Sentences with phrase «from developing into adults»

This formula stops flea eggs and flea larvae from developing into adult fleas for up to seven months.
Certain medicines may also contain insect growth regulators that prevent flea eggs from developing into adult fleas.
If given consistently over a 12 - month period, it's possible to actually stop worms from developing into adults.
This monthly flea, tick, and mosquito treatment for dogs over 66 pounds breaks the flea life cycle and eggs from developing into adults for up to 123 days.
This will break the flea lifecycle by interfering with its development within the egg and preventing eggs from developing into adult fleas.
This fogger not only kills adult fleas and ticks, it stops hatching eggs and larvae from developing into adult fleas and prevents flea infestations.
These medications help to prevent the microfilariae (larvae) from developing into adult heartworms, thus preventing your Schnauzer from heartworm disease.
There are mutiple topical treatments like Cheristin, Frontline and Revolution designed to break the life cycle of the flea by killing the adult fleas and preventing the pupa from developing into adult fleas.
Even if doses are accidentally skipped, by giving preventives year - round the retroactive efficacy is increased, and it is possible to actually stop worms from developing into adults.
The product needs to contain two main ingredients — one to kill the adult fleas and one to prevent the eggs, larvae, and pupae from developing into adult fleas.
IGRs are effective in controlling a flea infestation because they prevent flea eggs and larvae from developing into adult fleas.
Topical flea preventives typically contain both an adulticide and insect growth regulators (IGRs)-- the adulticide kills the adult flea while the IGR kills the eggs and larvae, preventing them from developing into adults.
Giving your dog SENTINEL ® Brand Products every 30 days prevents flea eggs from developing into adults, breaking the life cycle, and prevents infestations while protecting your dog against potentially deadly heartworms and a broad spectrum of intestinal parasites.
HEARTGARD Plus kills tissue larval stages of heartworms and helps prevent them from developing into adults and causing heartworm disease.
Lufenuron, a unique ingredient found in SENTINEL Brand Products, prevents fleas from developing into adults.
HEARTGARD Plus kills heartworm larvae, preventing them from developing into adult heartworms.
Methoprene allows eggs and larvae to survive, but prevents them from developing into adults.
Flea and tick prevention products that contain insect growth regulators (IGR) stops eggs and larvae from developing into adult fleas.
Remove fleas, flea eggs, and larvae from the house and yard by using flea medication treatments that kill adult fleas (adulticides) and contain insect growth regulators (IGR's) to prevent eggs and larvae from developing into adults.
Frontline Gold kills fleas, flea eggs, larvae, chewing lice, and ticks as well as prevents the next generation of flea eggs and larvae from developing into adults.
Its major drawback is that it does not kill adult fleas --- Program is designed to stop flea eggs and larvae from developing into adult fleas.
Fipronil KILLS ADULT FLEAS AND TICKS including those that transmit Lyme disease (S)- METHOPRENE ATTACKS FLEA EGGS to disrupt their growth process and stop them from developing into adults KILLS CHEWING LICE and rapidly eliminates infestations Waterproof protection Fast Acting Long Lasting Warning: Do not use on cats.
They work by preventing the flea from developing into an adult.
Your veterinarian can provide you with flea products that contain insect growth regulators (IGRs) that will prevent larvae from developing into adults, in addition to chemicals that will kill the adult fleas.
Second, (S)- methoprene kills flea eggs and larvae by preventing them from developing into adult fleas.
But, even if doses are accidentally skipped, by giving preventives year - round the retroactive efficacy is increased, and it's possible to actually stop some worms from developing into adults.
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