Sentences with phrase «from constitutive»

A lacY gene codon - optimized for R. eutropha expressed from a constitutive promoter was incorporated into pIUV5Trfp, yielding pYIUV5Trfp.
The rise of the state hinged on the promise of liberation of the individual from the constitutive constraints (as well as rights and liberties) of non-state organizations and institutions.
In this sense, the foundational assertions of Christian witness and theology, as distinct from their constitutive assertion, are all assertions about God; and this means that, in the very same sense, the concept expressed by «God» must be as indispensable to Christian theology as to the witness of faith en which it is the reflection.
With man liberated from constitutive communities (leaving only loose connections) and nature harnessed and controlled, the constructed sphere of autonomous liberty expands seemingly without limit.
Liberalism's founders tended to take for granted the persistence of social norms, even as they sought to liberate individuals from those constitutive associations and the accompanying education in self - limitation that sustained these norms.
By suggesting that the individual is exclusively social, Marx alienates the individual «from the constitutive center of his or her human life, i.e., from God.»

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Or, as Luther put it in his lectures on Psalm 2 from the beginning of the 1530s, what is constitutive of the gospel is the identity of the one to whom it points:
«The phenomenon of the equiprimordiality of constitutive items has often been disregarded in ontology, because of a methodologically unrestrained tendency to derive everything and anything from some simple primal ground»» (SZ 131 = BT 170).
I don't know that we can talk about freedom in the gospel without talking about freedom from the enslaving paradigms with which it is also framed and which are constitutive of it.
It is at best a prolegomenon which seeks to suggest an element in the ministry of Jesus that gives it a constitutive as distinct from an exemplary character, that makes it the supreme action of all history (action that is fully and entirely human, yet unique), action which crowns a ministry in which the ambiguities of human life are progressively articulated, being action in which their burden is endured à l'outrance.
And so for Balthasar the Church flows from the seriousness of the Incarnation and Christ's life as a human being.4 The Church, therefore, is a constitutive part of the divine initiative and not a consequence of it.
By «metaphysics in the strict sense,» one properly means metaphysica generalis, or ontology, although from the standpoint of a neoclassical theism there can be no adequate distinction between ontology, on the one hand, and theology and cosmology, as disciplines of metaphysica specialis, on the other.1 From this standpoint, ontology is also theology in the sense that its constitutive concept «reality as such» necessarily involves the distinction / correlation between the one necessarily existing individual and the many contingently existing individuals and evefrom the standpoint of a neoclassical theism there can be no adequate distinction between ontology, on the one hand, and theology and cosmology, as disciplines of metaphysica specialis, on the other.1 From this standpoint, ontology is also theology in the sense that its constitutive concept «reality as such» necessarily involves the distinction / correlation between the one necessarily existing individual and the many contingently existing individuals and eveFrom this standpoint, ontology is also theology in the sense that its constitutive concept «reality as such» necessarily involves the distinction / correlation between the one necessarily existing individual and the many contingently existing individuals and events.
Furthermore, if we recall that to be human is to be social, so that our relationship with others is integral to and largely constitutive of our own identity, then our thought about survival of death must be very different from the highly individualistic view so popular in the past.
For Dodd's approach to succeed, it would be necessary to show that the inclusion of details from Jesus» life is not part of the adiaphora, i.e. not just one means among others of emphasizing the incarnation, but rather that it is indispensable for conveying the existential meaning of the kerygma, i.e. is constitutive of the kerygma as eschatological event.
But Hartshorne effectively replies that, even if finite beings depend for their existence on the creative activity of God, it still remains true that if God had created a different world then He would have been somewhat different from the way He actually is by virtue of the fact that His perfect knowledge would have been of that world rather than of this world; and so the point still holds that divine cognitive relations to the creatures are partially constitutive of God.7
The recognition of the central and constitutive role and the necessity of the varied institutions that exist between the state and the individual has been a staple observation of thinkers from Tocqueville to contemporary thinkers on both the nominal right and nominal left, such as Bertrand de Jouvenel, Robert Nisbet, Russell Kirk, Christopher Lasch, Alasdair MacIntyre, Wilson Carey McWilliams, and Jean Bethke Elshtain.
They are rather disclosed as constitutive factors in the nature of the real.25 Thus, the paradigmatic happening which governs the distinctively Christian vision of God prohibits us from perceiving God as a self - contained, immutable Absolute.
From James in particular, Whitehead borrowed the generalized notion of «experience» as pervasive and as constitutive of all entities, characterized chiefly by vague and preconscious feelings of causal connectedness and mutual influence among the neutral entities.
Freedom has several dimensions, and all of them are emergents from the functioning of the constitutive relations in which an individual has his being.
The orienting term as a constitutive factor of the dynamic tendency, is immanent in it, but precisely because it is above it and differentiates the dynamism from itself as not its own.
From the perspective of process thought, relations are fundamentally constitutive of who we are.
Holloway then goes on to say that from this flows, as equally constitutive of who and what we are as spiritual beings, a further procession.
If that is so, then we are given a starting place where, from within our various churches, we ask after what is constitutive of and proper to the content of truly catholic worship.
Bultmann's procedure of eliminating Jesus» message from primitive Christianity means ultimately that «Christian faith is understood as faith in the exalted Lord for whom the historical Jesus as such no longer possesses constitutive significance».
It is for this reason that the properties of a system can not be derived from the properties of its constitutive parts, that is, from the properties possessed by these entities when outside the system.
While unitary State sovereignty represented a limitation on our natural liberty in the abstract, in fact it promised a new kind of liberty» liberty from the myriad forms of constitutive identification and membership in non-state institutions, especially the Church.
This in turn has led to a situation, where Alam correctly notes: «The Other can not be constitutive of your self; rather the self has to be protected from the contaminating effects of the Other's presence.»
As Hobbes's illustration to the Leviathan so eloquently depicted, an increasingly «liberated» citizenry, resulting from the diminishment of constitutive memberships in social groups and associations, would be connected only through one bond, one relation, one connection» the state.
This implication follows necessarily, I believe, from the concept of God as being strictly universal as well as individual, and hence as not being merely one individual among others but the one individual whose existence is constitutive of reality as such.
A prehension whose datum is included as a constitutive aspect of the occasion is a positive prehension; one in which the datum is eliminated from feeling is called a negative prehension.
From these remarks, it would seem that fallibilism is the regulative principle that no hypothesis should be regarded as absolutely determinate and certain, while the doctrine of continuity, or «synechism,» as Peirce usually called it, is the corresponding constitutive principle that the things constituting reality are never absolutely determinate and discrete.
He suggested that we might need a Teilhardian / Rahnerian perspective upon spirit emerging from matter, and also a good «natural theodicy» to take account of the fact that «death is constitutive of evolution».
Therefore, if we hold that grace is constitutive of human nature, then we can not at the same time hold that it is gratuitous, that it comes from above and as a favour.
But because God in God's self - sufficiency desires nothing from us and has no constitutive use for us, affirming any substantial meaning to the notion that God «loves» us becomes problematic.
The constitutive expression of these endothelial cell adhesion molecules was very similar for most of the lines derived from different organs, i.e., very low expression levels of E-selectin and VCAM - 1 and more pronounced expression of ICAM - 1.
2) If ES cell clones are not available from the IKMC / IMPC resource, mouse models will be generated using genome editing approaches such as CRISPR / Cas9 nuclease technology (on C57BL / 6N genetic background only) and may cover constitutive knock - outs or point mutations.
To further investigate the role of STAT6 in regulating constitutive COX - 2 expression, a deleted form of STAT6 lacking the C - terminal 186 amino acids (aa)(from 662 - 847, MW 75 kDa) that has been shown to act dominant - negatively (STAT6 DN) was constructed and stable cell lines were established (Mikita et al., 1996).
In our laboratory, we have previously described an in vitro model of spontaneous transformation of the IL -3-dependent hematopoietic BaF3 cell line towards growth factor - independent tumorigenic clones with constitutive STAT5 activation.14 This model was developed from the study of BaF3 cells transfected with an IL - 9Rα mutant lacking the STAT - recruiting site (BaF3 phe116).
The naturally - driven down - regulation by singing observed here complements results from experimentally - induced constitutive down - regulation of FoxP2 during sensorimotor learning [47].
Both enzymes produce prostaglandins but we want to keep our constitutive prostaglandins that help maintain our bodies (these come from COX - 1) but not make the inflammatory prostaglandins that come from COX - 2.
Current projects include In the Shadow of the Negress: A Brief History of Modern Artistic Practice, which explores the constitutive role played by fictions of black womanhood in Western art from the late - eighteenth century to the present, and a companion volume — tentatively entitled Touched by the Mother: Contemporary Artists, Black Masculinities, and the Ends of the American Century — that brings together many of his new and previously published critical essays.
The images challenge the notion of how to make a line or create a new posture for flattened space or abstract composition, swivelling from geometry to gesture, propelling representation and language into abstraction, exploring pictorial edges and boundaries as well as the constitutive or disruptive role of blank space,.
This case shall be considered more extensively in the argument against automatic loss below — however, disentanglement of the two constitutive elements of the condition for acquisition of EU citizenship may already lead to a means of distinguishing the present «Amsterdam case» from Rottmann.
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