Sentences with phrase «from dangerous pesticides»

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Pixie @ Cheerfully Vegan recently posted... The 12 Most Dangerous Pesticide - Ridden Foods from and Paul Dysinger
Ecologically sustainable bamboo forests grown for fabric production do not require the use of pesticides or anti-fungal agents, and the fabric produced from bamboo kills 99.8 percent of germs that cause the potentially deadly Staph infection, along with many other dangerous microbes, according to a study by North Carolina State University's College of Textiles.
«While New York has tough laws to protect us from pesticides and other dangerous ollutants, Hanna is the prime sponsor of egislation to weaken those protections — putting the health of our families at risk,» the mailer says.
Hanna also sponsored legislation to repeal the state's pesticides laws, which provide the public with many safeguards from these dangerous chemicals.
You can spray it anywhere you deem necessary to cure an infestation, including clothing and bedding, because it is formulated from non-toxic ingredients and does not contain dangerous pesticides or fumes.
The potentially dangerous chemicals range from pesticides to those used in perfumes and fabrics.
American farmlands are contaminated with dangerous pesticides that are polluting our bodies from the inside out.
Coupled with pesticide - laden fruits and vegetables, suspicious animal products from factory and confinement operations, our standard commercial food supply is far from nutritious and is more likely dangerous.
That's right — our tiny bodies are exposed to a whole host of dangerous chemicals before we're even born, ranging from fire retardants to pesticides and petrochemicals (1).
However, I saw a report recently that non-organic tea originating from China was found to have alarmingly high levels of dangerous pesticides in the tea (both black and green), and apparently, a lot of popular brands failed pesticide residue testing.
Another cause is likely to be found in the dangerous harsh chemicals present in our polluted food, air and water supply, ranging from pesticides to artificial hormones (present in meat and dairy from non-organic husbandry), as well as in the ubiquitous electro - magnetic fields from appliances, cell phones, computers, TVs, microwaves etc..
While in these cases dogs generally do not experience negative effects from grass eating, this behavior can prove to be dangerous for pet owners living in areas frequently treated with pesticides.
[FN69] The court in U.S. v. FMC Corporation found that the corporation engaged in the manufacture of a highly toxic pesticide, and that it failed to prevent this dangerous chemical from escaping into a pond where the chemical was dangerous to birds.
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