Sentences with phrase «from different political parties»

There are 10 positions available with MPs from different political parties.
During last elections, there have been several fraud complaints from different political parties.
I formed a party and in my party, every day, we got not less than 200 members coming to join our party and when they come and I asked them, where they are coming from, out of the 200 people who came from different political parties, 90 percent were coming from the NDC.
Some of the findings of the cognitive neuroscientists studying the brain scans of individuals from different political parties seem to suggest some interestingly patterns.
There can be no better congress of tried and tested politicians from different political parties but sincerely loyal and devoted to upholding the national interest at all times.
The NEC that approved that fund had governors from different political parties.
As the leader of the legislative arm of government, with members from different political parties, the governor said that Mr Adeyemo ensured that the relationship with the Executive was very robust.
Our Cartoon President, Season 1, Episode 8: Cartoon Alex Jones busts four globalists from different political parties; Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer; bathing together in the Satanic waters of a ritual hot tub.
Australian senators from different political parties have called on the Australian central bank to consider formally legalizing Bitcoin.
With a new U.S. president from a different political party taking office in 2017, few are expecting federal policies to remain as they have under prior leadership.
Mrs. Clinton and I may come from different political parties, but I admire her service and we have always enjoyed a friendly rapport.
And while the two men are from different political parties, Mr. Cuomo also complimented the president - elect, saying, «He's very good with numbers.»
Despite being from different political parties, we have worked well together the past four years and I have every reason to believe this will continue.
And while some include standards for who is appointed, such as requiring members be from different political parties, there can be questions about possible conflicts of interest facing the ethics board members themselves.
... Almost a majority of the commissioners are elected DAs from all across this state and all different geographic regions, from different political parties, and we are practiced in the art of following the evidence wherever it goes without fear or favor.
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