Sentences with phrase «from different cell»

In the breast, cancer stem cells and normal stem cells can arise from different cell types and tap into distinct yet related stem cell programs, according to Whitehead Institute researchers.
RNA was extracted from different cell populations using Trizol ™ (Invitrogen) and precipitated with isopropanol.
Myofibroblasts can proliferate elsewhere in the body as well — although they may arise from different cell types in different tissues — and fibrotic remodeling of the kidney, liver (cirrhosis of the liver) and lungs follows a similar progression, Genin says.
C, miR - 7 expressions in both parental cells and CSCs from different cell lines were measured by TaqMan PCR.
Initially, the Geneva researchers observed the vascularisation processes of human tumour cells from different cell lines.
Intrigued, the Martinsried - based team set up an elaborate experimental study to purify the exosomes from different cell types, including neurons, and analyse their contents.
Different parts of her body could have come from different cell lines.
They produced idential lambs called Megan and Morag, which originated from different cells of the same embryo.

Not exact matches

Within each cell are members with different areas of expertise, ranging from technical, to marketing, to supply - chain management.
And most recently, United Airlines came under fire for forcibly removing a passenger from a flight when he refused to be involuntarily bumped — and you guessed it, the whole thing was caught, in several different angles, on cell phone cameras.
Mitchell has also equipped her house with power packs that can charge off her car engine, three cell phones from three different telecommunications carriers to make sure she can always be in touch with clients, and she has begun to offload things like her accounting and CRM functions to software as a service providers XERO and NetSuite respectively.
Instead, LaFlamme's research team in Toronto is taking a different approach through injecting a billion heart - muscle cells (otherwise known as cardiomyocytes) that have been developed from stem cells.
What is in contention is the «how» exactly we came from single - celled organisms, and there are many different theories on how that happened, but not IF that happened?
From that bag of chemicals, an entire life form with scores of different types of cells forms, all by chemistry.
The average functional protein in a «simple» cell contains 200 amino acids (from the 20 different types).
Embryos are different from mere cell cultures in a number of important ways.
BTW, I wanted to mention, I really like the title «prayer from a cell» because of the different meanings of «cell»... imprisoned, small group of people, smallest living building block, etc..
This depends upon there being a brain, an arrangement of cells in a particular part of the body which by reason of its peculiar coordination makes the given routing able to «know» in a distinctively human manner — quite different from, although certainly continuous with, the sort of «knowing» that is possible for the higher grades of animal life.
Only a special systemic order of atoms in certain molecules of different types of brain cells, steady activity of these cells and excitations coming from sensoric nerves and running to associative and motoric centers are the basis of the peculiarity of brain function.
From single - cell fertilized egg to baby to teenager to adult to old age to death is a single process of one individual, not a series of different individuals replacing each other.
The speech appropriate to macromolecules capable of converging to form the nucleus of a living cell is characteristically different from the ethical imperative addressing twentieth - century Americans.
The brick is a relatively unorganized collection of entities quite different from an atom or a cell.
A cell in my brain is different from a cell not in my brain but, say, in a culture of cells in a dish.
I find it incredible, that so many have completely accepted the idea that we could get a single cell from inorganic matter, that the eye could evolve from beginning with a pigmented spot..., not to mention many times over, with all the different eyes around even in primitive creatures,...
The mind, while not being an ontologically different type of individual than the cells, is numerically distinct from them, and can thus be thought to interact with them.
Cell fusion technology is used to hybridize plants by removing cell walls from two cells of different species, usually those that would not normally breed under natural conditions, and then merging their conteCell fusion technology is used to hybridize plants by removing cell walls from two cells of different species, usually those that would not normally breed under natural conditions, and then merging their contecell walls from two cells of different species, usually those that would not normally breed under natural conditions, and then merging their contents.
Lots of taste cells are situated at the top of the intestines — not much different from the ones on our tongues — and these taste the contents of the stomach.
Monica knew from the start that he wanted to use a different type of foam than the black, open - celled polyurethane that is standard among competitor models.
You can choose from 6 different swing speeds and it runs on either the included AC adapter or 4 D - cell batteries.
When I feel she is ready for the different situations that come from other people having access to her then she can have a cell phone.
Jaundice which is due to the rapid, abnormal destruction of the baby s blood cells often resulted, in the past, in serious injury or even death for the baby, but this is different from what most babies are now experiencing.
«Exposure to different sounds and scenes is essentially what helps establish connections from one set of neurons — the nerve cells of the brain — to another.
If your baby's jaundice happens because he has a different type from his mom, your doctor may need to give him a blood protein through an IV that helps stop the breakdown of red blood cells.
A child turning to a comfort object isn't so different from what we do as adults when we take out our cell phones if we're bored or feel socially awkward.
But researchers barely tried to protect Lacks» identity, treating her cells as no different from a sample collected from a lab rat.
Our powers of color vision derive from cells in our eyes called cones, three types in all, each triggered by different wavelengths of light.
Since the first human brain organoids were created from stem cells in 2013, scientists have gotten them to form structures like those in the brains of fetuses, to sprout dozens of different kinds of brain cells, and to develop abnormalities like those causing neurological diseases such as Timothy syndrome.
In one respect the first look is unnerving, because the chemical mechanisms that seem to drive the cancer cell astray are not different in kind from mechanisms at work in the normal cell.
Jason Mills, a gastrointestinal pathologist at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, envisions growing thousands of such organoids, each from a different person's cells, and infecting them with a pathogen to study the role of individual genetics.
These «organoids» appear to be different when built with cells from autistic patients compared with when they are built with cells from the patients» non-autistic family members, researchers report July 16 in Cell.
«Birds and primates share brain cell types linked to intelligence: Bird and reptile brains have a vastly different anatomy from mammalian brains, but contain cell types linked to mammalian cognitive abilities.»
They isolated blood cells from HIV - positive patients on antiretroviral therapy and at different stages of disease progression, as well as cells from non-infected individuals.
Each of us develops from an unspecialized single cell into hundreds of different specific cell types.
Julius's team compared gene activity in different types of nerve cell from diamondback rattlesnakes, which all have shallow pits on their faces that detect heat.
An analysis of the HPV16 genome from 5,570 human cell and tissue samples revealed that the virus actually consists of thousands of unique genomes, such that infected women living in the same region often have different HPV16 sequences and variable risks to cancer.
In the future, this model will be used to assess whether the clinical heterogeneity observed in breast cancers arises from their different cancer cell of origin.
Interestingly, they found that stem cells coming from different epidermal compartments present very similar response during wound repair, despite the fact that they are recruited from different regions of the epidermis.
Previous research from the institute revealed there are different subtypes of dendritic cells, each primed to recognise certain types of infections.
Using a mathematical model known as the Ising model, invented to describe phase transitions in statistical physics, such as how a substance changes from liquid to gas, the Johns Hopkins researchers calculated the probability distribution of methylation along the genome in several different human cell types, including normal and cancerous colon, lung and liver cells, as well as brain, skin, blood and embryonic stem cells.
The only way the team can be sure they have grown the equivalent of a fetal brain would be to genetically test individual cells from different regions of the organoid, and compare them to those of human fetus, says Christof Koch at the Allen Institute for Brain Science in Seattle.
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