Sentences with phrase «from flat calm»

Similarly, the conditions can range from flat calm to dangerously rough, and the visibility from 100 feet to practically nothing.
I've seen it go from a flat calm to force seven in 15 minutes — the kind of thing that can beat a swimmer a hundred yards from the beach.

Not exact matches

Along with calming fashion advice about how to choose flattering clothes that will fit any woman's shape and style, Gross's engaging stories will help every woman evolve gracefully from wife to mother, from empty - nester to globe - trotting adventurer — whatever role she chooses — while letting her style express her inner beauty.
Keep in mind that the typical results attained from a Sit Means Sit program include the consistent use of a calm voice (which paints the clearest picture for your dog), and includes the use of things such a leash, flat collar, food, toys, and enthusiastic affection.
The dog learns not by tightening real tight but a gentle pressure not to pinch or hurt dog, the rest of training after established collar is on is communicating with the prong, slight up / down motion... having a serious conversation with the prong collar is only necessary at extreme point, lunging to kill a dog or persons extreme and there is no treat or tone or action that stops dog already at a 10 then a calm leash correction and removing dog away from distraction to the other side of dogs thresh hold 6ft to across the street and repeat getting closer and of course treats and a «GOOD» is needed when a job well done Now, I also work with a Old English Bull Dog named Zoey who had to go 2 months to physical therapy for her knee she had surgery on a yr ago and I used a harness by Halti, they said no good, and a flat collar is no good on these kind of dogs.
I love skimming across the lake from Pana to San Marcos in the morning when the surface is flat and the wind is calm.
Flat calm seas made us feel like we were running on a mirror with humpbacks rising up from the surface with a mighty breath.
Tipping the phone left or right moves the story along, while leaving it flat can create long pauses; tapping the phone directs the characters to look towards or away from one another; stroking or shaking the phone makes the currently pictured character angrier or calmer.
John: Which seems to extend from «Flat Calm» to «Hurricane Force».
I watched these storms nucleate all summer out there, Franklin, then Katrina, and finally I observed TD # 16 (Ophelia) point nucleate directly above my location, from a featureless flat calm trough, on Sunday, September 4th, and observed the cyclogenesis event almost immediately thereafter, directly into a tropical depression surrounding me completely, in only a few hours, and then I was subsequently battered by 30 knot winds.
In 60 seconds flat things can go from calm...
In 60 seconds flat things can go from calm to being...
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