Sentences with phrase «from certain quarters»

Nevertheless, initial reactions from certain quarters indicate, also unsurprisingly, that they are unhappy with the outcome of this and other recently released BEST studies.
Which is exactly what Basis plans to do — despite, it would seem, such control over the supply of a cryptocurrency causing perception problems for companies like Ripple, and attracting ire from certain quarters of the cryptocurrency community that instinctively shuns such interventionist policies.
This attack on the late Pope continues unabated for several paragraphs; it is worth breaking off at this point, however, to ask a question: if it is true that the late Pope did believe that those loyal to him laid themselves open to attack from certain quarters simply for their loyalty, was there not very good reason for him to believe it?
Wenger has been under pressure at Arsenal from certain quarters with some fans calling for change after a remarkable 22 seasons in charge at north London.
A poor start to the season and a battered Spurs cheque book has seen the big Dutchman coming under severe scrutiny from certain quarters.
Speaking on the floor of Parliament last week, the Minister said Ghana is «very safe», contrary to reports from certain quarters that security in the country is fragile.
The Director General on Media and Publicity to the Kogi State Governor, Kingsley Fanwo has described as a political joke, calls from certain quarters...
There is an overwhelming mass of noise from certain quarters easily betraying their political allegiance as they invoke the name of the Supreme Deity (God) and their local «gods» (conceived and characterized in diverse senses and guises) to sustain the NPP's Akufo - Addo that he is divinely destined to defeat President Mahama at Election 2016.
But doing that, of course, would lead to instant accusations from certain quarters — including this website — that they are ready to change the rules of the game purely to serve their party's own interests — thus rendering their own complaints about Tory constitutional meddling in the present parliament completely hypocritical.
Ghanaian football legend Rev Osei Kofi has expressed shock at the level of optimism from certain quarters in the build up to Ghana's third world cup qualifier against Congo.
Judge for yourself if there has been truthful information on this issue coming from certain quarters.
The statement recalled that the government, convinced of the sanctity of its decision then, had ignored criticisms from certain quarters which condemned the decision by the state government to send the students to Ukraine.
The moratorium was needed, she said, because of a «knee jerk response from certain quarters... expressing horror that scientists were brewing up deadly diseases.
Offering little dialogue and even less in the way of explanation, this is a movie that's going to engender enthusiasm from certain quarters and head scratching from others.
In those terms, one might say that the Dunkirk promotional team can thank their lucky stars that Christopher Nolan's streamlined WWII film is now being assessed in contrast to Darkest Hour, which may as well be this Oscar cycle's The Crown, for all the good faith it's being given from certain quarters.
Plus, I'm fascinated by the psychological dynamics on display from certain quarters... how could a novelist not be, about any of those things?»
As such, Baker's bill and other proposals like it have enjoyed support from certain quarters.
He is also understandably sensitive about carping from certain quarters that the building is already outmoded, a single, inflexible, fixed hulk, when the future is all about transparent, reconfigurable campuses: buildings able to adapt and change, and more open to their surroundings and the community they sit in (see Frank Gehry's HQ for Facebook, Google's in - the - works collaboration with Bjarke Ingels and Thomas Heatherwick, and Amazon's urban campus in Seattle).
Even though there has been a backlash towards LitePay from certain quarters, LitePay is a step in the right direction.
Harry Kane was controversially awarded the goal after it was initially given to Christian Eriksen and has attracted criticism from certain quarters.
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