Sentences with phrase «from early history»

In this case study, Dr. Turner, examines the work of a sixty year - old man, who suffered narcissistic personality traits, resulting from an early history of abandonment.
My work unmasks these ideals to show a sense of cruelty that has seeded the country from its early history and appears to be universal.
From the early history, Chinese contributed to the development of Indonesian economy, while Indonesian people pay back with killings, rape, and social exclusion.
A darn good collection of Turtledove's alt history stories, covering a wide swath of time from early history with centaurs to quirky sci - fi with alien
A darn good collection of Turtledove's alt history stories, covering a wide swath of time from early history with centaurs to quirky sci - fi with aliens stealing thrones.
Understand the history of the Indian Residential Schools system with this timeline spanning from early history to today.
There are contributions from interstellar matter, from the three - degree - Kelvin background radiation left over from the early history of the universe, from noise that is fundamentally associated with the operation of any detector and from the absorption of radiation by the earth's atmosphere.
Banning is easily the most sober of this group, and he has resisted the (altogether incredible) effort to erase liberalism from our early history.
Japan has from her earliest history been an avid borrower.

Not exact matches

The two - time Oscar nominated actor studied history at Yale, where a back injury forced his early retirement from the crew team.
When Emily first told Marge of her intuition, which she'd realized had been present at so many points in her life, including meeting her husband, she said that Marge told her of the house's history of being handed down from fortune tellers to psychics, beginning in the early 1900s.
The chronological resume, which is what most of us are used to seeing, lists employment history in reverse chronological order, from most recent position to earliest.
It's a change in values that needs to come from the top down, and it should start early in a company's history.
An early effort in the holiday season is an ad campaign surrounding Target's upcoming exclusive box set from country superstar Brooks, the best selling solo artist in U.S. history, that will run during the Country Music Awards on Nov. 2.
The pre-eminent American science journalist, Gleick herein explores the history and effects of knowledge communication between humans, drawing a link from African talking drums and the earliest alphabets through the telegraph — once «a nervous system for the Earth» — to Wikipedia and Twitter, and the current state of information overload from which so many claim to suffer.
As Stuart Banner explores in his book The Death Penalty: An American History, one of the earliest American - made capital statutes — as opposed to ones borrowed from England — was passed in New York in the aftermath of a 1712 slave revolt.
At the University of Texas at San Antonio, the Institute of Texan Cultures is currently hosting exhibits exploring the history of beer, brewers and breweries in Texas; the stories and customs of more than 20 of the earliest cultural groups to settle in the state; and the role played by citizens from the Lone Star State in the World War I.
Papa John's early history reads like many pizza franchises: A young John Schnatter figures he can make a better pizza and begins delivering pies from a glorified broom closet in his father's Jeffersonville, Ind., bar.
However, Gliimpse had early investment from Anil Sethi, the company's founder and CEO, who has a long history in medicine while working for Johns Hopkins, among others.
The movie, told by industry pioneers Danny Sullivan, Rand Fishkin, Jill Whalen, Brett Tabke, Rae Hoffman and Barry Schwartz, covers the early days of SEO when people were «spammin and jamming,» affiliates vs. main stream, black hat vs. white hat, the unique and often rocky stories of the industry's pioneers, how Matt Cutts changed the industry, the history of Google updates and even has commentary on the future of SEO from the industry's top minds.
An excerpt from labour history «On the Line» looks at a critical early test for the newly formed IWA.
I wanted to learn about the last era of American history when public shaming was a common form of punishment, so I was seeking out court transcripts from the 18th and early 19th centuries.
Economic contraction in the U.S. and Europe in the early and mid 1970s did not lead immediately to economic contraction in what were then known as LDCs, largely because the massive recycling of petrodollar surpluses into the developing world fueled an investment boom (and also fueled talk about how for the first time in history the LDCs were immune from rich - country recessions).
He is currently working on a history of commercial fraud in the United States, and especially organizational fraud against consumers and investors, from the early nineteenth century to the present.
Along with the millions clawed back from other executives earlier this year, the roughly $ 180 million in clawbacks are among the largest in U.S. corporate history.
If your business is still in the early stages, it may be difficult to secure a loan from traditional lenders like a bank since they require a positive credit history, collateral, business plan, projected financial statements, and cash flow projections.
From Dutch tulip mania in the 1630s to the Icelandic boom and burst of the early 2000s, the history of financial market bubbles has been long and inglorious.
You know, that long - term history we're talking about earlier of stocks is made up of that bull market part that's kind of two - X the long - term average, and then all that negative that goes with it, and the blessedness that comes from owning stocks in the long - term includes all that volatility.
As stocks make a comeback from a series of sell - offs earlier this year that dragged many of 2017's highest - flying equities into correction territory, one Wall Street vet indicates that the current rally, set to become the largest in history, is one to cash in on and not buy into, reported CNBC.
Cells formed from four basic ingredients... methane, ammonia, hydrogen and water... all of which were in abundance in early earth history.
The Land Called Holy: Palestine in Christian History and Thought by Robert L. Wilken Yale University Press, 448 pages, $ 35 Twice in the history of the region have Christians controlled Palestine: first during the height of the Christian Roman imperium, from the early fourth through the eaHistory and Thought by Robert L. Wilken Yale University Press, 448 pages, $ 35 Twice in the history of the region have Christians controlled Palestine: first during the height of the Christian Roman imperium, from the early fourth through the eahistory of the region have Christians controlled Palestine: first during the height of the Christian Roman imperium, from the early fourth through the early....
Dec. 18, 2013 — The most complete sequence to date of the Neanderthal genome, using DNA extracted from a woman's toe bone that dates back 50,000 years, reveals a long history of interbreeding among at least four different types of early humans living in Europe and Asia at that time, according to University of California, Berkeley, scientists.
«From this history of the Bible in early American history,» Noll writes in his concluding chapter, «the moral judgment that makes the most sense to me rests on a difference between Scripture for oneself and Scripture for others.»
In spite of his early and short - lived embrace of nationalist sentiment and language and the military games he played with household objects, he knew that history was elsewhere, away from Jerusalem and what it represented.
He argued from the Qur» an and early Muslim history that Islam is a doctrine of self - assertion which teaches man to work for the attainment of worldly power and to attempt the conquest of the self and the non-self.
Groups or guilds of prophets are attested over the whole range of the history of the kingdoms from the time of Saul in the eleventh century B.C. until the fall of Jerusalem in the early sixth century B.C. Nor is there any question that these associated professional prophets were related to the cultus and / or the court and regularly discharged certain cultic professional duties.
At first sight, beings and their destinies might seem to us to be scattered haphazard or at least in an arbitrary fashion over the face of the earth; we could very easily suppose that each of us might equally well have been born earlier or later, at this place or that, happier or more ill - starred, as though the universe from the beginning to end of its history formed in space - time a sort of vast flower - bed in which the flowers could be changed about at the whim of the gardener.
Wolfhart Pannenberg concluded his incisive overview of the period with the observation that one must «spare the Christian doctrine of God from the gap between the incomprehensible essence and the historical action of God, by virtue of which each threatens to make the other impossible,» and went on to state that «in the recasting of the philosophical concept of God by early Christian theology considerable remnants were left out, which have become a burden in the history of Christian thought.»
To disentangle from its many complications the idea of God, for example, and to follow through from early Hebraism to second - century Christianity this idea's progress, while it makes the story more easily understandable, obscures the actual confusion of cross-currents, back - eddies, stagnant shallows, whirlpools, rapids, and cataracts present in history itself.
For the period from 1914 to the present, Blumhofer switches to the developmental model used by William Menzies in an earlier work, Anointed to Serve: The Story of the Assemblies of God (1971) She illustrates many of the points with fresh anecdotal material and brings into greater focus certain aspects of the history, such as the denomination's response to the New Order of the Latter Rain.
This sort of thing can be seen retrospectively from a later point in history but can at the most be guessed at from an earlier one.
Cellard, a French scholar from Collège de France, told the Daily Mail: «This is a very important discovery for the history of the Qur «an and early Islam.
The Assemblies of God learned this lesson early in its history when in 1916 it lost nearly a quarter of its following due to «heresy»» that came from a private revelation denying the trinity of God.
From what I've read about those earliest times, it seems more likely that Paul and Peter were at odds, Paul won and (his followers) got to write the history as they saw fit.
From the Puritans to the Projects is a compelling history of the treatment in Boston of «public neighbors» — needy people unable to provide fully for themselves — from the early 17th century to the present, focused on the construction and management of public housing in that city since the mid-19From the Puritans to the Projects is a compelling history of the treatment in Boston of «public neighbors» — needy people unable to provide fully for themselves — from the early 17th century to the present, focused on the construction and management of public housing in that city since the mid-19from the early 17th century to the present, focused on the construction and management of public housing in that city since the mid-1930s.
He recognizes the importance of Judaism from which many of the antecedents of early Christian myth and understanding of history came from.
Some additional readings and understanding about basic fallacies might also help you to see that your religious beliefs aren't any different from earlier supersti - tions and god stories that humans have invented in their history.
We can observe this search for a unifying principle at work in the history of philosophy, developing from Thales» water, Plato's Form of the Good, and Aristotle's Unmoved Mover, through most of medieval and early modern philosophy, and on to the objective anticipation of the final whole around which Pannenberg centers his system.
Protestants should look at the history of the Church and see how far it has gotten away from early Christianity and there isn't a need to create all these denominations.
There's one omission from this early Christian history that I regret, however; the Lectionary omits the twenty - seventh chapter of Acts, which tells the dramatic story of Paul's shipwreck and his brief stay on Malta, where the apostle is miraculously saved from the poisonous grasp of a poisonous viper, and from which he eventually takes another ship to Rome.
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