Sentences with phrase «from alarmist statements»

The tempting prospect of increased sales from alarmist statements is too much for them to resist and bodies such as the IPCC are further encouraged by the attention they can get.
He reacted sharply to a suggestion that The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)-- the think tank he also heads — had benefitted from the alarmist statement that Himalayan glaciers may disappear by 2035.

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Yet alarmist direct quotes from pro-AGW climate scientists themselves have no impact on their scientific standing, even though more often than not their statements have little or no scientific basis.
As a recent study from the University of Bristol documented, climate scientists have been so distracted and intimidated by the relentless campaign against them that they tend to avoid any statements that might get them labeled «alarmists,» retreating into a world of charts and data.
«In this presentation, we consider the reasons for the left's alarmist statements on energy production, and we examine Epstein's key arguments and explain how a turn away from fossil fuel use would ultimately be disastrous to humanity — especially the poorest of the poor.»
FoE draws on the support of James Hansen, who contradicts the IPCC «consensus» with alarmist statements about meters of sea - level rise, yet escapes being called a «denier» on the basis that he differs from the mainstream in a more apocalyptic direction.
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