Sentences with phrase «from downstate»

Democrats in the Assembly — most of whom come from downstate areas where the cost of living is higher — were particularly vociferous.
Just days after receiving our demand to repeal the SAFE Act from Senator Kathy Marchione, and what amounted to a small patriot army, the governor, exhibiting a lack of respect, wisdom and discretion, cut a closed - door, back - room deal with Senator Dean Skelos, who then opened NY's Senate floor for a vote on a bill that would divide Republican Senators upstate from downstate and create a separate, unequal class of citizens: the law enforcement officer class.
She noted that the majority of legislators hail from downstate areas where the cost of living has risen sharply over the past 17 years, and pointed to the periodic pay bumps that had been provided to members of the New York City Council.
Most of the grilling came from downstate lawmakers, although Republican Sen. Catharine Young, of upstate Olean, summed up criticism of the MTA's record when she asked: «How can we ask people to give up their hard - earned money for repairs and expansion of the system when it looks like nobody's watching the ship?»
«Cuomo has the support of a small plurality of independents against either and strong support from downstate voters, while upstate voters are closely divided between Cuomo and either Republican.
As for Jobs, many larger companies are moving from downstate Illinois to Chicago: McDonald's, ConAgra, Caterpillar, Kraft - Heinz, Groupon, and Yelp to name a few.
While Governor - elect Andrew Cuomo is a Democrat, he ran on a fiscally conservative platform that had more in keeping with the Senate Republicans» interests — property tax cap, public employee wage freeze, spending reductions — than the majority of Democrats (particularly those who hail from downstate) in the Senate and Assembly conferences.
Faso told the Observer, «Heaney is the only one who gave to President Obama and the voters know that he is another in a series of wealthy candidates from downstate who have tried to buy this congressional district.
Valesky said his relationship has improved with DeFrancisco, the other Syracuse - area senator who campaigned fiercely in 2010 to wrest power from the Downstate Democrats and unseat some Upstate Democratic senators in the process.
Don't put radical left wingers from Downstate on the ballot.
We chat about the Women's Equality Party and a movement to secede from downstate New York with Casey Seiler from the Albany Times Union.
If he had succeeded, it would have marked an unparalleled shift in power from downstate to Upstate New York.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo gets a 65 percent disapproval rate from downstate voters on his handling of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
In an escalating trade dispute with President Donald Trump, China on Wednesday proposed an additional round of tariffs on $ 50 billion worth of U.S. exports, a move that could affect Illinois businesses ranging from downstate soybean farmers to Chicago...
In an escalating trade dispute with President Donald Trump, China on Wednesday proposed an additional round of tariffs on $ 50 billion worth of U.S. exports, a move that could affect Illinois businesses ranging from downstate soybean farmers to Chicago whiskey - makers and a host of other companies...
Utility rate payers, mostly from downstate, will pay for the deal through a surcharge on their bills.
Greenberg said the biggest decline in those numbers came once again from downstate, where the percentage of people who want Cuomo to serve a third term as governor dropped by 27 points.
If upstate New York split from downstate «the economic indicators of upstate New York would be among the lowest in the country.»
The measure has the support of 69 percent of Democrats and 57 percent of independents, 67 percent of voters from New York City and 61 percent from the downstate suburbs.
61 percent from the downstate suburbs and 57 percent of upstaters all say they support the Cuomo administration's decision to ban fracking.»
There's been an unusual focus on upstate New York among top state politicians from the downstate area in recent weeks.
There have been attempts over the years to separate upstate counties from downstate or spin off Long Island into separate state — though none have been successful.
Legislative payraises have had most of their support come from downstate members who point to their greater costs of living.
DeFrancisco said he called for the state to do a two - year study to show whether the tax breaks are justified, but he thought it was unlikely to win approval from downstate Senators, who would fear such a study would scare movie producers into thinking the program was at risk.
Spaces in those regions were added in order to gain support from downstate legislators.
The magazine published fiction containing social gospel themes and ran a regular poetry column titled «Poems of the Social Awakening,» carrying works by poets Edwin Markham, Vachel Lindsay (a Disciple from downstate Illinois — a particular favorite) and the Century's own Thomas Curtis Clark.
Although it would have been easy for a brewpub from downstate Illinois to remain overlooked, «Within a half hour, word got out, and we had lines across the aisle,» Potts recalls.
The only good thing she did was blow the neighbor's immense leaf blanket away from my yard... And it's very tough to watch the news from Downstate and other areas that took the brunt of it.
One from downstate with upstate comprehension.
The fourth and fifth place finishes, respectively, for Scheniderman and Brodsky have got to be a bit of a disappointment, given that both are known entities as veteran elected officials — albeit from downstate.
Cuomo was asked in response to New Jersey's plan to move forward with legalization as well as a push from a downstate lawmaker for New York to do the same.
While Democratic Senate candidates often are painted by the GOP as beholden to New York City interests, Putman noticeably breaks from the downstate portrait on legislative salaries.
According to Buffalo News Political Reporter Bob McCarthy, the endorsement boosted vote totals and served to separate a candidate's identity from downstate Democrats.
Informed that Amedore had taken sizable sums from downstate developers, Watt brushed it off.
While most New Yorkers will get a tax break under the new law, Mujica said 1.7 million residents — mostly higher earning ones from downstate areas where property taxes are especially high — will lose the ability to fully deduct their state and local taxes beginning with the 2018 tax year.
Russell said she has support from downstate colleagues in helping provide aid to needy districts.
I agree completely with # 2, but I'd also like to add that New Yorkers do not need to be represented in the Senate by two males from downstate who are both Jewish.
«Not only was George hand - picked to run for the Senate by convicted felon Dean Skelos, he was even drawn his own special district and lavished with millions of dollars from downstate party bosses.
If a good portion of the corruption comes from downstate Dems that is more reason for Flanagan to stand up for limits on outside income and meaningful campaign finance reform.
Perhaps more damning though were the comments from downstate Congressman Peter King, who was Collins's guest in Western New York, Monday.
How does he expect Gillibrand — a pro-gun, anti-choice candidate — to win the hearts and votes of progressives from downstate?
«We had to shift the focus from downstate New York to upstate New York.»
We think that an event in upstate New York has the potential to draw people from the downstate area, from New England, bringing people for hotels, they're going to have an economic impact, you know, that would be persuasive.»
«The biggest reason we got behind Kathy wasn't necessarily how he voted [on same - sex marriage], was why he voted, and raised all that money from downstate interests,» said Ben Potiker, head of the Upstate Conservative Coalition and a resident of Halfmoon, a suburb that constitutes Marchione's base.
Some members of Cuomo's team have been thinking about replacing Hochul with a person of color from downstate.
One would think if he's looking for ticket balance, he might be looking for someone who's not a guy, not white, and not from downstate, but it's hard to say.»
Burks was transferred from Downstate Correctional Facility to Clinton on Feb. 26, 2015.
One would be picked from upstate and the other from downstate, according to Camarda.
An assemblyman from downstate has reintroduced legislation that, if passed, would lower the blood alcohol concentration level of a DWI statewide to.05.
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