Sentences with phrase «from algal oil»

Plant - based sources of omega - 3s from algal oil usually provide around 100 — 300 mg DHA; some contain EPA as well.

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Good sources include fatty fish — like salmon, mackerel, herring, and sardines — or algal oil, which is a vegan source of DHA that comes from microalgae.
Procured from algae, algal oil is source of DHA, an important long - chain omega - 3 that supports brain development, immune balance, and healthy gene expression.
Algal biofuels remain a distant prospect, but oil from algae might prove to be a more sustainable food
A new catalytic method for converting algal oil to gasoline - or jet - fuel - range hydrocarbons has been developed by the research group of Prof. Keiichi Tomishige and Dr. Yoshinao Nakagawa from Tohoku University's Department of Applied Chemistry, and Dr. Hideo Watanabe from the University of Tsukuba.
There's no need for seafood, as I find the evidence favoring lower complete protein diets from longevity studies compelling, and there's nothing unique to seafood that can't be found as an ethical supplement (eg, algal oil for EPA / DHA, synthetic taurine).
Algal oil is derived from microalgae, which is what fish consume to get their DHA, and is biologically equivalent to the DHA received in fish oil.
Procured from algae, algal oil is source of DHA, an important long - chain omega - 3 that supports brain development, immune balance, and healthy gene expression.
I received an MS in Ocean Sciences from the University of California, Santa Cruz a few years ago (in the area of marine nitrogen fluxes); at the time I was a recipient of an NSF Graduate Student Fellowship in microbiology — and I transferred into the Biochemistry department hoping to go into renewable energy research, which seemed to be very interesting, important and useful work — I was particularly interested in algal biochemistry (a great oil source) or fungal enzymes (for cellulose digestion)-- but when I took these proposals to the Dean of Graduate Studies, he shook his head and said «You will never be able to find funding for this kind of work — can't you do something else?»
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