for dinner, as I needed something that my husband could also eat now that he is trying to avoid wheat.
This not only my opinion, but includes raves from 2 friends, as well as my husband (hence the second loaf).
As for myself, depending on the time of day you're reading this I'm either having a yummy mid morning breakfast with another close blogger friend of mine; Sommer from A Spicy Perspective, I'm on the road heading back to Charlotte and enjoying a quiet drive with me, myself, and I, or I'm already in Charlotte dealing with my own personal «return to the real world» grindstone of laundry and a house that's been inhabited by my husband and three wild animals boys alone in the house all weekend.
So, when a friend asked me this week to make a Sock - It - To - Me cake for her husband's birthday and a quick recipe search showed up «yellow cake mix» as the number one ingredient, I knew what I was not going to do!
While many will remember him for his success as a major league pitcher, we remember him as an amazing father, loving husband and loyal friend.
A recent survey in Golf Digest Woman revealed that while wives rank their husbands second only to friends as their favorite golf partners, husbands would rather play with almost anyone but their spouses, who ranked ahead of only bosses.
But it is NEVER okay for my boss, husband, friend, colleague, person I cut off, person I told off, or anyone else to use physical violence as a way to discipline me.
A friend of mine named Heather is personally invested in the situation in Haiti as she and her husband (along with their two biological children) have been trying to adopt two children — Clara (age 3) and Emerson (age 1)-- from an orphanage there since March 2007.
My friend's husband was a famed illustrator and a beloved art teacher, and the speakers — whether friends, fellow teachers and artists or former students — spoke of his dedication, passion, rare talent (not only as an artist, but as an inspiring teacher), joy for life, love of family and genuine kindness.
When I look at my own life trajectory, my friends, much more than my boyfriends or my two husbands, were the ones whom I could almost always count on, who love me as much as I love them, who trust me as much as I trust them, and who have gone the distance with me.
I have confided in one friend, she feels as though the boys and spouse will be blindsided but after years of empty conversations ZERO intimacy with husband he can't be totally shocked (can he)?
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