Sentences with phrase «from coal plants»

He sued to stop a major rule to limit mercury pollution from coal plants.
Renewable resources such as wind and solar provide less than one - quarter of the county's electricity, and one - third of the city's energy comes from coal plants.
However, the decrease in CO2 emissions will be greatly offset by the increasing need to import electricity from coal plants in other countries.
The biggest reason: economic incentives currently favor using energy from coal plants, even when low - cost wind or solar is available.
Fifty tons of mercury — one - third of all domestic mercury emissions — are pumped into the atmosphere annually from coal plants.
That conventional energy comes mostly from coal plants, which still generate roughly 40 percent of total German electricity.
They can't grasp this visceral reminder that emissions from coal plants kill tens of thousands of people across the nation every year.
When we use more clean energy, we also pay less to treat kids suffering from asthma attacks caused by air pollution from coal plants.
One of the leading and most economical ways to reduce carbon emissions from coal plants is to simply shut them down, particularly aging plants.
FuelCell Energy is one of a handful of companies investigating how to address one of the biggest barriers in trying to capture carbon dioxide from coal plants for later storage underground, an unproved concept.
Other companies and universities are trying out different solvents and sorbents that in theory could scrub CO2 from coal plant emissions more efficiently than the amines and chilled ammonia mixes that exist today.
Unabated coal refers to the production of electricity from a coal plant without using treatments to cut carbon dioxide emissions.
Using waste heat from a coal plant to power the heat pump can mean 80 per cent of the energy put into the slush can be retrieved.
Yet overall, she says, emissions from fishing pale in comparison to industries on land, such as power generation from coal plants.
Where electricity customers in Europe can buy credits from a coal plant as a «clean development mechanism».
«Power Plant in Ohio to Retire, Not Refuel With Natural Gas Main Waterways Need Better Protections From Coal Plants»
High efficiency low emission (HELE) coal technologies are a group of technologies developed to increase the amount of energy that can be generated from a coal plant while decreasing emissions.
HELE technologies are a group of technologies developed to increase the amount of energy that can be generated from a coal plant while decreasing emissions.
The Clean Air Task Force estimates that air pollution from coal plants causes over 13,000 deaths a year.
Of the 67 deregulatory actions the Trump administration completed last year, 20 lifted requirements on the energy industry — including scrapping protections of streams and wetlands to ease fossil fuel development and halting restrictions on toxic wastewater discharges from coal plants.
If the LEAF is charged from a coal plant, it might not be much better than a gasoline car (and maybe even worse if it's a very old and inefficient coal plant), but if it's charged from wind, solar, hydro, nuclear, etc, the impact from each mile driven could be extremely small.
There was also the global cooling scare in the 1970s, with high - profile scientists (including Obama's science advisor John Holdren) worried about sulfur dioxide emissions (from coal plants primarily).
Waste water from the coal plant can be used to fill up the EGS reservoir and then as make - up water for the water lost to the rock as the geothermal project is operated.
«Other risks like being hit by lightning,» he adds, «are three or four times greater than radiation - induced health effects from coal plants
However, many analyses indicate that saline aquifers will have to play a major part in carbon sequestration from coal plants eventually.
A Supreme Court case could undo a key piece of the Obama's environmental agenda, which hinges on whether the EPA should consider the costs of air pollution controls from coal plants.
North Carolina's Dan River was polluted with toxic coal ash that leaked from a coal plant earlier this month.
The dates to implement burying CO2 from a coal plant keep getting pushed farther into the future, and nobody has ever built a successful prototype.
Sulfate aerosols from coal plants = a major cooling forcing.
Researchers have created an impressive new kind of concrete that's made out of waste products from coal plants — concrete that could both last for hundreds of years and reduce carbon emissions by 90 %.
Making methane, CH4, starts with making hydrogen and using CO2 taken from the atmosphere or sequestered from coal plants.
She explained how their health problems were stemming from the coal plants and convinced parents — some of whom were undocumented immigrants afraid to speak up — that they had a right to live and raise their children in a neighborhood free from toxic pollution.
Every year, air pollution from these coal plants contributes to significant health problems including heart attacks, asthma attacks, hospital admissions, emergency room visits, chronic bronchitis, and costing Arizonans hundreds of millions of dollars in health expenses.
In the U.S., a range of legislation and regulation at the federal and state levels governs miner safety, coal mine reclamation, coal plant siting, thermal pollution from coal plant cooling, coal combustion emissions, and disposal of coal waste.
Along with reducing climate - change causing carbon pollution, the Clean Power Plan will also reduce other harmful pollution from coal plants resulting in prevention of 3,600 premature deaths, 1,700 non-fatal heart attacks, 90,000 asthma attacks in children and 300,000 missed workdays and schooldays due to illness.
They also buy certified green, renewable power from their electric company, and the switch from coal plants eliminates the remaining 8,300 pounds of CO2 produced by the electricity for their house and car.
However, that's why a market - focused, industry - led approach is so critical: the CO2 to be pumped underground could be harnessed from coal plants, whose application of CCS would allow them to operate more cleanly.
The parliamentary library paper showed that 321 gigawatts of new generation would come from coal plants under construction globally.
There were a few papers published at that time on the issue of particle pollution (mostly from coal plants which did not yet have scrubbers) blocking out some of the incoming sunlight and exerting a short - term cooling influence.
Natural gas and increasingly renewable energy dominate in - state generation, and California gets only a tiny fraction of its electricity from coal plants inside the state's boundaries.
Fine particulates are released directly from coal plants and also produced indirectly by sulfur dioxide emissions.
The biggest shift in half a century is underway in the U.S. power sector, as electricity from coal plants shrinks and power from natural gas and renewables grows.
At university, I wrote my masters thesis on acid rain from coal plants.
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