Sentences with phrase «from jesus»

From Jesus» side, this means our death reenacts his to some degree and gives it a new, though never more complete, expression.
There is no other way, truth, or life apart from Jesus.
There is no other vision of God apart from Jesus Christ; there is no other representation apart from the Son.
John was there, and more than there as Annas and Caiaphas were there, or Judas for that matter; — John was formed from within, by a unique relationship of personal formation from Jesus Christ, to treasure and value the things that Jesus said and did which expressed Jesus's divine being and relationship to the Father and the Holy Spirit.
There was a glory light emanating from Jesus.
We have even separated ourselves from Jesus» teaching on divorce.
The human mind that abstracts from the realism and intuition of St. John, to theologise its own version of the Jesus of History as distinct from the Jesus of Faith, must always end up with a supreme Prophet who is less than the transcendent divine, who is not pre-existent to the Universe and Creation, and who at the very highest is «divine» only as a supreme emanation of a «holy and noble consciousness» at the root of being itself, and identified with Creation itself.
Furthermore, reflection about Jesus» message and life has led to still further reconsideration of the nature of God, to beliefs that were probably absent from Jesus» own consciousness.
In the course of Christian history, theology has tended to shift its focus from Jesus» death as the manifestation of God's glory and life to Jesus» death as a guarantee of our eventual glory and life.
Luther's patron and protector, Frederick, was really keen on relics: the Wittenberg church had more than 19,000 of them, displayed along the nine aisles, including vials of milk from the virgin Mary, straw from Jesus» manger, bread from the last supper, a branch of the burning bush from which God spoke to Moses (thankfully no longer alight) and a strand of Jesus» beard.
By gazing at the heavenly Jesus as victim, i.e., Jesus in the Eucharist, believers are able to profit from Jesus» experiencing death for each of them, thus enabling them to appreciate Jesus» earthly victimhood, which resulted in his heavenly victimhood in the Eucharist.
Because the Pharisee believes that he has very little to ask from Jesus, he has little to give him in return: not a drop of water, a kiss or a drop of oil.
Perhaps I am even called to be a theologian, and that is something very different from Jesus.
But that doesn't mean he deserves anything from God, or from Jesus Christ.
Jesus» unique response in every situation made possible new, creative opportunities that the Logos received from Jesus» actual actiondecisions and fed back into Jesus» life - possibilities.
They are not only wonderful works that proceeded from Jesus as Son of God.
People who have not gotten the basic facts about their life straight will not do the things that make learning from Jesus possible and will never be able to understand the basic points in the lessons to be learned.
I presented on the scriptural evidence regarding homosexuality, of which Dugan wrote: «There is just one catch [to Gagnon's citation of scripture texts from Jesus]: not one of the passages he quotes from actually mentions gay relationships.»
Lincoln's greatest quote is directly from Jesus.
The word for «Father,» which the earliest Christians learnt from Jesus in their native Aramaic, was «Abba» (the Aramaic word is preserved in some places of the New Testament), and «Abba» was the intimate mode of address from child to father in the Jewish family.
The «must» in verse 31 is a divine necessity, and it comes not only from Jesus» acute estimate of the forces already set against him but also from his meditation on the great suffering servant passage of Isaiah 53 which he was beginning to see as a clue to his own ministry and life.
That we are self - critical at all, and the particular way in which we criticize ourselves, derives from Jesus.
They could learn a lot from Jesus, who teaches love, tolerance, and forgiveness.
By «Christ» I do not mean Jesus, although Christ can not be disconnected from Jesus.
To repeat, I am learning from Jesus how to lead my life, my whole life, my real life.
Another important way of putting this is to say that I am learning from Jesus to live my life as he would live life if he were I. I am not necessarily learning to do everything he did, but I am learning how to do everything I do in the manner in which he did all that he did.
If the encounter with God occurred apart from Jesus» essential mediation, it is clear that the theology that would result would not be Christian in Brunner's sense.
You atheists are trying to trick the Christians on these articles to turn away from Jesus» truth.
If taken by themselves, some of these verses indicate that the apostle deviated from Jesus» example and had a bias against women, and even suggested that women should be treated as second - class Christians — submissive to their husbands, attired and coifed demurely and silent in church.
In the second lecture I looked at what happens when people simply drift away from Jesus into the wider Western culture, the option of Gautama,...
We may not quarrel with the fact; but the whole development, beginning with a concentration upon the idea of Jesus» own person as of central importance for religious faith, certainly represents a shift in emphasis from Jesus» own teaching.
Blacks looking at the images of lynching victims took heart from Jesus» suffering on the cross and his resurrection, Cone said.
This is proper because it is from Jesus» work that the early Christians moved on to the questions about his person.
They meet to discuss what they've heard from Jesus.
The themes of the preaching are there: the note of «fulfillment,» the emergence of a community, the offer of forgiveness, the outlook on the future, the whole receiving its impulse from Jesus, what he said, what he did, what happened to him.
When looked at this way, all the parables and teachings from Jesus about the Kingdom of God become much more clear, and we see that as followers of Jesus, we have a much larger role to play on this earth than just sitting around twiddling our thumbs while we wait for the rapture.
So it has become a new scholarly task to supplement the standard version of church history, based on Paul and Acts, with the church history that leads from Jesus via the Sayings Gospel to Matthew, that is to say, from Galilee directly to Antioch without the detour via the Damascus road.
The first steps from Galilee to Antioch, the beginning of the path from Jesus to us, can be sketched as follows:
If repentance & believing in Jesus is the only way to heaven, by Gods full grace and not good deeds it is the faith Any other way, any other Jesus, any other inspired book with a message from Jesus, is a cult.
But we must not get too far away from Jesus» words, «Take up [the] cross and follow me.»
Turned to be in the size of the jealousy that Satan had for Adam or the jealousy that the son of Adam Cain had towards his brother for which he killed him or like how jealous those of the Sabbath were from Jesus by rejecting what he has came up with to ease their hardness that they had applied on them selves of which God had not told of.
They can understand how the Catholic might get from Jesus» statements at the Last Supper to a belief in Transubstantiation, but not how he can get from apparently no evidence whatsoever to the Immaculate Conception.
Just like Mother Teresa refused to give morphine to dying patients and then told them that their suffering was a «kiss from Jesus» and the RCC's conspiracy to hide pedophiles was a «judgement call» (and those are your own words).
Most of instructions about sin and righteousness that we find in the New Testament from Jesus, Peter, and Paul was directed toward religious people.
The authors are most helpful when they focus not on proof texts from Jesus» teaching but on our relationship of praise and devotion to the God incarnate in Jesus Christ.
III 9 Therefore God has highly exalted him And bestowed on him the name which is above every name, 10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, (in heaven and on earth and under the earth) 11 And every tongue confess: JESUS CHRIST IS LORD (to the glory of God the Father).3 Although no facts from Jesus» life are reported, his humiliation is emphasized as the indispensable presupposition of his exaltation.
These practices and elements have become so normal and accepted within Christianity that we believe they are «from Jesus» or «by the Holy Spirit» when they are not.
As with the two - volume work, although I agree with nearly everything Greg writes in the book, I once again found myself disagreeing with the central idea... that God withdraws from Jesus on the cross, and therefore, in the violent portions of the OT, God is withdrawing Himself from the people and nations who experience / suffer violence.
One reason for their misperceptions of Jesus and his kingdom priorities might be that «the ministry of the Spirit was inseparable from Jesus» physical presence with them.
But the ultimate mandate for mission comes from neither Peter nor Paul, but from Jesus himself, who, as Narsai paraphrases him, told his disciples:
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