Sentences with phrase «from chest congestion»

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Horseradish was valued in medieval Europe as a medicinal plant, used for treating all kinds of ailments from infected cuts and intestinal worms to arthritis and chest congestion.
«In the morning, our small chests were fiery red and close to blisters from the heat generated by the concoction, but we were free from congestion.
Aside from these, fenugreek can ease chest congestion.
My baby is having difficulty in breathing at night, he is been suffering from congestion in chest from long time.
Infant massage releases both polypeptide hormone and endorphins which can assist in relieving discomfort from teething, chest and nose congestion, colic and emotional stress.
This personal steam inhaler from Vicks is like a cozy blanket for your respiratory system, relieving coughs, dry throats, and chest congestion.
In 3 short weeks, I lost 8 pounds, felt lighter, more focused at work, and for the first time in my life, felt relief from chronic sinus and chest congestion that had plagued me for years.
Synephrine is derived from the fruit of citrus aurantium, which is also known as Bitter Orange, which has been used in Chinese medicine to treat chest congestion.
Not only does it protect you from a host of viral infections, this detox tea also helps you boost immunity, soothe scratchy throat, relieves headaches and nausea and even clears out chest congestion.
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