Sentences with phrase «from everyday things»

Love the blue jars on the mantel... now I will have to re-think my mantel =) Thanks I think the best kind of inspiration comes from everyday things....
These paintings, photographs and sculptures are made of and take inspiration from everyday things such as architectural elements, simple snapshots, textile patterns, and found detritus.
Duchamp's Fountain is accompanied by wall texts supplying answers to the question: «Why make art from everyday things
The spice also has potent antioxidant properties to stabilize and eliminate free radicals in your body, which can build up from everyday things like exposure to pollution, stress, and secondhand smoke.

Not exact matches

Aside from language issues, even basic things can seem unfamiliar, whether it's attitudes to personal space, using the subway or simply finding everyday grocery items.
Google recently unveiled more detail about its much - buzzed - about wearable computer, releasing a teaser video showing people doing everyday things with the futuristic tech specs — playing with the kids, skiing, driving, carving a giant tiger's head from a block of ice.
But even if Amazon's proposal becomes reality, it will likely be a while from now before drones flying in a special zone to drop off packages are an everyday thing.
The funny thing about language is how words and phrases seep in everyday use without anyone realizing exactly where they came from.
Distancing and even periodically detaching yourself from your everyday life (not just work) lets you see things from other angles and provides new perspective for formulating novel solutions and navigating uncharted business landscapes.
Still amazes me how people are so willing to follow an idea, a religion, a dude telling fairy tales from a stage, rather than the things that they see before them every day, and in doing so, tie everyday natural occurrences into evidence for the validity of their fairy tales.
The man who is wholly taken up with the demands of everyday living or whose sole interest is in the outward appearances of things seldom gains more than a glimpse, at best, of this second phase in our sense - perceptions, that in which the world, having entered into us, then withdraws from us and bears us away with it: he can have only a very dim awareness of that aureole, thrilling and inundating our being, through which is disclosed to us at every point of contact the unique essence of the universe.
Useful as it may be to abstract types of things from the welter of everyday experience, we must not commit what Whitehead called the «fallacy of misplaced concreteness» whereby these abstractions are treated as if they were the actual realities under consideration.
Insisting on the imaginative factor in the projection of sense — objects in no way implies that they are illusory — a consideration that everyday life gainsays, since often fatal material consequences ensue from representing things wrongly.
God comes to us in... things of our everyday life, apart from which we can not understand ourselves.»
Entertainment of the storytelling variety has a function beyond «escape from» the pressures and ambiguities of «real life» It is what we escape to that matters and can tell us in deep ways things about ourselves that are not readily apparent, caught as we are in the hither and thither of everyday life.
First, Whitehead emphasizes that the signs for numerals, letters, and mathematical operations are not the outward side of a language essentially different from, and more mysterious than everyday language, but that they are introduced to relieve the brain (see IM 39) and «to make things easy» (IM 40).
He draws his numerous illustrations from the common things of everyday life, the river, the spring, the horse, the frog, the pigs, the market, the fish, the fisherman, the seasons.
The whole purpose of fasting during Ramadan is not to just refrain from food or drink, but to remember those who are in need and feel for them as well as be grateful for what we have in things we take for granted everyday.
I love your list and I can relate from just when we were in Ireland for a month just how you start to do things more like they do just because that's how it's done like walking everywhere, drinking lots of tea, and going to the market everyday.
The spicy - sweet combo that makes those Fajita Sweet Potatoes so great is the same thing at work in this yummy salad from Everyday Food.
This keeps me from getting bored with eating the same thing everyday (no left over zone), while also helping to cut cost of eating out and food waste.
Freshly ground flour is bought, along with sugar and other materials and kept separate from everyday use things.
We do not play like this everyday coz sometimes when we are under the radar and people expect great things from us, we just fall out under pressure.
I'm totally heartbroken and mad that he's pushing to do the last thing on earth I want to do... today we were betting about something and i said if I won I wanted sex everyday and he said that was impossible so I said once a week... he turned away... we were in public and I just couldn't stop the tears from rolling down my face...
In examining postings with hastags of #sadwife, #happywife, #sadhusband and #happyhusband, they discovered that — happy or sad — they represent the same thing: the «performance of an ideal spouse where the inconvenience of everyday chores (laundry, dishes, childcare) and stresses (fiances, marital disputes, familial relationships, resentments) are absent from the rose - tinted world of marital performance on Facebook.»
I see the same thing from people everyday, expressing their shock and disdain at breastfeeding Mothers.
In our casual, everyday conversations around the dinner table, if we do not try and consistently see things from another person's viewpoint, if we do not try and understand how someone else who is struggling has gotten to the point of trouble that they are in, our teen will see us as judgmental.
I learn something new everyday about how things vary from district to district or area to area.
Baby Einstein gets baby familar with everyday things like music ranging from soothing to stimulating.
I'm your everyday average working mom, wife and friend that likes to share recipes, DIY tips, techy things and anything from crafts to home remodel.
But my friend's commute in barcelona is 1 and a half hours by car and 45 min by train with normal congestion, due to the many bottlenecks, the only thing stopping him from taking the train everyday is the severely bad conditions spain's trains have, tend to break a lot mid-commute.
But devices are changing, and those workhorse systems may not be the best fit for cloud computing or the Internet of Things, where companies add connectivity to everyday devices from refrigerators to streetlamps.
Reporter 5: [One of the things that comes up in our newsroom a lot is that this stuff is so divorced from the everyday reality of people that don't wor in [your] field [When you're trying to explain it to people who don't work in your field,] what are some of the basic things you can tell them about how [their daily] life is connected to and important to [this]?
They make up many of the things around us we consider part of our everyday lives, from bottles and tires to airplanes and medical devices.
Trying to understand the structure of the atom and the way electrons evolve in time felt very distant from everyday life, very distant from anything that government should be funding, if it's funding things that actually make a difference to our lives.
With an ever increasing number of everyday objects from our homes, workplaces and even from our wardrobes, getting connected to the Internet, known as the «Internet of Things» (IoT), researchers from the University of Southampton have identified easy - to - use techniques to configure IoT objects, to make them more secure and hence help protect them from online attacks.
Quantum mechanics is the field of physics governing the behavior of things on atomic scales, where things work very differently from our everyday world.
So some of the origins we have about, [well] we have more than 50 different origins in this issue and we go from the very large in cosmic from the origins of the universe and the origins of life itself to the origins of the human mind and computing and also to things that you might wonder about just in your everyday life, like where [did the stirrup] in horseback riding come from, where did the clock come from.
And so we have new opportunities to manipulate things beyond what you would infer from your everyday experience.
Its definitely locker - room wisdom that «cardio burns muscle» but nothing could be further from the truth!Its a well known fact that doing cardio everyday is the most important thing you can do for your health but lets assume you don't care about your health, lets talk about gaining muscle.
And for a vegan bodybuilder who must unfortunatelly play tetris with the food sources that he choses in order to give to his body the right ammounts of aminos, restricting SPI and soy foods so much does not make his goal any easier.There are sometimes that you need a meal thats complete with aminos and soy provides that meal with the additional benefits of lacking the saturated fats trans cholesterol and other endothelium inflammatory factors.I'm not saying that someone should go all the way to 200gr of SPI everyday or consuming a kilo of soy everyday but some servings of soy now and then even every day or the use of SPI which helps in positive nitrogen balance does not put you in the cancer risk team, thats just OVERexaggeration.Exercise, exposure to sunlight, vegan diet or for those who can not something as close to vegan diet, fruits and vegetables which contains lots of antioxidants and phtochemicals, NO STRESS which is the global killer, healthy social relationships, keeping your cortisol and adrenaline levels down (except the necessary times), good sleep and melatonin function, clean air, no radiation, away from procceced foods and additives like msg etc and many more that i can not even remember is the key to longevity.As long as your immune system is functioning well and your natural killer cells TP53 gene and many other cancer inhibitors are good and well, no cancer will ever show his face to you.With that logic we shouldn't eat ANY ammount of protein and we should go straight to be breatharians living only with little water and sunlight exposure cause you like it or not the raise of IGF1 is inevitable i know that raise the IGF1 sky high MAYBE is not the best thing but we are not talking about external hormones and things like this.Stabby raccoon also has a point.And even if you still worry about the consumption of soy...
Your liver is very good at doing it with things it recognizes like toxins and byproducts that are just from everyday living, but all of the novel chemical compounds that humans create, well our bodies have no idea what they are.
Admittedly, it's a bit of a bizarre thing to do: to extract oneself from society, stop talking, and observe one's mind, all day everyday, weeks... Read More
I keep my website and Facebook page for official updates and tailored to research articles, while on Instagram, I post things from everyday life, health hacks and sneak peeks of my upcoming projects.
Everyday I eat things like a banana smoothie, black beans and rice, plain cooked sweet potatoes with hot sauce... I try to stay away from processed foods 80 % of the time because for me it's not practical to eat healthy 100 % of the time.
I've heard many great things from you about them and I trust your judgements The eyeshadow colors are gorgeous and perfect for everyday..
The Sri Lankan workers making the boots are provided with benefits like subsidized meals for breakfast and lunch, transport to and from work, a welfare shop from which workers can buy everyday household goods, food and drink at discount prices, insurance options, and access to loans for things such as housing, education, critical illness and distress.
I work from home so it would be easy for me to get distracted by everyday household things.
Today I thought I would kick things off with an everyday comfortable indigo jean from DSTLD and French inspired relaxed tee.
Usually the pits are one of the first things to go — they get the most serious wearn'tear everyday, from sweat to deodorant to rubbing up against other fabrics.
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