Sentences with phrase «from deeper places»

Why our challenges with food are way more than just about food, and how they originate from deeper places that are calling for our attention
Laughing, No tongues» it was plain old English and I was not thinking about the words coming out they were words that seem to have come from a deeper place another plane so to speak.
I felt there was another expression that I needed to explore of really being honest and making the music that I would want to listen to — music that was from the deepest places in my heart, and not concerned with what's going to work on Christian radio or what's going to make this congregationally widespread.
Just when the fears seem to be engulfing me, one of my children looks at me and, from that deep place of truth, says I Love You.
Confidence, or that «venture forth» chutzpah we see in many children, comes from a deep place that can be cultivated whether both parents work or not.
«I hold the ideal that we'll be able to explain things from a deeper place
Laced throughout these days, thoughts rise up from a deep place inside you (your soul) calling out to you with visions of WHO you could be, WHERE you could be... all these visions float around inside you ready to turn into a reality until your mind steps in and says, «but HOW?»
Teaching from a deep place of love and always having fun makes her a sure win for a great class!
I can now help others from a deep place of experiential knowing and humility I didn't know was possible.
I really want girls to know that you can live this modern - day, stylish life while still living from a deeper place of connection, truth, and meaning.
This one is coming from a deep place, and this time the whole world is interested.
The View from Mount Joy is truly glorious: a warm, wonderful picture of life as seen from the deepest places in the heart.

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She said yes, adding that «the demand for hunger for women's places from professional women is really, really deep and broad.»
Dig deep, as this special something may come from the most unlikely places.
The background is not meant to distract from or excuse the horrific acts of her clients, but instead provide the jury the broad, sometimes generations - deep, context in which the actions took place.
He's speaking from such a deep place of ingrained passion for fitness as a way to improve our lives.»
It's also worth asking the deeper questions, like whether or not your company is contributing to disproportionate unemployment of trans * workers, or whether your company is placed to attract top talent from the trans community.
Three thousand miles off the Eastern coast of New Zealand and more than 2 miles deep, it's the one place farthest from any land mass on Earth.
But they have generated deep frustration in places like Washington — including from President Trump during the campaign.
Wide ranged efforts to promote deeper learning in the STEM subjects will also help ensure that all students are ready for college or for the workforce when they graduate from high school and that they are prepared to take their place as productive, full participants in society.
These beliefs are often deep - seated, having been in place for years, due to programming in your childhood, from organized religion and even the government.
This year, the second edition of StartUp Asia Berlin Roadshow (SUAB) took place from October 18 — 29, 2017 with an aim to foster deeper connections between the four startup hubs Berlin, Bangalore, Manila, and Jakarta.
He died east of Brest, deep in the woodlands of Huelgoat, a place that had been a frequent retreat when he was a child and where his imagination had first begun to float free from its moorings in ordinary life.
A lot of gay people feel a deep disconnect from religion because what we hear from the pulpit and what we hear in «the secret place» don't line up.
There have been actual, physical, places which were considered to be the gateway to «Hades» (Hades was the Greek name of the G - d of the underworld, Pluto was the Roman name)... most of these places were places that emitted gases from deep in the earth that killed off flying birds and / or the animals surrounding the area (Can't remember the name of the lake in Italy offhand, but there's a new find in Turkey with roughly the same idea):
There's Arkansas, bounty hunters, snakes real, human, and symbolic, being rescued from a snake pit by a very errant knight, a display of the gratuitous slaughter that comes when you take the law in your own hands, a deep commentary on place, displacement, the state of nature, and the techno - forces of the modern world and modern government, solidly American thoughts on law, property, justice, and keeping your word, and so forth and so on.
Jesus asks us to abandon all baggage, become like children, and live in that place of deep freedom from want.
Most Americans get from these sources a picture of American innocence, such that the deep hatred we inspire in many places, and the suspicion of our motives widely entertained elsewhere, are hardly understood.
From the eastern rim Jorgé throws a rockinto the deep and we hear nothing in return.An American lady says as she walks awaythat it's a nice place to visit and her voicetrails off.
(Isaiah 6:1 - 3) Such a God was not lightly to be approached; an inviolability not to be profaned lay deep in Isaiah's thought of the Eternal; but reverence had taken the place of dread as the corollary of holiness, majesty had displaced the former dangerousness of the deity, and the response demanded from man by the holiness of the Most High had become thoroughly ethical.
But my frustration stems from a deep belief that fiction deserves a place in these conversations.
While Capernwray provided those key principles, it also provided me with something I did not expect; a place of healing from a deep wound left by someone when I was younger.
It is presumptious of you to infer that only the religious can be moral; fact is, my morality would seem to come from a much deeper place than that of those who need religious prompting.
I came to Jesus Christ from a place of deep skepticism and cynicism.
The real deep nourishing of the Catholic - Buddhist encounter I think may well come from other places.
My hope is that we can awaken to our extraordinary potential, from a place of deep care and love for the whole, however that should manifest.
The so - called Tridentine rite, of course, far from being «medieval» has roots deep in pre-medieval antiquity (it is in any case a strange view of history in which the Counter-Reformation took place in the middle ages), and is a living manifestation of the Newmanian principle of development, wherebya process of continuous change is inevitable if the essence of the Church's faith is to remain the same: for, as The Catholic Herald pointed out in its admirable leader, the reforms of Pope St Pius V, enshrined in the Missal of 1570, itself containing ancient elements, «were inspired by the Council of Trent.
For Bergson, each tension yields a problem that is also the mark of apparently irreconcilable views of what is vital to the place of human beings in the world: (1) Time is measurable according to length and brevity, but immeasurable in reality, because it is qualitative, felt, and immediate; (2) Psychological life is divided into a self awareness of deeper, dynamic layers of human beings and what is superficial and fixed; (3) There is an inner consciousness and an independent world apart from inner consciousness.
After a late night of being regaled with stories of his grandfather (by way of adoption) Scipio Africanus» the general who defeated Hannibal at Zama» Aemilianus falls into a deep sleep and dreams that the spirit of Africanus has visited him and raised him to a place high up among the brightly shining stars, from which he may look down on Carthage.
If you knew any one of these people you would understand that they are coming from a place of love and deep respect for all people, Christian or not.
It caused me to go to deeper deeper places, and what I found was that Christianity in the Bible was very different from the Christianity I had been exposed to.
Deeper pondering of that process has revealed no machine working automatically but an organism characterized by interpenetration of its several parts, with genuinely new things emerging from time to time, and with a real place for decision by creaturely agents.
For Christians who come from cultures shaped by another faith, an even more intimate interior dialogue takes place as they seek to establish the connection in their lives between their cultural heritage and the deep convictions of their Christian faith.
i know that most of the time i'm messing around on these boards, but i am sincerely sorry to hear about your story... disillusionment — I know, can be a horrible thing and often is rooted in deep pain and disappointment... i have no idea what you must have gone through to get to this dark place but — even now, i'm praying that the God of all comforts would reveal Himself to you... in my dark days and moments I take comfort from Phil 1:6 and Romans 8:28... He has not walked away from you — no matter how you feel, and will complete what He started in you.
Speculation does not take heed of the fact that in relation to sin the ethical has its place, which employs an emphasis which is the converse of that of Speculation and accomplishes the opposite development; for the ethical does not abstract from reality but goes deeper into reality, operating essentially by the aid of the category of the individual, which is the category overlooked and despised by Speculation.
Preparation: - Place a large, deep, non-stick pan (or even medium non-stick pot) over medium - high heat, and add in about 1 tablespoon of oil; once the oil is hot, add in the smoked sausage medallions, and caramelize them for a few minutes until they become a deep brown color; remove the sausage from the pan with a slotted spoon, and set aside.
I just want to note the irony that the only place I think I've ever heard of adding heavy cream to an egg scramble came from a healthy - themed Mexican cookbook... and let's not forget the deep fried tortilla strips.
A few words of caution: deep - frying is cooking with a vat of very hot (350 to 375 degrees F.) oil, so be sure the stand is very sturdy and placed on a level surface away from overhanging branches.
It's been nearly nine years now since I lived in Ireland, a place that some deep ancestral vein in me recognized as home from the first moment I stepped out for an exceptionally early morning run there, in the late summer of 2008.
Preheat oil in deep fryer or Dutch oven to 350 degrees F. Remove wings from brine, placing on paper towels and allowing them to dry slightly.
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