Sentences with phrase «from tu»

I am khaled completed my masters in informatik from TU Dresden.
According to Nörtershäuser, such experiments are prepared at the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research in Darmstadt involving also other working groups from TU Darmstadt.
So Samek and his team, in collaboration with colleagues from TU Berlin, developed a method that makes it possible to watch a neural network think.
«Fungi brew our beer and produce important antibiotics,» explains Prof. Marcel Reinders from TU Delft's Delft Bioinformatics Lab.
Researchers from TU Wien (Vienna), together with colleagues from Greece and the USA, have now developed a new idea for a cloaking technology.
«Similarly, the intensification of land use results in the destabilization of the animal and plant community and this, in turn, impairs the entire ecosystem,» adds Dr. Nadja Simons (also from the TU Munich).
That is why Bosch employees, in collaboration with scientists from the TU Munich and the University of Erlangen - Nuremberg, investigated the filling process at the neutron imaging and tomography facility ANTARES of the research neutron source FRM II.
The findings published by Silvano Ferrari and colleagues from the TU Vienna and the Centre for Computational Materials Science (CMS), Austria, will improve our understanding of what makes self - assembly in biological systems possible.
I've got a MSc in Electrical Engineering, a PDEng from TU / e Eindhoven and I'm currently working for an Italian engineering firm in the fields of automotive and automation electronics.
I agree with you that opposition to the savage cuts agenda will come from TU's and community campaigns but there will be a need for an alternative and a wider political case being made in these campaigns.

Not exact matches

The Archbishop of Baltimore did docu - ment that if a married couple had good reason to use birth control (ie on gets HI - V from tainted blood) and the discuss their si - tu - ation with their priest and pray to God for guidance and they come to the con - clu - sion the should use birth control the can rest a-s-su-re-d they are making a moral decision.
There are many Indians on BB, I was preparing for my English exams and I tried to find videos on idioms then I saw success mantra, that was the only video I could coz I was already exhausted from extensive search I downloaded it when I opened it the guys English was horrible and he sounded like (tu Mach cuery), not only that, motivational channels etc Indians are every where!
The TU notes the «official and political overlap» in the move to boot Espada from the Democratic Party's ranks, but doesn't come to his defense.
Below you will find, compliments of the TU's CapCon, the Troopergate - related memo Gov. Andrew Cuomo so desperately wanted to keep from public view that he sent two top aides to the state Archives to remove it from the cache of documents there that date back to his four - year term as state attorney general.
Archives officials told the TU in May that there was indeed a Troopergate folder in their possession, but it was removed from public view by the Cuomo administration — specifically, Linda Lacewell — because it fell under the categories of documents that the Freedom of Information Law deems protectable.
The TU says it's time for the Senate Democrats to «salvage their self - respect» and remove Espada from his leadership post.
Danny Hakim at The Times pointed out today that while the internal memo from Linda Lacewell does seem to include a passage that backs up the initial claims first report by The TU in 2007 — that then - Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno did use a state helicopter for non-official use at least once.
«We are pleased to partner with OATH and Borough President Katz on what should be an informative and comprehensive forum on how residents and business owners can best respond to summonses from the City,» said PETER TU, Executive Director of the Flushing Chinese Business Association.
Speaking of being amused, my favorite photos in the TU this weekend from Occupy Albany are of a young guy dressed in a three piece suit with a Snidely Whiplash mustache drawn on his face.
The TU says just because the state might be legally able to lend the Thruway Authority $ 511 million from a revolving clean water fund doesn't mean it should do so.
I hadn't heard this line of defense from her before, although she has said repeatedly — including at the AG debate Tuesday night — that she regrets her long lapse in voting, which has been cited by at least two newspaper editorial boards (the Times and the TU) as one reason why Rice didn't receive their endorsements.
The TU has far more details that I can provide at this hour, including some choice quotes from Grannis, a former Manhattan assemblyman who was appointed to his post by then - Gov.
DEC employees are back to work after being evacuated from their building last Friday due to what the TU's Rick Karlin has deemed a «poop attack.»
The lame duck spending detailed by the TU's Jim Odato amounts to $ 16.7 million, which is quite a bit less than the $ 250 million worth of workforce savings the Paterson administration has been trying to wring from the public employee unions.
In a TU OpEd, Republican Assembly members Jane Corwin, Nicole Malliotakis, Annie Rabbitt and Claudia Tenney encouraged their Democratic colleagues to oust Silver from the speaker's chair.
OK - now that the blogger thing is open to all, without a doubt the worst is Little Jimmy Tedesco who uses his TU blog spot to tout his stupid news of the day proposals and attempt to curry favor from his anti-government friends.
That much is obvious from your wacky posts at the TU's CapCon and the one above.
Here's a link to the front of the mailer, which has a lot of rah, rah Schneiderman language and highlights his endorsements from The Times, the TU, The Nation, former state Comptroller H. Carl McCall and a plethora of labor unions.
«Intriguingly, the statement goes into great depth discussing the under - construction constitutional amendment detailed in Friday's TU — so much depth that one would think it had already been rolled out with a Red Room presser featuring Gov. Andrew Cuomo, legislative leaders and representatives from Citizens Union, whose members have been most vocal in pressing for the constitutional change as thus far described,» reads the Times Union post.
«In the facilities we are working with, however, the combustion process is fundamentally different,» explains Stefan Penthor from the Institute of Chemical Engineering at TU Wien.
The results from the quantum - optics labs at the TU Vienna could give a new twist to research concerned with longitudinally oscillating light waves in very different scientific fields: Even a focused laser beam in free space has a longitudinal component.
Apart from KIT, the Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l'Environnement de Lyon (IRCELYON), TU Darmstadt, the Solvay company, and Umicore AG & Co..
Together with researchers from Instituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) Pontedera, Università degli Studi in Milan and Scuola Superiore Sant» Anna in Pisa, Francesco Greco from the Institute of Solid State Physics at TU Graz presents a novel method in Advanced Science which raises the transmission of electrical impulses from human to machine to the next level using printed tattoo electrodes.
«The crucial point is to pump energy into the material in a spatially tailored way such that light is amplified in exactly the right places, while allowing for absorption at other parts of the material,» says Professor Konstantinos Makris from the University of Crete (previously TU Wien).
«Quasiparticles are not particles in the conventional sense, but rather excitations of a system consisting of many interacting particles,» explains Prof. Silke Bühler - Paschen from the Institute of Solid State Physics at TU Wien.
Scientists working at Korea University, Korea, and TU Berlin, Germany have developed a brain - computer control interface for a lower limb exoskeleton by decoding specific signals from within the user's brain.
It consists of work groups from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, TU Kaiserslautern, and the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz and offers excellent national and international doctoral candidates in natural science disciplines an exceptional training in materials science.
Dr. Nils Haag from the Chair of Experimental Astroparticle Physics at TU München recently developed an experimental setup at the FRM II that allowed him to determine the missing spectrum of uranium 238.
A team of scientists of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) and TU Berlin, together with colleagues from the Netherlands and Switzerland, has now been able to investigate the dynamics of these whirls experimentally.
Electrical engineers at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) together with researchers from Berlin have drastically increased the flux of X-ray photons using a newly developed mid-infrared laser system.
Scientists from the Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden / TU Dresden and the University of Tokyo led by Dr. Thorsten - Lars Schmidt (cfaed) developed a method to protect DNA origami structures from decomposition in biological media.
Two years ago, Prof. Andrei Pimenov and his team at the Institute of Solid State Physics of TU Vienna, together with a research group from the University of Würzburg, managed to achieve a massive Faraday effect as they passed light through special mercury telluride platelets and applied a magnetic field.
Koster led the research together with scientists from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience at TU Delft in The Netherlands.
The experiments were carried out in collaboration with researchers from the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, the Helmholtz - Zentrum in Dresden - Rossendorf, the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung (Centre for Heavy - Ion Research) in Darmstadt, the TU Darmstadt, the TU Dresden, Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, and the Helmholtz Institute, Jena.
«The equipment currently used to measure electric field strength has some significant downsides,» explains Andreas Kainz from the Institute of Sensor and Actuator Systems (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, TU Wien).
«The thicker the magnesium layer, the larger the lead of its electrons compared to the electrons coming from the tungsten layer,» says Christoph Lemell (TU Vienna).
«Our goal was to find a way to reliably transfer a quantum state from one place to the other without having to do it several times to make it work,» explains Peter Rabl from the Atominstitut, TU Wien.Superconducting qubits, in particular, are promising elements for future quantum technologies.
«However, in narrow photonic waveguides, the electric field of the light resembles the rotor of a helicopter,» explains Arno Rauschenbeutel from the Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology at the Institute of Atomic and Subatomic Physics of TU Wien, Austria.
The TU Berlin Summer and Winter University offers courses from a wide variety of topics, workshops and team - building activities as well as a diverse cultural program.
By using new manufacturing methods, researchers from QuTech, in collaboration with TU Eindhoven, have successfully observed Majoranas in significantly improved conditions.
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