Sentences with phrase «from edifying»

This is a far from edifying, let alone inspirational account of legal ethics and professional responsibility.»
It lies close enough to us even though they wish to keep away from any such unfortunate ones and to avoid all sober reminders not alone from the careless judgment of the storyteller's art, but also from the church and from the edifying insight that must certainly know that the Holy Scriptures have almost a predilection for the halt and the lame, the blind and the lepers.

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With a little self - awareness, you can shift from unhealthy interactions to ones that are more edifying and productive.
Age cohorts and fertility rates may not be terribly edifying topics, but as Roof and McKinney show, they are crucial for understanding the plight of the mainline, Liberal and moderate Protestants suffer from an aging population.
Many fellow believers do not stray from the insular circle of the church community where they are content to «edify» one another with well - worn Christian cliches.
I suspect that if Christians simply walked in the Spirit and obeyed Jesus on a consistent basis, nearly any institution that we involved ourselves in, from marriage to a business partnership to a baseball team, would be fairly edifying to all involved.
This being the onset of the season of Lent ¯ when Christians think especially on the reality of sin in their lives ¯ I thought I would offer a string of quotations from Newman appropriate to this season now begun, a catena, as it were, of «edifying discourses» from a master at homiletical brilliance.
But simultaneously with these works, there appeared regularly from 1843 onwards, some twenty Edifying Addresses, always bearing Kierkegaard's own name.
In both of Peter's epistles he starts out with encouragement to God's elect in the Jews and from there continues edifying all the Jewish Christians in the Mediterranean.
Yes, some of us gather together physically from time to time, sometimes weekly, to encourage and edify one another, and while this physical gathering is one way of manifesting the church, or being the church, the physical gathering itself is not «church.»
Instead, we should engage in «edifying» discourse which seeks to help others «break free from outworn vocabularies and attitudes, rather than to provide «grounding» for the intuitions and customs of the present» (PMR 12).
The cultural role of such edifying philosophy is «to help us avoid the self - deception which comes from believing that we know ourselves by knowing a set of objective facts» (PMR 373).
This relation of the Christian teaching to life (in contrast with a scientific aloofness from life), or this ethical side of Christianity, is essentially the edifying, and the form in which it is presented, however strict it may be, is altogether different, qualitatively different, from that sort of learning which is «indifferent,» the lofty heroism of which is from a Christian point of view so far from being heroism that from a Christian point of view it is an inhuman sort of curiosity.
12:10) was probably a constantly recurring phenomenon in Christian worship from Pentecost to the time when I Corinthians was written, but more important was the intelligible prophecy in which the understanding of the speaker contrived to interpret the purport of his experience and to «edify the church» (I Cor.14: 4.
So also, you, if you make sure good words and edifying words proceed from your mouth, may be producing fruit for hundreds of years to come — even after you are dead and in heaven.
We have extinguished the preparatory stake fires, and some of us may even be able to cull out some edifying meat from your thoughts while still being on the edge of our doctrinal seats waiting to restoke the party we had been looking forward to (satire).
The documents of the New Testament arose out of the church in mission, in the task of evangelizing, edifying, correcting, comforting, opposing error, and, in general, witnessing publicly and from house to house.
Writings, however edifying, which were not believed to have their origin in that first generation were deliberately excluded from Scripture, because they lacked this apostolic authority.
Technology is a gift from God that can surely be used to edify believers.
May we continue to talk and to - talk - by with the shared conviction such talk is potentially edifying and can build up a common «shine» (arg - from which «argument.»)
Written by C. S. Lewis from the perspective of a senior devil mentoring a junior devil in the ways of temptation, The Screwtape Letters edifies the reader even as it engages difficult and ugly truths about human experience and total depravity.
'» The whole paragraph from The Moviegoer is so much more satisfying and unsatisfying, mystifying, and edifying, and, well, whole.
For another thing, it is not open to me even to be edifying, since the time is later than his, much too late to edify or do much of anything except plant a foot in the right place as the opportunity presents itself» if indeed ass - kicking is properly distinguished from edification.
-LSB-...] my list of edifying reads for the second week in a row is the latest post from Laura which I won't summarize because I think you should see it for yourself.
on my list of edifying reads for the second week in a row is the latest post from Laura which I won't summarize because I think you should see it for yourself.
«Last night I had a very in - depth conversation with a number of very committed, focused local elected officials from the city of Hartford and I was edified in so many ways, in detail, on a granular level, of some of the fiscal challenges far beyond the knowledge that I had on this topic,» Ganim told an audience of about 50 people.
«The delight a child gets from touching a screen and making something happen is both edifying and potentially addictive,» Christakis writes.
This quartet of books fits the profile: from the stock market to the Internet, business books to problem - solving, each of these titles will edify and entertain.Problem - solving primerProblem Solving 101: A Simple Book for Smart People started out as a book...
It's not always easy to tear your kids away from their tablets and make them do something edifying.
Contributed by Art Fair Correspondent Jonathan Stevenson / Taking shelter from the sensory fusillade of the copious Frieze, NADA, and Pulse fairs, I spent an edifying portion of Saturday afternoon on Bleecker Street at the Salon Zürcher mini-fair.
Wander through Glyndor Gallery and find plenty to edify body and soul in The Shop and The Café, including informal piano performances in the Mark Twain Room of Wave Hill House — the sets will range from classical and jazz to show tunes and works composed by the guest pianists.
My next reason for believing this is a tremendous site is that I also get to choose the teachers from among a wonderful group of positive and edifying professional people.
I have found from much lesser edified posts here that there is little (but not no) need for apology, since much of the critical comment stems from bias or ignorance.
But frankly, its not an edifying spectacle watching these academics being dragged kicking and screaming from the global warming bandwagon and being forced by everyone else to reduce their certainly from the spectacular corrupt down to just corrupt.
Pretty much from the start people saw the Web as the Wunderkammer that it is, an (impossibly) large room chock - a-block with objects designed to delight, horrify, inform, pander, edify, entertain....
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