Sentences with phrase «from cognitive dissonance»

Chippy people who aren't in the magic circle et al. suffer from cognitive dissonance and say «well, at least I earn decent money and don't work 36 hour days like those magic circle lawyers.».
But I wish you well and hope your recovery from cognitive dissonance is easier than I suspect it will be.
Finally, scientific skeptics are immune from the cognitive dissonance that you project.
Either we as a nation suffer from cognitive dissonance, or we are just paying lip service to the constitution.
And they suffer from cognitive dissonance.

Not exact matches

There was a definite cognitive dissonance and somehow God opened my eyes enough that I took steps to separate from the growing misinformation and group think.
In the case of the Emergent movement, I wonder if some of the additional cognitive dissonance comes from it moving away from Young Leaders, which (in my understanding) was primarily a group that was evangelical and relatively conservative theologically, and moving toward progressive Emergentism.
You seem to be a somewhat reasonable person, and I presume the cognitive dissonance that is required to defend what can not be defended logically prohibits you from even contemplating such a proposition seriously.
nonetheless, such atheism — for lack of an objective moral anchor — still suffers from a similar cognitive dissonance.
Of course, cognitive dissonance will prevent any Christian from changing their opinion.
That assumes a level of cynicism that may be cultivated by a Mitt Romney, but probably not many rank - and - file conservatives, who either don't know this, or suffer from such extreme cognitive dissonance that it doesn't effect their thinking.
They must have suffered very much from what modem psychologists call «cognitive dissonance» — the painful disagreement between what we believe and what others maintain with assurance.
Right or wrong, I feel forcing the cognitive dissonance of the literal bible versus their moderation can be helpful in breaking them free from religion.
The book is a brilliant presentation of the cognitive dissonance that results from a faulty education, especially for a historian who continues to be hounded by the models of harmony he found at Chartres Cathedral and in the philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas.
The term cognitive dissonance is used to describe the feelings of discomfort that result from holding two conflicting beliefs.
Yet you suffer from some form of cognitive dissonance with regards to what New Labour was and is.
And double cognitive dissonance: On NPR some supposed Republican campaign expert pontificated the Reid is vulnerable because, since he is now Senate Majority Leader he is no longer Senator from Nevada.
Cognitive dissonance is a better descriptor for an internal state, although we should remember that all such descriptions are inferences from behavior, language, brain scans, and so on, not direct observations of someone else's mind.
Is there a cognitive dissonance that comes from growing up on Star Wars and then suddenly finding yourself piloting an X-Wing?
As much care and effort went into the mix as if this were The Bourne Identity (everything from the domestic clatter of dishes in the sink to the murmur of a CIA cubicle maze is attentively rendered), yet on this BD, the results are often comical due to the cognitive dissonances created by loud, misplaced cues.
A similar ersatz, too - late populism motors The Big Short — the movie begins with a quote from Mark Twain — though the cognitive dissonance it produces is even more dizzying than that generated by The Other Guys «closing credits: The handful of fact - based finance guys the film tracks, who saw that the economy was headed for calamity and made billions of dollars while millions of people lost homes and jobs, are held up as conscience - bearers.
Right there, buried in all the cruft, are good and sensible posts (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) which are not only grounded in reality, but which also stray from the normalcy of Sunk Cost Fallacy and Cognitive Dissonance.
Other expressions of scepticism may result from issue fatigue, cynicism about a media who seek to sensationalise or the experience of cognitive dissonance.
I would suggest a peer reviewed alternative from an acknowledged leader in the field — — but I fear not so much that the concepts are intrinsically beyond them (although that may be the case) but that cognitive dissonance will prevent the internal processing of information not in accord with the warminista world view.
I know from experience (witnessed) what cognitive dissonance can do to a person's sanity... one has to wonder about folks like this though, how do they sleep?
The remarkable cognitive dissonance of an adamant conclusion on the climate change mitigation reached from inconclusive hurricane data.
It's got everything, from hotels to hospitals to theaters to the world's largest mall, and a severe case of cognitive dissonance.
But the drive to eliminate cognitive dissonance — to rid yourself of the discomfort that comes from holding contradictory beliefs, or failing to act in accordance with your beliefs — is an awesomely powerful thing.
And it is not until it has borrowed this authority from climate science that it can identify problems lumped under the term «cognitive dissonance», to give it not just political significance, but global political significance.
Avoidance of a mature, science based, nuclear energy discussion usually comes back to cognitive dissonance alone, and from that comes a lack of rational cognitive thinking as well as a lack of courtesy to others and much «hand waving».
In another work, she draws lessons from cognitive science, and particularly the process of cognitive dissonance, to help advise lawyers about the tone they might wish to adopt in their advocacy — in other words, how hard they might want to push a position.
Cognitive dissonance — the discomfort that comes from holding two competing beliefs — can create a stall or standstill for your coaching clients.
As we both know, this cognitive dissonance scenario plays all of the time with big - time commission chasers who tend to try to live up to the standards of what one wants to earn vs what one is currently earning, and therein lies the problem with almost all wannabes, early know - nothing - careerists, struggling know - a-little-bit mid-term survivors, surviving devolving - from - naïve - honest - wannabes - to - practicing - the - sales - culture's ways - and - means - influence - peddling scripts / strategies wannabe - professionals - but - still - amateurs producers to the flat out high - flying Terry Paranych types who practice (pre Hearing decisions) in - your - face unethical behaviours in quest of more and more and more and more commissions before death brings down the final curtain on the greatest act one has ever been privy to partaking in... because for most, being a Realtor is all about acting.
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