Sentences with phrase «from crown of the head»

From the crown of the head radiates your light and beauty.
Inhale and imagine you are drawing golden earth energy up through your roots and bodyAD until it pours from the crown of your head.
Slowly bend your elbows and lower your chest to the floor, while maintaining a straight line from the crown of your head to your knees (c).
Your body should be in a long, diagonal line from crown of the head to heels.
Step back, creating a straight line from the crown of your head to your heels.
Inhale; straighten your legs towards the ceiling bringing your body into a straight line from the crown of the head to the toes of the feet.
I mean really, when our kids have 104 temperature, we apply some diluted uhm — orange and diluted peppermint oil over there back from the crown of your head to the soles of their feet, I kid you not, within minutes their temperature drops because research has shown that D - Limonene, the chemical components in these oils are in the bloodstream within 20 minutes after topical application.
The next step is to work on your alignment by finding the vertical line of reference that runs from the crown of your head all the way down to your feet; this is also known as your plumb line.
Simultaneously push back through the heels to engage the quadriceps and bring the lower body to life, and reach your sternum forward, creating a straight, taut line of energy from the crown of your head through your feet.
Show off your pretty profile with a chic, messy braid that goes from the crown of your head down to the nape of your neck, then secure the rest of your hair into a messy bun.
Right from the crown of their head to the sole of their feet, every part of their body is in the right proportion; nature is indeed to them.
The light lay upon the girl's dark, shiny hair and caused it to glow like some angel had just lifted a hand away from the crown of her head.
Freud depicts the artist on a downward angle from the crown of his head to the top of his green t - shirt - clad chest.

Not exact matches

So Satan went forth from the presence of the LORD, and afflicted Job with loathsome sores from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head.
A leper, the advocate of the oppressed, tries to liberate Jesus by removing the gold crown from his head, and Jesus encourages the leper, pleading:
But in the end the forces of oppression from both church and state restore the gold crown to Jesus» head, making him once again their prisoner.
At Blessed Ashes Importers LTD our Lebanese Christian workers gather and burn Paliurus wood the same shrub that the Crown of Thorns placed upon Jesusess head was from.
Those who reflect insufficiently find it peculiar that people suffer the oppression of this kind of sovereign with docility and patience, that they do not open their eyes to the vices and excesses of the clergymen who degrade them, and that they endure from a head that is shorn what they wold not suffer from a head crowned with laurels.
You have stated what you believe that the separation is of Church from the State but it has also been argued that it is that after fighting the English crown who is also the head of the church, the framers desired that the Government shall have no place within the Church.
Catholic by profession but from political expediency, he sought to use the Church for his own ends, insisted on appointing the bishops, and brought Pope Pius VII to Paris for his coronation as Emperor — but placed the crown on his own head and that of his Empress.
However, Ineffabilis Deus says: «All our hope do we repose in the most Blessed Virgin» in the all fair and immaculate one who has crushed the poisonous head of the most cruel serpent and brought salvation to the world: in her who is the glory of the prophets and apostles, the honor of the martyrs, the crown and joy of all the saints; in her who, with her only - begotten Son, is the most powerful Mediatrix and Conciliatrix in the whole world; in her who is the most excellent glory, ornament, impregnable stronghold of the holy Church; in her who has destroyed all heresies and snatched the faithful people and nations from all kinds of direst calamities; in her do we hope who has delivered us from so many threatening dangers.»
11 Teams are trying to take the Crown away from Team Wellek (who will start as the # 9 seed this Season) and there are a bunch of possibilities as we head toward the Championship on August 9.
QB Brock Johnson, the grandson of head coach Bob Johnson (well - known to De La Salle fans since the two schools played four times from 2004 - 2007), returns to lead team that won CIF - SS West Valley Division crown.
Because their legs are curled up against the torso for much of the pregnancy, making a full - length measurement difficult, babies often are measured from the crown to rump (from the top of the head to bottom the buttocks) rather than from head to toe.
A child is too tall when the crown of his head is less than one inch from the top of the carrier shell, or they exceed the height limits of the seat.
I feel such excitement when I read stories of women who felt their baby's head as it crowned, watched it in a mirror, or perhaps even held their newborn and guided them from the birth canal to their chest, unassisted.
Your babies length is measured from the top of their heads to their bottoms, known as crown - rump length.
From now on, to give you a better idea of your twins» growth, the average length measurements will be from head to foot (crown to heel), rather than head to bottom (crown to ruFrom now on, to give you a better idea of your twins» growth, the average length measurements will be from head to foot (crown to heel), rather than head to bottom (crown to rufrom head to foot (crown to heel), rather than head to bottom (crown to rump).
Like an infant car seat, when the crown of your child's head is less than one inch from the top of the carrier's shell, he or she has outgrown that particular car seat.
Regarding height, when the crown of the head is less than one inch from the top of the carrier's shell, your little one has grown too big for that infant car seat.
If the crown of your baby's head is less than one inch from the top of the carrier shell, then it's high time to buy a new car seat as your child has outgrown the old one.
And since almost all the prize packages are from sponsors; you can hypothetically be left with just a valueless crown on your head as a winner — without any cause of action, even if you were promised millions of things at the beginning of the competition.
Notice the energy shift at the crown of your head and hovering above the surface of your skin from head to toe.
It was simply a giant uprising of energy that ascended from the base of my spine and out the crown of my head.
Crown of the head is reaching toward the front with a long line of energy extending from the crown out through the heel of the back Crown of the head is reaching toward the front with a long line of energy extending from the crown out through the heel of the back crown out through the heel of the back foot.
Keeping feet facing forward while standing and walking, shoulders back, and head lifting from the crown (as if being pulled to the sky by a string) are the basics of good posture.
You should be able to draw a straight line from the tailbone all the way up to the crown of the head.
Push your two sitting bones into the wall and elongate from there through the crown of your head.
In any exercise, you will find that awareness of lengthening the crown of the head away from the tailbone opens up freedom for the rest of the body to move more smoothly and efficiently.
Elongate your spine as if a string was pulling the crown of your head towards the roof and another was pulling down from the tailbone to the ground
We can commonly count 7 chakras positioned throughout your body, from the base of your spine to the crown of your head.
Begin by placing the crown of your head onto your mat with your palms flat and shoulder - width apart, equidistant from your head.
Lift the inner ankles to strengthen the inner arches, then imagine a line of energy all the way up along your inner thighs to your groins, and from there through the core of your torso, neck, and head, and out through the crown of your head.
Lift your head and chest from the floor and place the crown of the head on the floor to get into Matsyasana, or Fish Pose.
The chakras are centers of that energy, and each one corresponds to a different part of the body — running from the base of the spine to the crown of the head — and to different organs, traits, and components of well - being.
Take a full inhalation, extending from your belly out to the crown of your head.
Breath up the energy of the earth from the base of your spine, up to the crown of your head, then breathe the energy of the divine back down again.
The body should form a straight line from toe to crown of the head with a neutral spine (the butt shouldn't dip or bow out to the ceiling)(a).
It is one of three Bandhas, which prevents vital life force from leaking out during intense yogic practice and facilitating its movement up the spinal column to the crown of the head.
End: Inhale, hold the breath and apply root lock, squeezing the energy up from the buttocks up the spine and out the top of your head through the «crown» or 7th chakra.
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