Sentences with phrase «from average heart rate»

From the app you can see your daily step count mapped out as well as have detailed metrics of each run - from average heart rate to max speed - relayed in an easy - to - understand manner.

Not exact matches

Did you know that between the years 1910 to 2000, the average annual butter consumption per person in the US decreased from 18 lbs per year in 1910 to less than 4 lbs per year in 2000... Meanwhile heart disease rates between 1910 to 2000 QUADRUPLED.
Find your lean body mass, your resting heart rate average, or calculate how many calories and where they should come from to meet your body composition goal, and MORE!
Quite undeliberately this year I've doubled my average time spent on my blog (and that was from an already strong and above average base), in some instances on some days it's 4 X as long, I've reduced my bounce rate, boosted my page per sessions and rather heart warmingly (it really makes my day) I've seen a huge increase in people sharing my content and the likes it receives on the likes of bloglovin too.
It allows drivers to monitor the efficiency of their vehicle with average speed and fuel consumption readings, access vehicle telematics and performance data while on the track, while at the same time it can capture biometric data through a heart rate monitor and receive tailored messages from Nissan.
But according to a so - called «validation study» conducted by an unbiased independent researcher, a Dr. Edward Jo from the California State Polytechnic University, the data reported by the three wearable gadgets in question is not just in average off by 20 beats per minute compared to a separate, much more precise heart rate supervisor, but also «sporadic», «ambiguous», and «all over the place.»
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