Sentences with phrase «from epublishers»

Except people who buy from epublishers or read ebooks.
Inviting guests from your ePublisher's Web site to join the contest further solidifies your expert status as a judge, and brings smiles to the folks throwing the contest as well.

Not exact matches

Today we see a richness of offerings for online learning, from MOCC providers to open source systems, training companies, academic institutions, ePublishers, to various comprehensive online platforms.
In 2004, we evolved from an Internet epublisher to a small trade publisher.
After years of «good stuff, but no cigar» rejections from quality literary magazines, I found an indie epublisher for my women's fiction short stories.
With the lines clearly drawn, let's examine the most salient issues surrounding DRM from the perspective of indie epublishers, weighing each issue to see if DRM makes sense or not.
Everyone from colleagues to custodians could have more than a passing interest in your topic or expertise, so be sure to include your ePublisher's URL in the frame, or even on a strip of paper if it's not on your cover art, and secret sales could start adding up before you know it.
I can see where you're coming from, really I can, and as a newb who is published by an epublisher (albeit a well - respected one with consistent growth) my opinion might not count for much.
We also share inspirational stories and hard - earned lessons from indie authors and epublishers who are just starting out.
In 2004, we evolved from an Internet epublisher to a small press print publisher.
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