Sentences with phrase «from alcohol intoxication»

In extreme cases, coma or seizures may occur and could lead to death from alcohol intoxication.

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Alcohol intoxication prevents you from caring for your baby safely.
Yet if it is the case that energy drinks increase binge drinking, the popularity of A+ED s could exacerbate alcohol - related harms among young people, particularly harms related to intoxication, such as car accidents and injuries from fights or falls.»
Alcohol and drugs can aggravate an underlying mental illness, which can happen both during withdrawal from a substance and during acute intoxication.
Alcohol intake exceeding this rate accumulates and becomes saturated in the bloodstream, causing intoxication to occur, and filtering alcohol from the bloodstream causes liver cells Alcohol intake exceeding this rate accumulates and becomes saturated in the bloodstream, causing intoxication to occur, and filtering alcohol from the bloodstream causes liver cells alcohol from the bloodstream causes liver cells to die.
Neither his hosts, nor his friends who facilitated the acquisition of the alcohol he consumed, had a legal duty to prevent him from suffering the consequences of his voluntary intoxication.
The DWI attorneys are experienced in litigating every type of intoxication offense from complete refusals and breath test cases to blood cases that involve alcohol, drugs, prescription medication, and serious injury or death.
By minimizing the level of intoxication a person experiences from alcohol, scientists hope to minimize the addiction as well.
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