Sentences with phrase «from feminist scholars»

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But surely, feminist scholars say (and I think rightly), bourgeois Vienna with its official Hapsburg ideology of duty and hierarchy and its rigid assignment of masculine and feminine roles must be the real culprit, and not some jerry - built theory cobbled together from Freud's schoolboy Sophocles and Comte's dreary one - dimensional positivism (Wittgenstein called Freud the «great mythographer of the twentieth century»).
I am not a Whiteheadian scholar, and my limited understanding of process thought has been developed primarily through contact with feminist scholars writing from that perspective.
This formulation is vintage Coakley: she takes a feminist concern — the vulnerability of women — examines it with the scholastic tools of an Anglican scholar, and finally arrives at a conclusion sympathetic with the whole range of Anglican devotion, from charismatic prayer to a more cerebral, Quaker - style attentiveness.
Fresh insights from feminist theologians, gay Christians, and those secular scholars who frequently manifest God's «common grace» in the world remind us of the numerous ways in which our particular sexual conditions color our perceptions of God's nature and presence among us.
The Christian feminist response to this secular critique, however, from scholars such as Tina Beattie and Sarah Jane Boss, has brilliantly vindicated the Marian tradition.
Her concept contains what black feminist scholar Bell Hooks in From Margin to Center identifies as cultural codes.
I'm no feminist scholar, but from what little I recall from a few undergrad courses, this woman makes the fundamental error of assuming equal means «the same».
On Sept. 20, it will sponsor a live debate at NYU's Skirball Center in New York with ABC News legal analyst Dan Abrams and journalist Hanna Rosin (you may know her from her controversial Atlantic article last year, The End of Men), who will argue for the idea, while feminist scholar Christina Hoff Sommers and Men's Health magazine editor - in - chief David Zinczenko arguing against it.
Lillian Faderman, renowned lesbian feminist, passionately recalls her unique journey from immigrant's daughter to model and stripper to women's - studies scholar.
Alexis Masters, lifelong mystic, scholar and kriya yoga practitioner, holds a bachelor of arts in transpersonal psychology from Antioch University, where she also pursued graduate work in feminist theology and comparative religion.
Feminist scholar Lisa Tickner argues that feminist art freed artists from the Oedipal narrative of art history, which she interprets as generations of (male) artists reacting to and rejecting the work of their «art fathers.»
Comprising 22 gouache paintings from her 1947 Paris debut, it was curated by the French American scholar Natasha Boas, who recasts Baya's legacy within critical, contemporary, feminist contexts.
Some younger scholars were included — Carrie Lambert - Beatty and the artist Wangechi Mutu, for instance — and there was also a desire to hear from people who have only recently started working on feminist art, so we invited Richard Meyer and Helen Molesworth.
Surprisingly, or perhaps not for feminist scholars, women's bodies continued to be used by the new Islamic regime as a focal point to distinguish themselves politically and ideologically from their predecessors.
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