Sentences with phrase «frivolous spending»

"Frivolous spending" refers to spending money on things that are unnecessary or not important. It means using money on items or activities that are not essential or don't bring any significant value or benefit. Full definition
But this needs governments to stop frivolous spending!.
In this age of immediate access to merchandise, it is easier than ever to engage in frivolous spending.
For example, lenders tend to have more sympathy for a bankruptcy that was caused by a medical crisis, as opposed to one that was caused by frivolous spending.
It's not always frivolous spending, the vacation, or a newer car that gets people into debt.
The truth is somewhere in between: as a society we aren't the greatest at looking ahead, but frivolous spending probably isn't helping things.
It is important that you never end up relying on payday loans in order make ends meet every month, or for frivolous spending.
I try to steer clear of frivolous spending on any of the Hallmark and retail - perpetuated holidays, but I do love an excuse to get dressed up and with my new commitment to date nights maybe this year Nick and I will actually make a point to celebrate.
You don't want frivolous spending to creep back into the picture and throw you off track.
The Bank of Ghana (BoG) has denied claims it engaged in frivolous spending following reports that it blew US$ 504,000 on gold watches explaining that the expenditure is part of its policy.
Frivolous spending helped me learn the importance of budgeting, so that I can prioritize spending in areas that bring me the most long - term happiness.
My hubby and I will be sitting down to write out all our bills and then try to figure where we can cut and to minimize frivolous spending!!
Offering car loans with bad credit puts their investment at risk, since they are not certain whether the low credit score is a result of bad luck or of frivolous spending habits.
Of course, this will work only if the individual designs a budget, saves as much a possible, reduces frivolous spending and keeps track of the deadline that is established for moving out.
Because of a mix of bad luck (multiple lay - offs between my husband and I over the years which led to months of unemployment, unexpected major medical bills), choice (job change years ago led me to switch careers by going back to school and not working for a year) and bad mistakes (lots of credit card spending... mostly just to «survive», but sometimes just frivolous spending), we have acquired a massive amount of credit card debt.
To offer some perspective, three dollars is barely enough to cover the cost of a latte and less than the price of avocado toast, the newest whipping boy for frivolous spending among millennials.
Stopping frivolous spending obviously isn't a bad thing, but it's ever hardly the only thing keeping someone underwater on a mortgage or behind on their student loan payments.
Rick's plan for a happy evening with his wife dissolves in an argument as Rick defends his choice, and Jamie continues to accuse him of frivolous spending.
«My commitment has been and continues to be on finding ways to stop frivolous spending and reduce peoples taxes, not raise them.»
You don't want frivolous spending to creep back into the picture and throw you off track.
Granted, there has been inflation, so that $ 66 Million in 2002 is probably close to $ 80 Million now, but the higher salary cap and salary cap floor are resulting in frivolous spending.
I better you'd NEVER have tapped that account for frivolous spending, right?
However, if you know you have other financial goals that could use a boost (think college or retirement savings) «keep the frivolous spending low so you can invest wisely next,» she added.
I'm sure Hein cut his budget because of the frivolous spending, in addition to hiring staff tthat have credentials better used elsewhere.
Critics are quick to, well, critique the fashion blogging community for our frivolous spending, but the reality is that big - ticket purchases by highly visible bloggers draw attention and create stereotypes that don't (even by a longshot) characterize our whole community.
Frivolous spending, forgotten lines, endless takes, nonsensical scripting, terrible dialogue, discarded plotlines, uncomfortable nudity, and continuity mistake after continuity mistake plague the production from start to finish.
When the district went to court and secured a ruling to shut down Pathways Academy Charter School due to issues such as program deficiencies, inflated student enrollment, forgery, frivolous spending, unpaid taxes and questionable personnel practices.
Due to the short term nature of payday loans, and the high APR that comes as part of the package, payday loans should only be used for financial emergencies and not frivolous spending.
It's no secret: I made millions of dollars in hockey, but within a few years of retiring I'd wasted all my money on booze, drugs, and frivolous spending for friends.
Follow a Budget Until You Reach Your Goal — After I got the estimate for the repairs I knew I had to cut back on some of the frivolous spending I was doing.
If done right, it could help the Department of Education collect data on, and potentially regulate, a frivolous spending problem in the student loan industry.
Completely cut or limit unnecessary expenses by evaluating your frivolous spending.
So, am I going to spend the $ 600 on bills or frivolous spending?
It's just a struggle to get her on - board with the concept that we should stop frivolous spending and focus on the $ 20k credit card debt.
Overall I felt like the seat was too big for just one person, but I guess this is the purpose of first class — extreme luxury and frivolous spending.
It's important to know what that figure is, so you can avoid blowing your household budget altogether with impulsive, frivolous spending.
While millennials are often accused of squandering their money on frivolous spending (Australian millionaire, Tim Gurner's controversial «Avocado» article a prime example of this kind of attack), in reality, the «stop spending and start saving» model just doesn't work in today's new world economy.
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