Sentences with phrase «from ajna»

Along with the sectional set, we added two new chaise lounge chairs from Ajna Living.
We got this beautiful sectional set from Ajna Living.
Exhaling, let the breath seem to flow from the ajna chakra, back to the base of your nostrils.

Not exact matches

There are 6 Chakras or plexuses starting from Muladhara Chakra, Swadhistana Chakra, Manipuraka Chakra, Anahata Chakra, Vishuddhi Chakra and Ajna Chakra which have to be developed and opened up.
In some animals the parietal eye, which helps regulate circadian rhythms, is also located at the ajna chakra, tying Wilke's image of the artist to the productive and fertile Changing Woman, whose regenerative cycle from young to old is mirrored in a circadian analogy of transition.
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