Sentences with phrase «from digested food»

In general, the stomach's primary function is not the absorption of nutrients from digested food; this task is usually performed by the intestine.
Whole grains help to prevent this by releasing glucose from digested food gradually and maintaining more even blood sugar levels.
Blood sugar refers to the amount of sugar or glucose in the blood at any given time obtained from digested food.
After you eat a meal, your body absorbs the glucose from the digested food.
I assume that means that we all should stop breathing as well (I'm pretty sure that the CO2 in beer comes from fermentation, just as exhaled CO2 comes from digested food; i.e. from plants that took it from the air).
While the research is preliminary, the results suggest that there's a discernible shift in the community when gut microbes go from digesting our food to digesting our bodies.
Eating too often also means you wont be giving your body a rest from digesting food.
The gut microbiome helps us with everything from digesting food to regulating the immune system.
Diarrhea (watery stools) occurs when the large intestine doesn't reabsorb liquid from digested food.
Celiac disease is an inflammation of the gut which makes it difficult for the body to absorb nutrients from digested food.
One of insulin's jobs is to take the glucose that comes from digested food and get it into your cells where it can be used for energy, The cell's of insulin - resistant women will not respond to a normal amount of insulin so the pancreas will produce higher amounts of insulin to control blood sugar.
Lastly, by preventing us from digesting our food properly they can also promote the growth of unhealthy bacteria in our gut, weakening our immune system even further.
Not only does the gut microbiome help the body absorb nutrients from digested foods, but it also synthesizes key vitamins and fatty acids that the body needs to thrive, including:
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