Sentences with phrase «from avian flu»

This swine flu outbreak may be a good test of protocols that were created in recent years given the ongoing threat from avian flu.
This strain is different from the one first seen in Florida in 2004, having adapted from an avian flu, rather than one that infects horses.
Wild birds rarely sicken enough to die from avian flu.
From the avian flu to the bubonic plague, disease outbreaks have been a constant in human history.
From avian flu to cholera, infectious diseases may not be able to hide for long.

Not exact matches

With SARS, mad cow, avian flu and the worsening ailments plaguing the airline industry (which remained a significant revenue source), Cara's share price went from bad to worse in recent years.
Diseases from SARS to avian flu to «mad cow disease» literally emerging from the nothingness.
The risk to the public from the outbreak of the deadly H5N1 strain of avian bird flu in Suffolk is «negligible», environment secretary David Miliband has insisted.
Gordon Brown's reassurance came after three mute swans in Devon were found dead from the highly pathogenic H5N1 strain of avian flu.
Viruses like avian flu or the animal coronavirus that mutated into SARS must be relatively benign in their original hosts to spread from one animal in the wild to the next.
In the case of the avian flu epidemic that broke out in December 2003 and continued into the fall of 2004, 43 of the 44 people known to have contracted the disease appeared to have done so directly from animals.
But unlike the pandemic strains of 1957 and 1968, which appear to have resulted from the direct mixing of avian and human flu strains, the 1918 strain doesn't seem to have jumped directly from birds to humans.
To spread effectively from human to human, avian flu strains would have to adapt to nonciliated cells.
The markets of Guangdong are also the source of H5N1, a strain of killer avian flu that first jumped from animals to people in 1997 and then reemerged last year.
Avian flu has so far proved more fizzle than firecracker: It has killed fewer than 150 people, compared with the 35,000 Americans who die yearly from ordinary flu.
Michael Osterholm, director of the University of Minnesota's Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy in Minneapolis, points out that the 2004 document was based on input from an international panel of 22 scientists and public - health officials, in response to the threat of the deadly H5N1 avian flu virus.
Avian flu can be transmitted from birds to humans; transmission among humans, however, is limited.
A triple reassortment strain of an H1N2 virus, with genes from avian, swine and human flu, has been shown to jump easily via air to mammals
Eventually, the avian flu could acquire the ability to be passed from person to person, sparking a pandemic.
In fact, most of what we know about the human version of the disease comes from Indonesia, where avian flu goes by the nickname AI.
Genetic analysis shows that the virus is a mix of avian and swine viruses from North America, a swine flu strain usually seen in Asia, and a human influenza strain.
First, they ruled out avian flu by testing serum samples from the animals for flu antibodies.
One study from Taiwan tracked avian flu outbreaks downwind of Asian dust storms and found that the flu virus might be transported long - distance by air spiked with the dust.
The letter states that the pause potentially applies to six projects that range from studying the ecology of avian flu in live bird markets in Colombia to looking at drug - resistance mutations in seasonal influenza strains.
Researchers report in Nature today that they have perfected a way to manufacture monoclonal antibodies capable of destroying diseases such the avian flu, which have the ability to swap genes with human flu varieties and jump from birds to people.
Last week, two more problems came to light: a recent CDC shipment of flu samples contaminated with the deadly H5N1 avian influenza and the discovery of smallpox vials from 1954 in a government lab at the National Institutes of Health.
The agency also pledged to immediately release newly generated flu sequence information from now on — including data on the dangerous H5N1 avian influenza strain, should it arrive in the United States.
From its sequence, researchers already knew that the 1918 HA gene resembled that of avian flu viruses.
The finding is exciting «because it suggests that the seasonal flu vaccine boosts antibody responses and may provide some measure of protection against a new pandemic strain that could emerge from the avian population,» said senior study author Paul G. Thomas, PhD, an Associate Member in the Department of Immunology at St. Jude.
Avian flu (also «bird flu», «avian influenza», «bird influenza»), means «flu from viruses adapted to birds», but is sometimes mistakenly used to refer to both other flu subsets (such as H5N1 flu) or the viruses that cause them (such as HAvian flu (also «bird flu», «avian influenza», «bird influenza»), means «flu from viruses adapted to birds», but is sometimes mistakenly used to refer to both other flu subsets (such as H5N1 flu) or the viruses that cause them (such as Havian influenza», «bird influenza»), means «flu from viruses adapted to birds», but is sometimes mistakenly used to refer to both other flu subsets (such as H5N1 flu) or the viruses that cause them (such as H5N1).
Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the University of Wisconsin at Madison studied a hybrid flu virus made from the avian H5 and the human H1N1 pandemic flu of 2009.
Microbiologist Peter Palese from Mount Sinai Medical School in New York City led the second team, which added the avian flu H7, another hemagglutinin subtype, to a weakened strain of the Newcastle vaccine.
Close disease surveillance and targeted use of anti-viral drugs could be enough to keep a small outbreak of avian flu from becoming the first influenza pandemic in 36 years, according to a new...
Three quarters of all emerging infectious diseases of humans emanate from animals - Avian Flu, Ebola and SARS are just some.
This was demonstrated during recent outbreaks, from SARS and MERS to avian influenza, swine flu, Ebola, and Zika.
From WebMD: «Lauric acid is used for treating viral infections including influenza (the flu); swine flu; avian flu; the common cold; fever blisters, cold sores, and genital herpes caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV); genital warts caused by human papillomavirus (HPV); and HIV / AIDS.
It is thought that the strain came from Asia, possibly originating as an avian flu that was transferred to a dog.
H3N2, on the other hand, is believed to have mutated from a strain of avian flu in Asia.
This strain appears to be an avian influenza cross over from birds, whereas the H3N8 strain was a cross over from the horse flu.
One theory as to why avian flu hasn't spread as much from chickens to humans in West Africa is that Nigeria and neighbors are warmer and there's more space, so people don't have to keep their chickens in their houses — meaning they breathe less chicken feces and dander, etc..
NPR reports that the recent outbreak of H5N2, or avian flu, has caused economic hardship for American farmers, to the point that the USDA is importing eggs from the Netherlands to meet demand.
If the covered lagoon method (pictured) proves to be globally valuable for business, the upshot is a large scale incentive to prevent lagoon flooding or leakage, and the resulting loss of raw material (the poop) needed profit from a waste that, if not carefully retained to extract economic value, offends neighbors, is a potential disease vector (for Avian flu for example) and poses an ecological hazard to downstream waters.
Heinze also notes the recent rise in headlines about avian flu — nine deaths in Vietnam and the first known case of avian flu passing from person to person.
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