Sentences with phrase «from broken homes»

The consensus among many marriage experts is that although divorce is a difficult process, most children from broken homes will grow into successful adults.
Kids from broken homes or whose fathers travel a lot.
Dogs often come into rescues from a broken home with a history of abuse.
He created a home in 1912 for young women who came from broken homes or were without parents.
Another survey found that children from broken homes were nine times more likely to commit crimes.
@JSutton — its funny how you ask that, every atheist I have met, are either from a broken home, have some trouble or run in with the law, did not have a mommy or daddy who loved them, who was bullied all throughout their life.
Here the conflict is pretty simple: good kid Darren (Chris Massoglia), a meek teenager with good grades and a fascination with spiders, and bad influence Steve (Josh Hutcherson), a vampire - obsessed juvenile delinquent from a broken home, are complete opposites and best friends destined for epic conflict.
Tony with Down's syndrome, Tamika from a broken home, and others similarly afflicted became engaged in learning thanks to superhuman efforts from teachers and student - centered learning.
I remember having wayward kids from broken homes angrily throwing cutlery at each other during meal times, but get them spending just a few days in the bush, and instead they'd soon fighting each other to save a cute little native mushrooms from being accidentally stood on.
#BlogCrush daydreams of a mum recently posted... My children do not come from a broken home
Simple math says that if half of all marriages are doomed, and if half of children from broken homes will follow in those footsteps, then my marriage has a 75 percent chance of failure.
An ultimate coaster freak, Rodriguez, 22, is a high - strung, indefatigable, fast - talking kid from a broken home.
The similarities between Rimbaud's life and Wojnarowicz's are striking: They lived exactly a century apart and both died in their late 30s; each came from a broken home with abusive parents; both fled to the big city — Rimbaud to Paris, Wojnarowicz to New York; both were gay, and each found a surrogate father in the form of an older lover — Paul Verlaine for Rimbaud, Peter Hujar for Wojnarowicz.
Like many of you, I came from a broken home.
A majority of U.S. minors who find themselves victims of sex trafficking come from broken homes or are runaways.
The fans just love it, because a lot of the fans back in the day were like, suicidal, and from broken homes and abuse.
How do we uphold our view on fatherhood in relation to the Almighty Father if a child comes from a broken home?
Like so many others, he is from a broken home.
It's hard for me to flatly condemn divorce, for example, when I know of several women whose lives, and the lives of their children, may have been saved by it, or when I hear from people who tell me they would have rather come from a broken home than grown up in one.
Many of her students had come from broken homes, and some were so unruly that many had given up on them.
You sure you aren't going to vote for someone who's never ran a private sector company, came from a broken home and raised by a Muslim in a foreign country who won't release his school transcripts?
Others, from broken homes, «kids nobody cared about,» have come and gone on to college or become successes in one way or another.
Children from broken homes are far more likely to suffer mental health problems — some research studies put the figure at five times as likely.
People who come from broken homes are almost twice as likely to attempt suicide than those who do not come from broken homes.
#postsfromtheheart daydreams of a mum recently posted... My children do not come from a broken home
Whether you come from a broken home or are a single parent yourself, your child needs you to take the lead.
I think all parents wonder these things, but especially those that came from a broken home.
He talked about his own life, coming from a broken home, and finding support and strength in a black fraternity when he returned home from the war.
A product of divorce, he said, «I know what it is like to come from a broken home
Most of the men at Broadmoor were from broken homes, all had committed serious crimes and been diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder.
As evidence of peer influence, she also notes that siblings grow up to be very different adults; that adopted children are more like their biological parents than their adopted parents in terms of such traits as criminality; and that adolescents from poor neighborhoods are more likely to be delinquents than adolescents from middle - class neighborhoods, whereas being from a broken home has no effect on delinquency.
The clever balance of the saccharine happily married couple, the womanising caricature kid from a broken home, the hopeless romantic, and his unrealistic, poorly - suited love interest has kept fans hooked over the years, no matter their own age or relationship status.
Marking a shift to the serious for both the filmmaker and his lead actor, «Joe» is based on the novel by Larry Brown, and tells the story of the unlikely bond between an ex-con (Cage) and a 15 - year - old (Tye Sheridan) from a broken home, with both of them looking for a better life in a southern town.
Set in 1975, the story centers around three Venice Beach (AKA Dogtown) surfer kids from broken homes — the ambitious Tony Alva (Victor Rasuk, who's a dead ringer for the real life Alva), the grounded Stacy Peralta (John Robinson) and the troubled Jay Adams (Emile Hirsch)-- who hang out at Zephyr's, a surf shop run by Skip (Heath Ledger, channeling Phillip Seymour Hoffman on a bender), who is the sorriest excuse for a father figure one could ask for.
She is, as they say, damaged goods: a teenager who comes from a broken home, whose mother treats her more as a friend than a child, who idolizes her jailed father, who seems to have a misanthropic outlook on humanity, and who performs sexual favors for older men for the sole purpose of blackmailing them for money.
Singer's «good looks» are curiously absent from his film, but its featured characters read like a litany of the underprivileged and have bodies and faces to match: drug addicts, recidivist criminals, those from broken homes, failed marriages, existing outside of the social welfare network who have literally fallen through the cracks in the pavement.
Around the Block (Unrated) Aussie drama, set in Sydney, about an aborigine kid (Hunter Page - Lochard) from a broken home who develops a love of acting with the help of his American drama teacher (Christina Ricci).
Adam comes from a broken home and is just so darn sensitive, and Emma, her mother (Talia Balsam) theorizes just in time for her big, revelatory shift toward a false resolution, is simply in the habit of trying to stay strong for her family after her father's death.
The youngsters are from broken homes and visiting the parent they don't live with.
Way's life - he's from a broken home and has dealt with tragedy - could have gone in a dramatically different direction but for a survival instinct he shares with fellow extreme sports stars Laird Hamilton and Travis Pastrana (both interviewed in the film).
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