Sentences with phrase «from apelike»

Human evolution from an apelike ancestor started about 5 - 6 million years ago.
There visitors can trace some six million years of human prehistory, from apelike creatures such as Sahelanthropus to anatomically modern Homo sapiens, from the first tool makers to the first artists.
«The best way to explain the transition from an apelike posture to one more humanlike,» he says, «is that a humanlike posture was adopted first and resulted in a humanlike morphology.»

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Over the past 2 million years, the human lineage evolved from a group of bipedal, apelike beings to makers of stone tools, controllers of fire and producers of cave art.
Furthermore, he adds, none of them share LB1's suite of primitive skeletal characteristics, such as her apelike wrist bones and her flaring pelvis, which bears an uncanny resemblance to the pelvis of the 3.2 - million - year - old fossil from Ethiopia known as Lucy.
Footprints found in Laetoli, Tanzania, show that the australopithecines that made them 3.75 million years ago had longer toes, a shallower arch, and a more apelike big toe that jutted slightly away from the other toes.
Other remains — skulls, hands, and foot bones from infants, teens, and the elderly — also consistently showed the same unusual combination of modern and apelike traits.
From their first excavation, they claimed to have discovered several pieces of a humanlike skull, an apelike mandible, some worn molar teeth, stone tools, and fossilized animals.
The pelvis from a partial Ardipithecus ramidus skeleton nicknamed Ardi (SN: 1/16/10, p. 22) bears evidence of an efficient, humanlike walk combined with plenty of hip power for apelike climbing, says a team led by biological anthropologists Elaine Kozma and Herman Pontzer of City University of New York.
These features distinguish the early species on the Homo lineage from the more apelike early Australopithecus, yet the fossil's primitive, sloping chin links it to a Lucy - like ancestor.
In an effort to differentiate Java Man from these later finds, Dubois emphasized the apelike characteristics of his fossil, giving rise to the common myth that he had decided Java Man was just a gibbon, and had abandoned his claim for its intermediate status.
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