Sentences with phrase «from bending»

So, the new aluminum might keep iPhones from bending in half, but it's not to blame for the weight gain.
The use of metallic construction isn't enough to keep this thin system from bending under its own weight, and chassis flex is the result.
If you have injured yourself from bending on the job, you may be entitled to workers» compensation benefits.
All employees who experience pain from bending should report this to their supervisor as soon as possible and contact a skilled workers» compensation attorney for help obtaining proper medical treatment and top compensation.
The solar cells also experienced one quarter of the strain from the bending that a cell 3.5 micrometers thick would experience.
The latest dodge («to set the record straight») and deflection («here's another one for you») from Bending Rodriguez certainly do not help dispel the impression of a feud.
I really liked the idea of rubberbanding the brushes to a piece of wood to prevent the tips from bending.
So basically imagine yourself and three friends huddled around the GamePad with your cards ready to be fired... It's a mess, and you might even ruin your precious amiibo cards from bending them in the process.
Of course, their reluctance to clue in the market at large isn't going to stop hardcore Jasper - searchers from bending, shifting and tearing their way to the power rating on the console — find a «2,1 A» peeking through the cutout on the back of the box and you've found the proverbial golden ticket — but it's sad such manhandling is required to ensure the purchase of a non-crappy console.
You don't have to touch any cat waste again or suffering pain from your back from bending over twice a day or more.
Typical aquarium setups use a plastic frame to support and keep the glass from bending under pressure.
An assortment of ligaments holds everything together, allowing the knee to bend the way it should and keep it from bending the way it shouldn't.
When this happens, your dog's knee will slip inward and then lock up, preventing your dog from bending his leg.
If you enjoy playing fetch with your dog, but hate the shoulder pain you experience from throwing, or the lower back pain from bending over to pick up balls, this best dog ball thrower solves both of those problems for you.
The government said it would introduce measures to prevent foreign buyers from bending the rules and threatened stiff fines — $ 100,000 for individuals and $ 200,000 for corporations who don't comply.
I understand if a flexible display is bent, the light won't illuminate the display evenly... but doesn't the eReader «case» keep it stable and prevent it from bending?
I love the contrast of the black lace trim on the smooth taupe, but taking 20 minutes to iron them only to find them crease ridiculously just from bending over does not justify the prettiness of them.
Refrain from bending your neck over your phone when texting, and try to be mindful of having better posture.
Your back is used in nearly every movement you perform throughout the day, from bending over to tie your shoes, to carrying your backpack or purse.
Pain on the front of the knee may be from bending the knee excessively during the downkick or flutter kick.
C. Using your hamstrings and keeping your back flat (try to keep from bending forward at the waist) raise back up to start.
Always keep them in a neutral position and prevent them from bending or drifting forward.
From bending forward to send a text to slumping on the couch for a Netflix binge, poor posture has become second nature.
Gravitational microlensing, on the other hand, results from the bending of light from much smaller and less massive stellar - type objects like brown dwarfs, red dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes.
Studying the effect of dark energy on large - scale structure involves measuring subtle distortions in the shapes of galaxies arising from the bending of space by intervening matter, a phenomenon known as «weak lensing.»
Eighty percent of the energy, Witten's team has calculated, comes from the bending of the sheet, and the other 20 percent comes from stretching.
It requires not one but both electrodes to have a high voltage to obtain an apokamp plasma jet, which typically develops from the bending point of the discharge channel.
This new picture — in which gravity originates from the bending of sheets of space - time — revolutionized cosmology and gave us the most compelling theory of creation, the Big Bang.
They match Einstein's explanations of everything from the bending of light by distant galaxies to the distortion of time in those gps satellites.
It has strong ropes and a unique triangular handle that will prevent the ropes from bending and will make the swing more safe and secure.
The zip down sides are handy too to save your back from bending to lift up and put down the baby.
These arm restraints are soft, stiff tubes that fit over your child's arms and stop the elbows from bending.
It was hilarious, it had real wrestling in it, it made Tyler Breeze and Fandango look like legitimate competitors who could win the SmackDown Tag Team titles from the Usos if they figure out a way to keep them from bending the rules... it had everything.
Double (or even triple) them up to keep the pans from bending under the weight of the soon to be smoked beans.
The JuiceBoxx case slides nicely over a MacBook charger and completely prevents the cord from bending at greater than 90 degrees from the base of the charger, effectively saving your cord from fraying.
«Jigsaws Falling into Place» delivers a straightforward, upbeat tune that draws on some aspects from The Bends, in relation to the acoustic guitar.
Because we sit on seats that roll up and down a slide, and our legs go from bent up into our chests to squeezing down straight out and hard against the deck of the boat with each stroke, we have ample opportunities each row for the boys to get caught.
All other current top Gunners should start from the bend to rest and conserve energy to excorcise Jose Monrinho's Devil strangle hold on our beloved boss.
From the bend of Whiteadder Water on the south, as the chart showed, the Clark farm stretched about two miles north to a parcel called the Wee Plough - lands, and at midsection extended one mile from the wood called Lazybeds Plantation to Big Howleas field.
In effect, these molecules can be flipped from a bent to an extended form, and back again, depending on the wavelength of light used.
And when it comes to the lower back and spinal erectors, try extending your body upright from a bent position.
Extension — Body part (i.e. hand, neck, trunk, etc.) going from a bent to a straight position, as in leg extension.
Alternating the arms from a bent position to a straight position builds up the chest and back muscles, as well as the core and legs.
If you're looking for a very challenging middle back exercise, try doing shrugs from the bent over row position.
Both a benefit and a challenge of doing shrugs from a bent over position is the stability of the lower back.
This exercise now takes you from bent arms to straight arms into the handstand.
For him the elevation in height and the different feelings that come up in his body just going from bent knees to straight causes a sense of anxiety to start rising up inside him.
From a bent nail posing as Chekov's Gun to damning and life - saving «rockets», Krasinski proves himself a maestro of suspense behind the camera, holding hostage audiences breathless and on knife's edge from damn near the very first frame, finding room for fine - tuned familial drama and smuggling in a touching coming - of - age subplot along the way.
His behavior sees him bounced reluctantly out of a relationship with his girlfriend Cassidy (Larson, Scott Pilgrim), but life gives him a detour when he wakes up from a bender on the front lawn of a strange house to the sight of Aimee Finecky (Woodley, The Descendants), a girl in his class so unpopular and seemingly average, he doesn't even recognize her.
We first noticed vibrations from a bent left - rear wheel in May and spent $ 130 to fix it.
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